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Economic Systems

Traditional Economy The use of scarce resources stems from ritual, habit, or custom. Economic decisions are made by ancestors or elders.
Market Economy The use of scarce resources is dispersed throughout the society. Economic decisions are made by individuals.
Command Economy The use of scarce resources is determined by a central authority. Economic decisions are made by the government.
Mixed Economy The only kind of economic system that exists in the real world. All other systems are theoretical ideals.
Socialism Basic productive resources are gov't owned, the rest are privately owned. Gov't plans and directs allocation of resources in key industries.
Capitalism Productive resources are privately owned and operated. Resources for production are obtained by individuals' desire for profit but the gov't may promote competition and provide public goods.
Communism All productive resources are gov't owned and operated, centralized planning directs resources, and gov't makes all economic decisions.
Circular Flow Matrix Model depicting the interchange of resources and products in a market economy.
Name 3 examples of command elements in the US economy: Monopoly Laws, Emissions Standards, Quality Assurance Laws, Licenses
In the circular flow matrix, businesses sell goods and services where? The product market
What is money paid to businesses for goods and services called? Revenue
What is money paid by businesses for resources called? Costs
What is money paid to households for resources called? Income
What is money paid by households for goods and services called? Spending
What kind of income is paid for land? Rent
What kind of income is paid for capital? Interest
What kind of income is paid for labor? Wages
What kind of income is paid for entrepreneurs? Profits
What is government money given as incentives to businesses called? Subsidies
What is government money given directly to households called? Welfare
What is money given by businesses and households in exchange for public goods? Taxes
Monopoly Market structure with only one seller of a particular product.
Oligopoly Market structure in which a few very large sellers dominate an industry.
Monopolistic Competition Market structure that has all the conditions of perfect competition except identical products.
Perfect Competition A market structure characterized by a large number of well informed independent buyers and sellers who exchange identical products.
Benefits of competition: Higher quality goods and services, improved service, lower prices, increased innovation , more adaptive workforce
In the circular flow matrix, households sell the factors of production where? The resource market
Advantages of a command economy: Capable of quick, dramatic change; many basic public services available at little or no direct cost
Disadvantages of a command economy: Does not meet the needs and wants of consumers; Lacks effective incentives to get people to work; Requires large bureaucracy, which consumes resources; Has little flexibility for day to day change; Inefficient allocation of resources
Advantages of traditional economies: Sets forth clear economic roles for all members of the community; stable, predictable, and continuous life
Disadvantages of a traditional economy: Discourages new ideas; Stagnation and lack of progress; Lower standards of living
Advantages of market economies: Individual freedom; capable of gradual adjustment to change; lack of gov't interference; high variety of goods and services; higher degree of consumer satisfaction; higher standards of living
Disadvantages of market economies: rewards only productive resources (not the young, old, or sick); does not produce public goods; workers and businesses face uncertainty from competition or change
Created by: dosselaer
Popular Economics sets




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