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Family Relations 160

Chapter 2 Gender/Attraction/Selection & Cohabitation

Sex one’s biological classification as male or female and is set into motion at the moment the sperm fertilizes the egg
gender the cultural definition of what it means to be a man or a woman
Gender roles socially and culturally-based and are that set of norms that are attached to a specific gender
Gender identity our personal internal sense of our own maleness or femaleness.
Androgyny when a person shares both masculine and feminine traits
Gender Socialization the shaping of individual behavior and perceptions in such a way that the individual conforms to the socially prescribed expectations for males and females
gender roles socialized expectations of what is normal, desirable, acceptable, and conforming for males and females in specific jobs or positions in groups and organizations over the life course
Maternal Death the death of a pregnant woman resulting from pregnancy, delivery, or recovery complications
Female Genital Mutilation the traditional cutting, circumcision, and removal of most or all external genitalia of women for the end result of closing off some or part of the vagina until such time that the woman is married and cut open
Misogyny the physical or verbal abuse and mistreatment of women
Instrumental tasks goal directed activities which link the family to the surrounding society, geared toward obtaining resources
Expressive tasks tasks that pertain to the creation and maintenance of a set of positive, supportive, emotional relationships within the family unit
Breadwinner a parent or spouse who earns wages outside of the home and uses them to support the family
Homemaker typically a woman who occupies her life with mothering, housekeeping, and being a wife while depending heavily on the breadwinner.
The Men’s Movement a broad effort across societies and the world to improve the quality of life and family-related rights of men
Male supremacy model males erroneously believe that men are superior in all aspects of life and that they should excel in everything they do
sexual objectification men learn to view women as objects of sexual consumption rather than as a whole person
Male bashing verbal abuse and use of pejorative and derogatory language about men.
tourist husband style a visitor to the homemaking role who contributes the occasional assistance to his wife as a courtesy—much like a tourist might offer occasional assistance to their host
assistant homemaker the husband looks to his wife for direction and for instruction on how to “help” her out in her homemaking role
co-homemaker husband never “helps” his wife with homemaking tasks, but assumes that she and he equally share their breadwinning and homemaking responsibilities
Dating a practice in which people meet and participate in activities together in order to get to know each other
Courting involved strong rules and customs, evolved into dating due to wide-spread use of the automobile after the Industrial Revolution
Filtering the process of identifying those we interact with as either being in or out of our pool of people we might consider to be a date or mate
Propinquity the geographic closeness experienced by potential dates and mates
Homogamy the tendency for dates, mates, and spouses to pair off with someone of similar attraction, background, interests, and needs
Heterogamy the dating or pairing of individuals with differences in traits
Social Exchange Theory maximize rewards and minimize costs in our choices of a mate Rewards – Costs = Choice
Stimulus-Value-Role Theory the exchange is mutual and dependent upon the subjective attractions and the subjective assets and liabilities each individual brings to the relationship
Intimacy the mutual feeling of acceptance, trust, and connection to another person, even with the understanding of personal faults of the individual
exclusive dating the mutual agreement to exclude others from dating either individual in the relationship
DTR a moment where the two individuals “Define the Relationship” openly to determine if both want to include each other in a specific goal-directed destination (i.e., exclusive dating) or if it’s better for everyone if the relationship ends
similarity principle the more similar two people perceive themselves to be, the more likely their relationship will continue and succeed
Exogamy the tendency to pair off with or marry someone outside of your own familial groups
In-laws people you become related to by virtue of marrying into your fiancé’s family network
marriage squeeze a demographic imbalance in the number of males to females among those considered to be of marrying ages
marriage gradient the tendency for women to marry a man slightly older and slightly taller while men tend to marry a woman slightly more attractive.
Created by: mjh0803
Popular Human Services sets




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