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Waves Vocabulary

absorb to take in
amplitude the height of a wave, measured from equilibrium to the top of a crest or the bottom of a trough
approach come near or nearer to something
audio related to sound, particularly when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced
boundary A dividing line between two areas or spaces
classified Arranged in classes or categories based on shared characteristics
compression The smushed part of a longitudinal wave
crest The highest point in a transverse wave
electromagnetic wave A wave that does not require a medium, like light or other waves in the EM spectrum
emit To make or produce something, especially a wave
frequency How often something repeats each second
incident ray incoming light
longitudinal wave A wave that has compressions and rarefactions
mechanical wave A wave that can’t travel in a vacuum (requires a medium)
medium The material a wave travels through
normal line An imaginary line perpendicular to a mirror or other surface
oscillate To move in a repeated pattern, could be back and forth or up and down.
parallel In the exact same direction. Things moving in parallel will never intersect.
period How long it takes for something to repeat, the amount of time for one cycle
perpendicular At a 90 degree angle
propagate to travel through space or a material
property a special quality or characteristic of something
rarefaction The spread-out part of a longitudinal wave
reflected ray Light that bounces off a surface, same angle as incident ray.
refracted ray Light that bends toward or away from normal line when entering a new medium
substance A material or particular type of matter
transmit To cause something to pass from one place to another
transverse wave A wave that has crests and troughs
trough The lowest point in a transverse wave
vacuum A place with no molecules, like outer space
wave speed How fast a wave moves from point A to point B.
wavelength The distance it takes for a wave to repeat; crest to crest, or trough to trough.
constructive interference when two waves combine to form a larger wave
destructive interference when two waves combine to form a smaller wave
Created by: user-1831867
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