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A list of adjectives defining the range of human emotion, with example sentence
English Emotion | Spanish Emotion | Example Sentence in Spanish | Example Sentence in English |
ambitious | ambicioso | Ella es muy ambiciosa y siempre busca nuevos desafíos. | She is very ambitious and always seeks new challenges. |
angry | enojado | Estaba muy enojado por la noticia. | He was very angry about the news. |
apathetic | apático | Se mostró apático ante la situación. | He was apathetic about the situation. |
arrogant | arrogante | Su comportamiento arrogante alejó a sus amigos. | His arrogant behavior pushed his friends away. |
astonished | asombrado | Estaba asombrado por su rendimiento. | He was astonished by her performance. |
bewildered | desconcertado | Me dejó desconcertado con su respuesta. | He left me bewildered with his response. |
bored | aburrido | Estoy aburrido de esta película. | I am bored with this movie. |
cheerful | alegre | Ella siempre está alegre por las mañanas. | She is always cheerful in the mornings. |
confused | confundido | Me sentí confundido por sus instrucciones. | I felt confused by his instructions. |
contented | contento | Después de la comida, se sentía muy contento. | After the meal, he felt very contented. |
curious | curioso | El niño estaba muy curioso sobre el mundo. | The child was very curious about the world. |
cynical | cínico | Su comentario cínico no ayudó a la situación. | His cynical comment did not help the situation. |
depressed | deprimido | Se sentía deprimido tras la pérdida de su trabajo. | He felt depressed after losing his job. |
disgusted | disgustado | Estaba disgustado por la actitud de su jefe. | He was disgusted by his boss's attitude. |
enamored | enamorado | Está enamorado de su vecina. | He is enamored with his neighbor. |
enthusiastic | entusiasta | Siempre está entusiasta sobre los nuevos proyectos. | She is always enthusiastic about new projects. |
excited | emocionado | Estaba emocionado por el viaje. | He was excited about the trip. |
exhausted | agotado | Después del maratón, estaba completamente agotado. | After the marathon, he was completely exhausted. |
fearful | temeroso | Se sentía temeroso antes de su examen. | He felt fearful before his exam. |
grateful | agradecido | Estoy muy agradecido por tu ayuda. | I am very grateful for your help. |
greedy | codicioso | Su naturaleza codiciosa lo llevó a la ruina. | His greedy nature led him to ruin. |
guilty | culpable | Se sentía culpable por sus acciones. | He felt guilty about his actions. |
happy | feliz | Ella estaba muy feliz con su nuevo trabajo. | She was very happy with her new job. |
hateful | odioso | Hizo un comentario muy odioso. | He made a very hateful comment. |
hopeful | esperanzado | Estoy esperanzado sobre el futuro. | I am hopeful about the future. |
inquisitive | inquisitivo | El gato era muy inquisitivo. | The cat was very inquisitive. |
jealous | celoso | Estaba celoso de su éxito. | He was jealous of her success. |
lustful | lujurioso | Miraba con ojos lujuriosos. | He looked with lustful eyes. |
needy | necesitado | Era muy necesitado de atención. | He was very needy for attention. |
paranoid | paranoico | Sus pensamientos paranoicos lo perturbaban. | His paranoid thoughts disturbed him. |
passionate | apasionado | Era apasionado por la música. | He was passionate about music. |
pensive | pensativo | Se quedó pensativo después de la conversación. | He was pensive after the conversation. |
proud | orgulloso | Estaba muy orgulloso de su hijo. | He was very proud of his son. |
relieved | aliviado | Se sintió aliviado cuando terminó la prueba. | He felt relieved when the test was over. |
repulsed | repugnado | Estaba repugnado por el olor. | He was repulsed by the smell. |
resentful | resentido | Se sentía resentido por no ser considerado. | He felt resentful for not being considered. |
sad | triste | Estaba triste por la noticia. | She was sad about the news. |
satisfied | satisfecho | Estaba satisfecho con los resultados. | He was satisfied with the results. |
shameful | avergonzado | Estaba avergonzado por su comportamiento. | He was shameful of his behavior. |
surprised | sorprendido | Me sorprendió su llegada. | I was surprised by his arrival. |
suspicious | sospechoso | Se convierte sospechoso de todos. | He became suspicious of everyone. |
thoughtful | pensativo | Ella estaba pensativa mirando por la ventana. | She was thoughtful looking out the window. |
thoughtless | irreflexivo | Hizo un comentario irreflexivo. | He made a thoughtless comment. |
tired | cansado | Estaba cansado después del trabajo. | He was tired after work. |