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GRE English
pg 19-24
Question | Answer |
Expedient | Suitable, practical |
Expiate, to | To make amends for, to atone for |
Expurge,to | To clean, to remove offensive parts |
Extemporaneous | Impromptu, ad-lib |
Extripate, to | To root up |
Facile | Easy to do, at ease with, skillful |
Factitous | Artificial, sham |
Factotum | Handyman |
Fancier | A person having a special interest in the knowledge of something. |
Fatuous | Foolish, inane |
Fawning | Brown-nosing, butt-kissing |
Fealty | Loyalty, faithfulness |
Felicitous | Apt, suitably expressed |
Fell | Cruel, deadly |
Ferment | Agitation, commotion,unrest |
Fete, to | To honor at a celebration |
Fiat | Command |
Filial | Pertaining to a son or daughter |
Filigree | Delicate, lace-like metalwork |
Flout, to | To reject |
Foible | weakness, slight fault |
Foppish | Vain about dress and appearance |
Forbearance | Patience |
Forstall, to | To prevent by taking action in advance |
Fractous | Unruly |
Freshet | Sudden flood |
Frowzy | Slovenly, unkempt, dirty |
Fulmente, to | To thunder, to explode |
Fulsome | Disgustingly excessive |
Gadfly | Animal-biting fly, irritating person |
Gainsay, to | To deny, to speak act against |
Gambol, to | To skip. leap playfully |
Garner, to | To gather |
Garrulity | Talkativeness |
Gauntlet | Leather glove |
Genre | Style of art illustrating scenes of common life |
Genteel | Well-bred, elegant |
Genuflect, to | To bend the knee in worship |
Gibe, to | To mock |
Glib | Fluent |
Glutinous | Sticky, viscous |
Gourmand | Epicure |
Grouse, to | To complain, to fuss |
Guarrulous | Talkative, loquacious |
Guileless | Without deceit |
Habiliments | Garb, clothing |
Hackneyed | Commonplace, trite |
Halcyon | Calm, peaceful |
Hale | Healthy |
Hap | Chance, luck |
Harangue | Noisy, ranting speech |
Hauteur | Haughtiness |
Hegemony | Dominance |
Hegira | Flight, escape |
Hermetic | Obscure and mysterious, |
Heterodox | Unorthodox |
Histronic | Theatrical |
Hoary | White with age |
Homily | Sermon |
Hoyden | Boisterous girl |
Hummock | Hyperborean |
Iconoclastic | Attacking cherished traditions |
Ignoble | Of lowly origin |
Ignominious | Disgraceful |
Imbroglio | Complicated situation |
Imbrue, to | To drench, to stain (esp with blood) |
Immolate, to | To offer as a sacrifice |
Immolation | Sacrifice |
Immure, to | To imprison |
Impalpable | Inperceptible, intangible |
Impavid | Fearless, intrepid, dauntless |
Impecunious | Without money |
Impiety | Irreverence, wickedness |
Implacable | Incapable of being pacified |
Impolitic | Unwise |
Importune, to | To entreat urgently or persistantly |
Impugn, to | To doubt, to challange, to gainsay |
Impute, to | To attribute, to ascribe, to charge, |
Inchoate | Recently begun, rudimentary, elementary, without order |
Incisive | Cuttting, sharp |
Incongruity | Lack of harmony, absurdity |
Incorporal | Immaterial, without a material body |
Increment | Increase |
Incubus | demon, oppresive burden, nightmare |
Indolence | Laziness |
Iductive | Pertains to making a generalization after observing the specific |
Ineffable | Undescribable |
Ineluctable | Irresistable, unavoidable |
Inertia | Being indisposed to move |
Inexorable | Relentless, unyelding, implacable |
Inimical | Unfriendly, hostile |
Inscrutable | Incomprehensible, not to be discovered |
Insensate | without feeling |
Insipid | Tasteless, dull |
Insouciant | Indifferent |
Integument | Outer covering or skin |
Interdict, to | To prohibit, to forbid |
Interlocutory | Conversational, intermediate, not final |
Internecine | Mutually destructive,deadly |
Interpolate, to | To insert between |
Intractable | Unruly, refractory |
Intrinsically | Essentially, inherently, naturally |
Inured | Accustomed, hardened |
Invective | Abuse |
Inveigh, to | To denounce |
Inveterate | Deep-rooted, habitual |
Irascible | Irritable, easily angered |
Irrefragable | Indisputable |
Irrefrangible | Unbreakable, indistructible |
Iterate, to | To repeat |
Jeremiad | Lament, complaint |
Jingoism | Militant patriotism |
Jocund | Merry |
Juggernaut | Irrestible, crushing force |
Junket | A merry feast or picnic |