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List 49-31 practice

5 words from lists 49-31

discern identify
misnomer wrong name
chauvinism fanatical devotion
inexpugnable unconquerable
etiology study of insects
hebetude state of dullness
axiology study of value
congeries heap
Sinology study of china
nonentity a nobody
prognosis medical forecast
entomology insect zoology
perspicacity insight
synthesis combonation
mobocracy mob rule
interpolate insert
subjugate bring under the yoke
replete filled
effusion outpouring
condign worthy
pharisaism hypocrisy
remunerate repay
epistle long instructivel letter
anapest three-syllable foot, stress on third
hyperbole overstatement
dissemble conceal through prestense
beatify make blissfully happy
execrate curse
ne plus ultra peak of perfection
perihelion orbital point nearest sun
sanctimonious affectedly holy
malfeasence public misconduct
superego unconscious conscience
expostulate to object earnestly
syndrome complex of symptoms
dissonant inharmonious
antinomy contradicting reasonable principles
eschatology theology of last things
opprobrium disgrace
apocryphal not authentic
transom window or door crossbar
cognizant aware
remonstrate plead in protest
solipsism docrine:only self exists
recondite abstruse
obloquy verbal abuse
abrogate annul
disjecta membra scattered fragments
metampsychosis transmigration of souls
biogenesis theory of life from life
bas-relief low-relief sculpture
postprandial after dinner
superannuated obsolete
intractable stubborn
abjure renounce
discursive rambling
expedite hasten
mirable dictu wonderful to say
patronize condescend to
inter alia among other things
ignominious disgraceful
expository explanatory
exegesis critical interpretation
magnum opus great work
emissary messenger
apostasy desertion of principle
sententious full of maxims
manumission release from slavery
funi cord
syllogism three-part deduction
metonymy association name
anaphora repetition in succesive phrases
locus classicus classic example
lyssophobia fear of insanity
idee fixe obsession
apotheosis raising to god status
precursor forerunner
lucubration late studying
suspiration deep sigh
synoptic general in view
subterfuge evasive dodge
bon vivant indulger in luxary
pusillanimous small-minded
discern identify
misnomer wrong name
chauvinism fanatical devotion
inexpugnable unconquerable
etiology study of insects
hebetude state of dullness
axiology study of value
congeries heap
Sinology study of china
nonentity a nobody
prognosis medical forecast
entomology insect zoology
perspicacity insight
synthesis combonation
mobocracy mob rule
interpolate insert
subjugate bring under the yoke
replete filled
effusion outpouring
condign worthy
pharisaism hypocrisy
remunerate repay
epistle long instructivel letter
anapest three-syllable foot, stress on third
hyperbole overstatement
dissemble conceal through prestense
beatify make blissfully happy
execrate curse
ne plus ultra peak of perfection
perihelion orbital point nearest sun
sanctimonious affectedly holy
malfeasence public misconduct
superego unconscious conscience
expostulate to object earnestly
syndrome complex of symptoms
dissonant inharmonious
antinomy contradicting reasonable principles
eschatology theology of last things
opprobrium disgrace
apocryphal not authentic
transom window or door crossbar
cognizant aware
remonstrate plead in protest
solipsism docrine:only self exists
recondite abstruse
obloquy verbal abuse
abrogate annul
disjecta membra scattered fragments
metampsychosis transmigration of souls
biogenesis theory of life from life
bas-relief low-relief sculpture
postprandial after dinner
superannuated obsolete
intractable stubborn
abjure renounce
discursive rambling
expedite hasten
mirable dictu wonderful to say
patronize condescend to
inter alia among other things
ignominious disgraceful
expository explanatory
exegesis critical interpretation
magnum opus great work
emissary messenger
apostasy desertion of principle
sententious full of maxims
manumission release from slavery
funi cord
syllogism three-part deduction
metonymy association name
anaphora repetition in succesive phrases
locus classicus classic example
lyssophobia fear of insanity
idee fixe obsession
apotheosis raising to god status
precursor forerunner
lucubration late studying
suspiration deep sigh
synoptic general in view
subterfuge evasive dodge
bon vivant indulger in luxary
pusillanimous small-minded
autodidact self-taught person
monism doctrine that reality is one
circumambient surrounding
transmogrify change form
reify treat as real
obsequious servilely following
pathetic fallacy ascribing feelings to things
mutatis mutandis with necessary changes
declaim speak rhetorically
aver affirm or declare
circumlocution talking in circles
monolithic massive and uniform
Created by: kbayer4869
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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