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review for history

Whiskey Rebellion This tax uprising was crushed by Washington -- 1st use of federal power to enfores laws
Federalists Early power party in the two-party system -- Hamilton's party that sought strong centralized government with economic influence
Alien and Sedition Acts EArly laws passed by Federalists -- sought to eliminate competition by outlawing criticism of the government and limiting immigration
Virginia/Kentucky Resolutions Passed by Jefferson and supporters -- these laws allowed states to nullify federal laws they did not like. The beginning of sectionalism.
Louisana Purchase Jefferson acquired from France -- more than doubled size of country, TJ made decision without concent of Congress against his own beliefs.
Judicial Review Power of Supreme Court to rule acts of Congress unconstitutional -- result of "midnight judges" left from Adams (Marbury v. Madison)
Neutrality Staying out of war or conflict -- Washington believed this was best for young nation that could not afford to fight or lose possible trade partners
Impressment Kidnapping of sailors to work -- British continually did this to US sailors in order to force the US to choose sides between GBR and France
XYZ Affair French-US bribery scandal -- French claimed they would stop seizing US ships for mondy, this was in response to US signing a treaty with GBR.
Embargo Act Halt on all trade with GBR and France -- Jefferson attempted to get out of GBR/France fight by cutting off trade, it was an economic disaster
War Hawks Leaders of movement for war with GBR -- led to War of 1812, a war with no winner, but did eventually put an end to trade/embargo issues
Pickney Treaty US gained control of Mississippi River from Spain -- began important westward expansion movement in US
Adams-Onis Treaty US gained Flordia from Spain but gave up claims to Texas -- this would cause a territorial problem in Texas 2 decades later
Missouri Compromise Temporary fix to slavery expansion issues -- set a dividing line across the new territory, North was free, South was slave
The American System Henry Clay's plan to improve transportation andcommerce -- 1st attempt to use federal funds to improve infrastructure, trade, and transportation.
Corrupt Bargain Presidential voting scandal -- JQ Adams becomes president after getting Clay supporters to back him against A. Jackson. Clay gets Sect of State
Age of Jackson or Age of Common Man All white males get to vote -- Jackson began the movement toward universal sufferage by allowing all white men not just landowners to vote
Spoils System or Patronage Giving jobs to friends not just best qualified -- Jackson began his process of choosing his own advisors in order to run the government
Tarriff of Abominations A tax on goods (tariff) within US -- South demanded removal of, stating the North was taking advantage of the government, began the divide
The South Carolina Exposition and Protest SC decides to declare federal laws null and void -- fallout from VA and KY resolutions, will lead to sectional tension and states rights issues
Bank of the US (BUS)also known as the National Bank Jackson feared the bank was too powerful and needed to go -- his destruction of this institution changed the government's role in banking
Trail of Tears Trip made by Native Americans from GA to Oklahoma where Jackson ordered them, even after the Supreme Court ruled they could stay
Rmember the Alamo Battle cry that refers to US citizens killed in a battle between Mexican Army and US citizens in Texas, gave US reason for war and to take TX
Manifest Destiny Belief held by many Americans that territorial expansion was part of the plan for them set by God. Polk used this to gain support for war.
Nativism Hatred for foreigners -- during the period of expansion many Americans forgot their immigrant roots and looked down on immigrants
Seneca Falls Convention Meeting of women reformers who wanted the right to vote -- did not work but gained notice and got women involved in other reform areas.
Horace Mann Began reform efforts in the educational system -- before Mann, education was almost non-existent, he started push for public schools
Abolitionists Reform movement that sought to make slavery illegal - strongly tied to religion these reformers preached how immoral slavery was
Georgia v. Worcester John Marshall said the indians could stay where they were
Elizabeth Stanton started women's sufferage, involved in Seneca Falls Convention
Frederick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, and John Brown Abolitionists
Compromise of 1850 Another temporary slavery issue solution -- California became a free state, and the South was allowed tougher fugitive slave laws
Kansas/Nebraska Act Reversed Missouri Compromise that set dividing line of slavery into North and South -- this act allowed people of territory to decide
Popular Sovreignty Means will of the people -- this is a type of voting that gives people true decision-making power. It had disastrous results in Kansas over slavery
Bleeding Kansas Border war between people from Missouri and Kansas -- the battle was over slavery in Kansas where Missouri residents attempted to vote
Dred Scott Decision Supreme Court case that determined that Scott (a slave) was not a person but property and had no rights, favored South caused conflict
Harpers Ferry Violent slave uprising led by John Brown (white abolitionist) -- hurt abolitionist and movement angered Southerners
Uncle Tom's Cabin Inflammatory novel about Southern plantation life and slavery -- book caused uproar in both North and South
Succession South breaks away from Union -- election of Lincoln causes Southern states to fear an end to slavery and state's rights so they break away
Anaconda Plan Three-part Union plan to circle and squeeze the South until they quit -- use of blockades would cut off trade and starve out military and citizents.
Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln frees the Southern slaves -- this angered the South and motivated the North who now had former slaves joining their ranks
Gettysburg Bloody 3-day battle fought in Pennsylvania -- the outcome proved that the North had the superior force and that the South was nearly defeated. Turning point in the war.
Gettysburg Address Lincoln's address to honor all those who died in the bloody battle, the Northern victories that followed resulted in Lincoln's re-election
Radical Republicans Group that seized control of Congress and set the reconstruction plans for the South that were harsh and humiliating and meant to punish
Morral Act set aside land to build colleges
Black Codes Attempts by the South to block African-Americans from realizing the rights that were newly granted in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments
Freedman's Bureau Government agency set up to assist former slave -- was a controversial issue between Congress and President Johnson which limited success
Impeachment Bringing changes against a sitting president -- Radical Rep. battled with Johnson over Reconstruction and nearly had him removed from office.
Military Reconstruction In order to ensure that Southerners would follow the new laws (amendments) -- the South was divided into military districts
Carpetbaggers Northerners who came to the South to take advantage, used former slaves to get elected. This was another cause for Southern hatred
Compromise of 1877 Official end of Reconstruction -- wit no clear winner, the South allows North to get presidency (Hayes) if military pulls out of Southern states
Jim Crow Laws Laws that allowed Southerners to once again take the rights from African-Americans and create a society of segregation
Homestead Act Government backed land settlement plan -- gave free land to prople willing to settle in the western territories of the US
Transcontiental Rail Road Linked the east with the west by rail --this caussed a population and economic boom in the west now that transportation was easier
Chinese This new group of immigrants began populating the west coast and was ver involved in the construction of the RR, but faced harsh racism
Battle of Wounded Knee Scene of a US massacre of Native Americans -- tension between the US military and Native Americans was high and the solution was violence
Dawes Act Government plan to assimilate Native Americans through land grants -- plan never truly worked because NAs did not believe in land ownership
Populist Party This farmers party (the Grange) sought government ownership of the RR, restrictions on immigrants, and help for debtors like farmers
Cross of Gold Speech by WJ Bryan the candidate for president by the Populists called for a silver currency to increase the money supply and help the economy
Mechanical Reaper One of the new innovations that turned farming into a big business in the late 1800s along with the steel plow, and electric windmill
Scalawags Southerners who went along with Reconstruction
Social Darwinism Theory of survival of the fittest in nature applied to society in the late 1800s -- referred to the haves v. the have nots in business and society
Bessemer Process New method of producing steel from iron ore -- led to mass productrion and booming steel industry led by Andrew Carnegie
Tycoon term used to describe powerful industrialists who cornered the market on essential industries like oil, steel, and thie railroad
Standard Oil First major oil company that controlled the oil industry under JD Rockefeller. Destroyed competition and created an oil monopoly
Monopoly This type of industry or institution is so large and powerful it can block competition in order to control the market for a specdific industry
Pooling (trusts) Similar to a monopoly except that it is a group of companies with a similar interest who collude (agree)to fix prices and wages
Unions organizations of workers who ban together to force their employers to increase pay and improve working conditions
Knights of Labor this was the first major union of any kind and it used its influence in politics to improve working conditions in many industries
Mediation this method of conflict resolution is meant to bring both sides of a labor conflict to an agreement that benefits all involved
arbitratior these conflict resolution techniques use a third party to either help make a decision or make a legally binding decision both sides accept
haymarket riot violent clash between the police and striking workers. strikes were the last resort for unions and this one hurt the credibility of unions
great railroad strike 1877 railroad worker strike that caused the federal government to get involved on the side of the railroad to keep the trains running
tammany hall political machine or group that controlled elections in NY and handed out government contracts and positions for money, led by Boss Tweed
Credit Moblier railroad company/gevernment scandeal in which RRs paid off congressmen to get federal money to build RRs.
muckrakers investigative journalists who investigated the corruption in business and government as well as the injustice in society
triangle shirtwaist company horrible tragedy that cost many workers their lives because the owners of the company had such unsafe working conditions
progressive term used to describe those who sought to change society the government, business practices, and the morals of the people
dumbell tenements cramped living quarters that created very unsanitary environments. mostly occupied by immigrant factory workers, target of progressives
sweat shops unsafe unsanitary work environments that were often the scene of tragic accidents. workers were overworked and underpaid
quota system hatred of immigrants or nativism reached new heights when the government began passing laws on who could or could not enter the US
Sherman antitrust act progressive government law that sought to end the control of the robber barons over the major industries of the US
trust buster nickname given to teddy roosevelt the first president to attempt to regulate the corruption in US industry
recall initiative referendum progressive changes to the election and voting process that gave the people more power in government and the election process
womens suffrage involvement in the progressive movement to better society and clean up the government led to the passage of the 19th amendment
plessy v. ferguson landmark decision that allowed for legal segregation of the races, as long as the facilities were equal
NAACP organization led by african american reformer who sought equality for african americans and the enforcement of constitutional rights
great migration movement of african americans from the south for northern cities in search of better opportunities both socially and economically
atlanta compromise plan to seek economic opportunity before social equality for african americans created by booker t. washington
imperialism larger nations taking advantage of smaller nations to increase wealth and power
jingoism the extreme belief that your country is the best, this was promoted by the government and the media
yellow journalism the use of extreme sensationalism in reporting in order to sell papers, example -- uss maine explosion to start the spanish-american war
roosevelt corollary addendum to the monroe doctrine, allowed the US to interfere with any conflict in the western hemisphere -- known as the big stick policy
panama canal linked the atlantic with the pacific to increase US trade. canal was built after US helped Panama break away from colombia
banana republic latin american countries under the influence of the US and US businesses -- name came from the United Fruit Company
queen luliuklani US government and fruit company (Dole) instigate rebellion against Queen of Hawaii and take the country as a protectorate
spanish-american war fought mainly in cuba, this conflict helped create US imperalism in Latin america and the south pacific
open door policy US policy to create trade partners in the far east, especially china. this caused outrage in china in the form of the boxer rebellion
Big Check Diplomacy using imperilism to control small weak countries and areas that surround the larger nation. example -- US and latin america
dollar diplomacy when the US began to experience hostility in foreign countries they turned to investing in those countries to buy their favor
white man's burden term used to describe the theory that the white race was responsible for civilizing the rest of the world, justifying imperialism
nationalims extreme love and support for one's country and people. in some situations it can lead to war
militarism aggressive increase in armed forces caused by regional tension and competition for overseas colonies
propaganda using images and slogans to gain the support of the people. it can also be used to incite hate and fear in times of war.
neutrality foreign policy that keeps a country out of war by not agreeing to alliances with warring nations. US did this to continue trade in WWI.
unrestricted submarine warfare germany used this tactic to sink unsuspecting warships and cargo ships. in sinking US ships they forced the US to enter WWI.
zimmerman note german plan to keep US out of war by convincing Mexico to attack US. germany to give mexico back Texas, many believed this was a hoax
russian revolution russia pulled out of WWI after the bolsheviks (communists) overthrew the tsar's government. giving the US another reason to enter war.
WWI/trench warfare even though technology in weapons had advanced, battlefield strategy had not. which led millions of lilves lost on the battlefields
14 points woodrow wilson's plan for european and world peace after WWI. most of the plan was rejected
league of nations peace keeping organization that was designed to avoid further conflicts. wilson created the organization but the US never joined
red scare fear that communism and revolution would spread to other countries like it had in russia caused people in the US to fear all immigrants
Saccot/Vanzetti anarchists that were tried, convicted, and executed for a crime they did not commit but more likely because of their political beliefs
schenck v. US supreme court case that allowed the government to limit the free speech rights of individuals if it interfered with the rights of others
He was guilty and during time of war US can limit speech decision in the Schenck case that stated that Schenck's protest of WWI interfered with the army's ability to protect the country
eugene debs labor leader who was also a socialist. he ran for president several times and was eventually jailed for his political beliefs
wobblies international workers of the world, this labor organization was crushed by the government because of their socialist politics
prohibition the 18th amendment outlawed the sale, consumption, and production of alcohol. this led to the rise of organized crime
bootlegger illegal ways to get alcohol into the US from places like canada and then sell it at underground clubs. laws were not strictly enforced
flappers term used to describe the young women of the time who displayed their new found freedom through their fashion
the jazz age/the roaring 20s term used to describe the wild partying and carefree decade that followed the firs world war
harlem renaissance period of cultural awakening for african-americans that included literature, art, and especially music such as jazz and blues
fundamentalisms backlash against the moral problems in society, religious reformers sought to clean up society and restrict new ideas (evolution)
overproduction major cause of great depression, occured because the market was flooded with non-comsumable goods and workers were laid off
stockmarket crash major cause of great depression, risky stock investments that cfaused people to lose all their money in an attempt to get rich quick
black tuesday october 29, 1929 -- the day the stockmarket crashed. businesses and banks failed and the nation as a whole fell into a depression
hooverville makeshift camps of homeless people who lsot everything in the great crash. named for the president many blamed for the depression
dust bowl even farmers were affected by the depression after a great drought turned crop fields into tracks of dirt causing further misery
new deal plan offered by franklin roosevelt to help the country recover through a series of government programs and agencies
alphabet of agencies government programs that were known by the abbreviations, they were designed to give jobs, provide insurance, and generally help people
fireside chats fdr tactic to gain support of people and to keep them informed by giving weekly radio broadcasts on what the government was doing
hitler/mussolini the entire world was affected by the depression and in some countries this allowed dictators to seize control and to restrict freedoms
appeasment giving in to the demands of hitler in germany to avoid war, this was an issue some in the US pushed for in order to stay out of europe's issues
cash n carry US broke neutrality in order to supply materials and much needed funds to great britain during the onsed of WWII
pearl harbor surprise attack on US naval base. this casued the US to declare war on Japan and finally enter WWII
internment japanese citizens were thought to be threats to national security and were herded into prison camps and their possessions seized
rationing in order to keep the military supplied with important materials US citizens were asked to recycle, ration, or go without to do their part
rosie the riviter women played a major role in the production of war materials by taking over factory jobs that were abandoned by men fighting in the war
d-day/operaion overlord the surprise invasion of normandy france by the allies was the turning point of WWII and signaled germany's impending defeat
hiroshima/nagasaki site of the first of 2 atomic bombs dropped on japan to end WWII. this was also a warning to other countries how powerful the US was
marshall plan US economic recovery efforts in europe that called for countries to adopt democracy in order to receive financial assistance
cold war tension between the 2 new super powers the US and USSR. it was a war for ideological influence -- democracy v. communism
truman doctrine building on the monroe doctrine and the roosevelt corollary this foreign policy plan sought to contain communism all over the world
UN peace keeping organization formed after WWIIto help avoid further world wars. it replaced the failed league of nations
NATO north atlantic treaty organization, alliance against communists threats to democracy in europe. soviets setup warsaw pact in response.
containment US cold war policy of keeping communism from spreading to the rest of the world. the truman doctrine outlilned how the US would do this.
38th dividing line for north and south korea to separate the communist from the democrats. it also ended the korean war as a draw
mccarthyism named for the US senator who started a 2nd red scare in the 1950s building on the paranoia that communism was taking over the world
desegregation process to integrate all public facilites. became a legal issue thanks to brown v. board of education pointing out that separate is not equal
little rock 9 african american students who had to desegregate public schools with the help of the US army and the president because of extreme racism
montgomery bus boycott protest that forced the bus company in alabama to follow the law to desegregate the public transportation syster, initiated by rosa parks
sputnik successful soviet satellite that jump statred the space race and signaled that the USSR might have the lead in the Cold war
cuban missile crisis nearly sparking WWIII this event increased the tension between the US and the USSR as the soviets invaded the US sphereof influence
berlin wall separating east and west germany signaled a new chapter in the cold war as the soviets warned citizens not to leave and others stay out
march on washington martin luther king led a rally that took the civil right movement from a regional to a national movement and demanded the attention of all
civil disobedience tactics used by civil rights workers as a way of non-violently attracting attention to the problem of racism and segregation
malcolm x frustrated over the slow process of change some african americans formed groups that were more militant like the black panthers
vietnam war southeast asian country divided by communism becomes the scene of the war that divides the US and causes general disillusionment
gret society lyndon johnson's plan to fight poverty through massive social programs. plan suffered from funding diverted to vietnam
civil rights act of 1964 this law finally put an end to the jim crow tactics of the south to keep african americans from realizing their constitutional rights
detente terme taht means to relax tensions. nixon used this tactic to ease tensions between the US and communist China and the soviet union
watergate scandal that not only brought down the nixon administration but also created a general mistrust toward the government by the public
OPEC group of middle-east oil producing countries that cut off the US due to political differences causing a major energy crisis in the US
stagflation rising prices and rising unemployment that combined to create a recession that crippled the US economy throughout the 1970s
iranion hostage crisis middle east tensions caused this conflict for the US as an entire embassy was captured. failed rescue cost carter the presidency
camp david accords peace agreement brokered by carter helped ease tensions between israel and their muslim neighbors (egypt) in the war torn middle east
trickle down economics also known as supply side economics, this plan to cut taxes to corporations was meant to jumpstart the job market and economy
star wars this US satellite defense program never actually worked but it did cause the USSR to bankrupt their government in an attempt to keep pace
persian gulf war the US had won the cold war and now set its sights on middle east conflicts such as the iraqi invasion of oil rick kuwait
NAFTA plan to increase trade. although controversial and only marginally successful, US experienced an economic boom under clinton
impeachment charges brought against a sitting president. clinton was acquitted but this painted a negative light on the presidency after years of success
9/11/01 date of horrific attack on the US by extremist muslims who see the US as all that is wrong with the world and increased middle east tensions
Created by: JReadling



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