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Native American groups: Southwest, Great Basin, Great Plains, Northeast, Mississippi River Valley, Atlantic seaboard, Northwest, California No hope remembering all of these, but they're pretty easy to reason out what they did based on where they were
Spanish The most powerful country at the time because of Columbus and discovering gold in the Americas
Encomienda system Slavery of Native Americans by the Spanish
Chattel slavery Slaves as property, inherrited
Columbian Exchange The trade of goods between the Americas and Europe, Europe got some good crops and the Americas got weapons and horses
Joint Stock Companies Companies to fund explorations to the Americas rather than a country
Spanish, French, Dutch, and British colonizers The four major colonizers
New England, Middle, Chesapeake, N. Carolina, Southern colonies New England was more protestant, Middle included NYC and NJ, Chesapeake was like Virginia and Maryland, and they along with NC and other Southern colonies were big on slavery
British West Indies British islands in the Caribbean
Indentured servants Working for free for someone but it's because of a debt and it's not permanent or inheritable, many did it to get to the U.S.
Puritans The Protestants of New England
Metacom/King Philip's War A Native American uprising led by Metacom because the colonists wanted more land
Pueblo Revolt Started by Pueblos because of Spanish trying to force them to convert to Christianity, successful for a short time
Great Awakening The religious response to the Englightenment
Enlightenment A popular intellectual movement in the 1600s and 1700s, John Locke and his democratic ideas were important to it
Anglicization Many colonists becoming more like England
Mercantalist Effectively the system meant that you wanted to import more than export because importing meant you could import gold
Seven Years War/French & Indian A war between the Brits and the French and Native Americans, Brits won and got a lot of land, but it cost a lot of money
Virtual representation The idea in British Parliament that the colonists were actually represented bc Parliament was supposed to represent everyone, not a specific place
Republicanism The idea of governing as a republic
Benjamin Franklin A founding father
Patriot Someone in favor of the U.S. as its own country
Continental Army/George Washington A really crappy and scrappy army led by GW who fought in the Seven Years War
Thomas Paine's Common Sense A pamphlet that articulated the ideas of democracy in a way that was accessible to the masses
American Revolution The war against England
Battle of Saratoga A U.S. victory that turned the tides of the American Revolution
Declaration of Independence Written by Thomas Jefferson,
"republican motherhood" The, at the time, progressive idea that women could contribute to the war effort by being good housewives and educating their sons, meaning they needed to be educated themselves a bit
Articles of Confederation The first document outlining how the U.S. should function, except it was crap because it couldn't really be changed and had no federal government
Constitutional Convention The states met at the first one to decide what to do about British tyranny, then the second one to declare war, then the third one was for the Constitution we know and love today
Constitution Fixed the problems of the Articles of Confederation
Federalist/Anti-Federalist Federalists were in favor of a federal government, anti-federalists wanted all the power with the states
Federalist Papers/Alexander Hamilton, James Madison Written to defend the new constitution, Hamilton wrote like all of them
The Bill of Rights Included as a compromise to appease Anti-Federalists
George Washington The first president of the U.S., warned against the two party system and involvement in European affairs in his farewell address
John Adams Bad president because he did the Alien and Sedition acts which were quelled by the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, and really was kind of crap
Federalist Party/A. Hamilton In favor of a stronger central government and a national bank
Democratic Republicans/Thomas Jefferson and James Madison In favor of more power being given to the states
Northwest Ordinance Gave colonists going out west a chance to become a state
Northwest Territory The Ohio River Valley kind of, it's the space colonists spread to past the Appalachian Mountains
Spanish mission settlements Trying to convert people to Christianity
French Revolution Happened bc the French people wanted a Democracy, an argument over whether or not the U.S. should help
Quasi War An undeclared naval war with France since they were seizing ships
George Washington's Farewell Address Warning us against the two party system and involvement with European affairs
Marshall Court When John Marshall was SC Justice, Marbury v Madison happened with midnight justices
Democrats/Andrew Jackson Splits into Democrats and Jackson who are lowkey slaveholding dicks, Jackson was like the precursor to Nixon
Whigs/Henry Clay Henry Clay lost a lot running for president, they were what Federalists evolved into
The American System An economic plan based on A. Ham. to protect with tariffs, a national bank, and internal improvements to the country
Market Revolution The period where the U.S. truly became capitalist
Second Great Awakening A Protestant revival that sparked a bunch of reform movements
Reforms & Reformers Abolition and temperance were two main ones caused by the SGA
Abolition Getting rid of slaves, in 1808 the Slave Trade was abolished
Seneca Falls Convention The first women's rights convention held in, you guessed it, Seneca Falls
Louisiana Purchase Buying a crap ton of territory for almost no money from Napoleon and the French
Monroe Doctrine The idea proposed by James Monroe that the primary goal of U.S. foreign affairs was to keep the Europeans off of the Americas
Missouri Compromise New states above the line created there would be free, ones below would be slave states
Manifest Destiny The idea that it was the natural right of Americans to expand westward
Mexican War The U.S. wanted Texas and got it, I think it was James K Polk who got us into that
Nativism Protecting native-born citizens of the U.S. instead of migrants
Free soil A small political party that wanted to stop slavery from expanding westward
Abolitionists People fighting for freedom of slaves, like William Lloyd Garrison or Sojourner Truth
States' rights What the South claimed they were fighting for
Mexican Cession Mexico ceding Upper California and New Mexico to the U.S. after the Mexican American War
Compromise of 1850 Tried to stop tensions between North and South, didn't work that well
Kansas-Nebraska Act Repealed the Missouri Compromise, allowed for Popular Sovereignty which caused Bleeding Kansas
Dred Scott decision Ruled enslaved people were not citizens of the U.S.
Second Party Sys-RepubParty Took over from the Whigs who sucked, they were pro federal government, pro internal improvements, and anti slavery
Election of 1860 The election that Abe Lincoln won, the Confederacy seceded almost immediately because they thought he would end slavery, he didn't at first though
Abraham Lincoln (15/16) The president who ended slavery
Civil War The war over slavery
Union/Confederacy Union was the North, Confederacy was the South, Union was better equipped in practically every way
Frederick Douglass An abolitionist who was also an escaped slave, he wrote a dope book
Emancipation Proclamation The thing saying that slaves were free
Gettysburg Address Lincoln's speech at Gettysburg that's really famous and really shifts the focus of the war to slavery
Reconstruction Trying to get the country back together, gave Black people rights, were really harsh to the South, didn't last long though, Andrew Johnson was president after Lincoln and kind of ruined it
Radical Republicans The people really getting reconstruction going
Amendments - 13, 14, 15 13th is no slavery, 14th gave citizenship to anyone born in the U.S., 15th gave Black people the right to vote
Sharecropping Slavery pt. two
Industrial capitalism Development of factories and shit
Trusts (combinations) Controlling entire things like Rockefeller and Standard Oil, or Carnegie Steel, or Vanderbilt Railroads, or JP Morgan and literally everything
Laissez-faire The most capitalist you can get
Tenant farming A person farming on rented land, think of GoW
"New South" Trying to promote a self-sufficient Southern economy
People's (Populist) Party Wanted better rights for workers in the U.S., hated immigrants though
Americanization Immigrants becoming more like Americans
Political Machines Like the Irish one in Chicago, the one in NYC got fucked by Teddy Roosevelt though which is dope
Transcontinental railroad(s) Railroads across the country that allowed for more movement and more goods to be spread
Indian Wars/reservations Wounded Knee Massacre, which was the last stand of Native Americans at Pine Ridge Reservation, Sand Creek Massacre
Gilded Age The rich are super rich but the country's shit
Social Darwinism, Gospel of Wealth, Social Gospel Social Darwinism was that the rich deserve to be rich, Gospel of Wealth and Social Gospel were saying that the rich should give some of their money back
Jane Addams/Settlement Houses Jane Addams was a reformer in Chicago with Hull House, which was an example of a Settlement House
Ida B. Wells A founder of the NAACP and a big suffragist
Progressives People who want progressive stuff
Plessy v. Ferguson Separate but equal
Progressive Era The period after the Gilded Age where everyone stopped being a dick to everyone
Prohibition Banning alcohol with the 18th Amendment, it failed though, think of Capone and Scopes and that whole assignment
Women's Suffrage The fight to get women the right to vote as part of the progressive movement
Preservationists/Conservationists Teddy Roosevelt was a Conservationist which meant sustainable use of the natural environment, Preservationists wanted no use of the natural environment
Imperialists/Anti-Imperialists Take land or don't take land, that is the question, think of the U.S. Virgin Islands
Isolationism The idea that the U.S. shouldn't get involved in foreign affairs
Spanish American War We kicked their ass and got Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philipines
Woodrow Wilson The president who got the U.S. into WWI after preaching isolationism
World War 1 The First World War (duh)
Treaty of Versailles The end of WWI, demolished Germany, Wilson's twelve points
League of Nations Forerunner to the UN and somehow with even less power
Great Migration Movement of Black people up North because the South sucked dick
Red Summer, 1919 A ton of white supremacism caused a ton of violence
Harlem Renaissance An intellectual movement led by Black people in Harlem that spread across the country
Red Scare The first fear of communism, led to people like John Reid getting fucked over for writing stuff like Ten Days That Shook the World
Immigration quotas/restrictions The Immigration Act of 1924 put quotas on migrants
Great Depression The Stock Market crashed : (
FDR The dude who tried to fix it after Herbert Hoover got blamed
New Deal FDR's hella progressive plan to try to fix the GD, he gave people jobs, social security, and basically expanded the power of the federal government a ton
"Repatriation" Deporting Mexicans and Mexican Americans in the 1920s
World War 2 Obvious
Pearl Harbor What got the U.S. into WWII
Holocaust The genocide of millions of Jewish and other people by the Nazis in WWII
Japanese American Internment Putting Japanese Americans into camps in WWII because they were "a threat to national security"
Homefront Wartime stuff in the U.S. like rationing food and recycling and shit
Bracero Programming An agreement between Mexico and the U.S. that allowed Mexicans to take agricultural jobs
D-Day invasion What eventually led to VE Day
"island-hopping" The American strategy against Japan in the Pacific
Atomic bombs What ended WWII
Cold War/Détente Tensions between the U.S. and U.S.S.R.
Communism - world & home At hoe there was McCarthyism and all that and in the world, there was the Marshall Plan to send aid to Europe to stop communism from spreading. That was part of the Truman Doctrine that was basically just like stop communism at all costs
Korean conflict South Korea vs. North Korea, capitalism vs. communism, happened because of trying to get the area back to normal after Japan, ended in a tie basically because China helped out
"military industrial complex" The relationship between the military and the defense industry that supplies it, Truman signed the National Security Act which created the Department of Defense, he also desegregated the armed forces
Oil crises/energy policy The U.S. gets screwed in 1973 because they meddle in the Middle East
Civil rights move. / other activists MLK, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton
Southern Christian Leadership Conference Led by MLK, involved in the Civil Rights Movement, generally more peaceful
Brown v Board and Mendez v Westminster Ending separate but equal, Mendez v Westminster was basically another Brown v Board
LBJ Lyndon B Johnson, who's always known for Vietnam, but he had to do that so he could do some cool stuff at home
The Great Society LBJ's version of the New Deal, he tried to better the people by creating stuff like Medicare, and he also wanted to stop segregation
Civil Rights Act (1964) & Voting Rights Act of 1965 Supposed to end discrimination, Voting Rights Act prevents people trying to prevent other people from voting
Black Panthers A more intense group that fought for Civil Rights, they were led by Malcolm X
United Farm Workers A labor union that came from the work of Cesar Chavez
Stonewall Riots Riots at a gay bar in NYC, transformed the gay rights movement
Supreme Court decisions The Warren Court, probably
Vietnam War Another communist/anti-communist war, it was the first war to really be televised, the U.S. used Agent Orange and then lost, also the Pentagon Papers which revealed that the U.S. knew how bad the situation was in Vietnam
Sunbelt Southern and Southwestern states from California to Florida that have a lot of sun and not a lot of taxes, typically older people go there which is why many of these states are conservative
Immigration Act of 1965 Abolished the quotas from the 1920s
Feminists/counterculture People fighting for women's rights
Evangelism/religious fundamentalism Religious fanaticism
New Conservatism Reagan's whole thing that spread into the modern Republican Party
Ronald Reagan A very charismatic and handsome guy, he also increased military spending and decreased taxes as part of Reaganomics or supply-side economics, he also hated unions and destroyed PATCO
Deregulation Part of supply-side economics, the idea being if he made it cheaper to produce goods, the goods would be cheaper
End of Cold War Ended in 1991, Reagan played a part in that because of his solid relationship with Mikhail Gorbachev, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Internet Online shit
Climate change Hot shit
9/11 and the War on Terror The terrorist attacks on the twin towers and the response to it which was to go into the Middle East and kill many people. The War on Terror was technically multiple wars
Created by: mejones
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