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Price Determination


Price An offer, a suggestion or an experiment to test the pulse of the market
Price, value and utility 3 related concepts in economic theory
Utility Attribute of an item that makes it capable of satisfying wants.
Value Quantitative expression of the power a product has to attract other products in exchange
Money Common denominator of value
Price Money value of an item
Price Expressed in terms of pesos and centavos, or whatever the monetary medium may be in the country where the exchange occurs.
Price Amount of money (plus possibly some goods) which is needed to acquire, in exchange some combined assortment of a product and its accompanying services.
Price essential function Tell producers what and how much to produce.
Price essential function movements of prices automatically keep supplies coming forward approximately in line with consumer’s demands
ration or allocate productive resources to where to the production of goods and services that consumers demand
Price essential function perform an internal rationing and allocating function within each producing farm.
Prices of the productive resources or factors of production tell farmers how to combine them in proportions that will keep their costs at a minimum and result in the most efficient productio
Factors of production land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship
Productive resources hectares of land, manpower, feeds, machinery, etc.
Price essential function Guide them through the channels of trade so they end up where consumers want them, when they want, and in the form they want them.
Price essential function Ration the goods and services to those who demand them most urgently and in proportions that will all be consumed
Perfect Market A market wherein prce serves the dual role of informing producers of consumers’ wants and informing consumers of the varying conditions of production.
Perfect Market A market assuming that producers, consumers and all handlers have complete knowledge of demand and supply, and that this information is used without distortion in making all purchasing and production decisions.
Supply and demand Purely determines price
Time, location and form of product Differences causing of price differentials
Time Price differential: cost of storing
Location Price differential: transporting
Form Price differential: processing
Uniform price No other differences in price existing throughout the perfect market
Market price Determined by forces of supply and demand
Demand What buyers are willing to take from a market at a given price
Supply What producers or sellers are willing to offer.
Price will tend to rise Demand increases with no change in supply
Price will tend to rise Supply-decreases with no change in demand.
Price will tend to rise A higher price will occur when supply decreases and demand increases simultaneously
Price will tend to fall Demand decreases with no change in supply
Price will tend to fall Supply increases with no change in demand
Price will tend to fall A relatively large decline will occur if supply increases and demand decreases simultaneously
Equilibrium price will tend to remain unchanged. Supply and demand change in the same directions in equal magnitudes,
Monopoly In single firm industries, the seller will attempt to set a price that will maximize his profit
Marginal cost is equated with marginal revenue. Price would be determined without regulation from the demand curve, corresponding to the quantity where?
Full cost Under regulation, the monopoly would probably be forced to reduce his price, a price at which he isjust able to recover _____ including a fair return to factor inputs.
Monopolistic competition A competitive market structure but with product differentiation.
Monopolistic competition Products involved are close but imperfect substitutes, and by definition there are many substitutes.
Elastic Demand curve faced by the firm operating in an industry characterized by monopolistic competition is likely to be very?
Cost structures It is usually assumed that the firms have similar?
Firms with higher costs than others in the industry Presumably could not exist in the long run in a competitive industry.
Equilibrium price (and output) The basis is on equating marginal revenue and marginal cost.
Similar, identical Since the products are good substitutes and since similar cost structures are assumed, the prices of the various firms are expected to be _____ but not necessarily _____
Marginal revenue Increase in revenue that results from the sale of one additional unit of output.
Perfectly competitive In economic theory, _____ firms continue producing output until marginal revenue equals marginal cost.
Law of diminishing returns While marginal revenue can remain constant over a certain level of output, it follows from the ______ and will eventually slow down as the output level increases.
Change in total revenue / Change in total output quantity Marginal revenue computation
Marginal revenue falls below marginal cost When do firms typically do a cost-benefit analysis and halt production as it may cost more to sell a unit than what the company will receive as revenue?
Marginal cost Change in total production cost that comes from making or producing one additional unit.
Change in production cost / Change in quantity Marginal cost computation
Gain profit If the marginal cost of producing one additional unit is lower than the per-unit price, the producer has the potential to?
Marginal cost analysis purpose Determine at what point an organization can achieve economies of scale to optimize production and overall operations.
Price competition / wars Firms operating under conditions of monopolistic competition tend to avoid _____ _____because of the threat of retaliation by other firms.
Relatively little profit If competing firms also lowered their prices to meet the competition, each would gain?
Profit-maximizing _____ price is likely to be similar among firms in the industry and relatively stable as long as cost remain constant.
Price cutting Often leads to retaliation
Gain profit If an individual reduced its own price, provided others did not, it would?
Oligopolistic conditions Pressures to avoid direct price competition prevail in industries where a few firms produce or market identical or similar products.
Price decisions In making _____ _____, each firm must take into account the possible reactions of its competitors.
Price change A _____ _____ initiated by one firm is likely to be followed by other firms.
Oligopolistic conditions Market where there is often a recognized “price leader” in the industry.
Pure monopoly conditions If there is a tacit agreement to maintain market shares and to avoid open price competitions, the price established may approximate prevail in?
Purely competitive conditions If an aggressive firm is seeking to enlarge its market share, the price established may be very close to that which would prevail under?
Oligopolistic conditions Condition where it is difficult to generalize about pricing performance without specific knowledge about the behavior of individual firms.
Oligopolistic conditions Competition for sales may take the form of offering more favorable credit terms, advertising or promotion allowance, or even secret discounts or rebates.
Created by: jisoos
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