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Imagina Lección 10


tendencias tendencies, trends
asimilación assimilation
causa cause
diversidad diversity
emigrante emigrant
frontera border
herencia cultural cultural heritage
humanidad humankind
ideales principles, ideals
idioma oficial official language
inmigración immigration
integración integration
lengua materna mother tongue
lujo luxury
meta goal
natalidad birthrate
población population
refugiado/a de guerra war refugee
refugiado/a político/a political refugee
adivinar to guess
anticipar to anticipate, to expect
asimilarse to assimilate
atraer to attract
aumentar to grow
disminuir to decrease, reduce, diminish
predecir to predict
superarse to better oneself
bilingüe bilingual
conformista conformist
inconformista nonconformist
excluido/a excluded
monolingüe monolingual
previsto/a foreseen
solo/a alone
amnistía amnesty
añoranza homesickness
caos chaos
coraje courage
daño harm
diálogo dialogue
entendimiento understanding
incertidumbre uncertainty
inestabilidad instability
maltrato abuse, mistreatment
nivel de vida standard of living
polémica controversy
superpoblación overpopulation
hacer un esfuerzo to make an effort
luchar to fight
prescindir de to do without
protestar to protest
adaptarse to adapt
alcanzar un sueño to fulfill a dream
alcanzar una meta to reach a goal
dejar to leave behind
despedirse to say goodbye
enriquecerse to get rich
establecerse to establish oneself
extrañar to miss
integrarse a to become part of, to fit in
lograr to attain, to achieve
pertenecer to belong
rechazar to reject
bocata sandwich
cabina phone booth
comadre best friend
cuota installment
encargo order
laca hair spray
lejanía distance
saldo balance
tono volume (of sound)
anhelar to long for
entregar to hand over
realizarse to come true
acento accent
convivencia coexistence
exiliado/a político/a political exile
falta (de) lack (of)
hogar home
homogeneidad homogeneity
limpieza étnica ethnic cleansing
mejora improvement
persecución persecution
razón reason
valores values
acomodarse to adapt
convertise en algo to turn into something
convertirse to turn into
echar de menos to miss
surgir to emerge, to arise
cómodo/a comfortable
heterogéneo/a heterogeneous
proveniente de (coming) from
semejante similar
de hecho in fact
por delante ahead (of)
carnicero/a butcher
certeza certainty
desgracia misfortune, tragedy
duda doubt
miedo fear
preocupación concern
presagio omen
presentimiento premonition
sentido común common sense
tonto/a fool
afligirse to be distressed
amanecer to wake up
burlarse (de) to mock
esparcir to spread
rumorearse to be rumored
supersticioso/a superstitious
Created by: peachec1
Popular Spanish sets



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