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GRE English

pg 15-18

Demotic Democratic
Demur, to To delay, to object
Denotation Strict meaning (as opposed to coonnotation)
Denouement Outcome
Deprecate,to To disparage, to belittle
Derivative Derived from another, unorigional
Descant, to To discuss fully
Descry, to To catch sight of
Desuetude In disuse, in desrepair
Desultory Aimless,jumping around
Detraction Slandering aspersion
Devolve, to To deputize, to pass on to others
Diadem Crown
Dialectic Art of debate
Diaphanous Sheer, transparent
Diatribe Bitter scolding
Dichotomy Branching into two parts
Didactic Instructive, preceptive
Diffidence Shyness
Dilatory Delaying
Dillatante One who dabbles in the arts
Dipsomaniac One who has a craving for strong liquor
Dirge Lament with music
Disabuse, to To correct a false impression
Discomfit, to To defeat, to desconcert
Discursive Digressing, rambling
Dishabille In a state of undress
Disingenous Insincere, crafty, sly
Disparate Unrelated
To dissipate To Squander
Dissolution Disintegration, looseness in morals
Dissonance Discord
Distaff Female
Distrait Absent-minded
Diva Operatic singer
Divers Diverse, sundry
Doggerel Poor verse
Dogmatic Positive, arbitrary
Dotage Senility
Droll Queer and amusing
Dyspeptic Suffering from indigestion
Ebullience Enthusiasm
Ebullient Enthusiastic
Efface To rub out
Egregious Gross, Shocking, flagrant, extraordinary
Egress Exit
Elegy Poem or song of lamentation
Elysian Relating to paradise, blissful
Emendation Correction of errors, improvement
Empirical Based on experience
Encomium Praise, eulogy
Endemic Prevailing in a certain country or among a specific group of people
Enervate, to To weaken
Engender, to To cause, to produce
Enjoin, to To command, order, forbid
Ennui Boredom
Ensconce, to To settle comfortably
Entreat, to To plead
Environ, to To enclose, to surround
Ephemeral Short-lived, fleeting
Episodic Loosely connected
Epistemologist Philosopher who studies the nature of knowledge
Epitome Summary, concise, abstract
Equable Tranquil, calm
Equanimity Calmness of temperment
Equivocal Doubtful, ambiguous
Equivocate, to To lie, mislead
Eschew,to To avoid
Ethereal Light, heavenly, fine
Euphemism Substitution of a mild, indirect expression for one that is offensive, harsh or blunt
Euphony Sweet sound
Evanescent Fleeting, vanishing
Evince,to To show clearly
Exaction Extortion
Exchequer Treasury
Excoriate,to To flay, to abrade, to berate, to denounce
Execrable Abominable, detestable,hateful
Exegesis Critical explanation or interpretation
Exiguous Small, minute
Expatiate, to To roam, wander, to talk at length to elaborate on
Created by: drice
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