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Health #2 + tú

Spanish Health #2 vocab + tú commands

La alimentación the nutrition
alimentar to feed
el postre the dessert
las bebidas the drinks
una dieta equilibrada/balanceada the balanced diet
la comida saludable/nutritiva the helping food
la comida busura/chatarra the junk food (basura on its own means ´trash´ so keeping that in mind basically means ´junk´ too)
el calcio the calcium
el hierro the iron
las verduras the vegetables
la grasa the fat
el aceite the oil
el azúcar the sugar
la carne the meat
la salud the health
sano/saludable healthy
la aptitud física; el estado físico the physical fitness
el bienestar the well-being
entrenarse to train (ourselves)
levantar pesas to lift weights
estar en forma to be in shape
el entrenador the trainer/the coach
hacer cinta to do the treatmill
hacer flexiones to do pushups
hacer abdominales to do situps/curl ups
hacer sentadillas to do squats
hacer dominadas to do pull ups (the ones on a bar)
respirar to breathe
saltar to jump
trotar to jog/to trot
tener calambres to have cramps
cansarse to get (ourselves) tired
débil weak
fuerte strong
la resistencia the resistance (theraband)
el equilibrio the balance
el aguante the stamina workout (with the long ropes)
la fuerza the strength
la velocidad the speed
Affirmative tú command for Ser:
Affirmative tú command for Ir:
Affirmative tú command for Venir: Ven
Affirmative tú command for Tener: Ten
Affirmative tú command for Salir: Sal
Affirmative tú command for Hacer: Haz
Affirmative tú command for Decir: Di
Affirmative tú command for Poner: Pon
How are affirmative tú commands formed with regular verbs? 1: Go to present tense tú conjugation -Ar verbs = -as -Er verbs = -es -Ir verbs = -es 2: Drop the -s (-ar verbs will end in -a and -er/-ir verbs will end in -e)
What to do with reflexive verbs with Affirmative tú command? Reflexive pronoun (se to te) will be attached to the end of the verb and then add an accent mark on the 3rd vowel from the end -vowels: a, e, i, o, u
Affirmative tú commands negative are formed with regular verbs: 1: Write NO before the verb 2: Go to the present tense yo form conjugation -Ar, Er, Ir with the ending -O 3: Drop the -O 4: Add the OPPOSITE present tense tú conjugation ending -Ar verbs will end in -es -Er/-Ir verbs will end in -as
Affirmative tú commands negative are formed with reflexive verbs: 1: Reflexive verbs (se to te) will be in the middle of NO and the verb. Ex: No te [verb].
Negative tú command for Dar: No des
Negative tú command for Estar: No estés
Negative tú command for Ir: No vayas
Negative tú command for Saber: No sepas
Negative tú command for Ser: No seas
Negative tú command for verbs ending in -Car: Car: NO before the verb c --> qu + es
Negative tú command for verbs ending in -Gar: Gar: NO before the verb g --> gu + es
Negative tú command for verbs ending in -Zar: Zar: NO before the verb z --> c + es
Negative tú command for the verb Empezar: No empieces
Negative tú command for the verb Comenzar: No comiences
Created by: acuda25



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