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English final 2ndsem

2nd semester vocab words

taciturn -adjective-usually silent; uncommunicative
imprudent -adjective-unwise; showing no judgement
malevolent -adjective-having or showing a desire to harm others
nebulous -adjective-not clear, distinct, or definite
condescended -verb-to do something you would normally consider yourself to important to do
diminutive -adj.-very small or smaller than most
auspicious -adj.-marked by lucky signs or good omens and the promise of success; favorable
innate -adj.-relating to qualities that a person or animal is born with
invective -noun-an abusive expression, or language used to attack or blame someone
livid -adj.-very angry
tirade -noun-a long angry speech, usually of criticism
aberration -noun-a departure from what is normal or desireable
benign -adj.-having a kind and gentle disposition or appearance
prowess -noun-an exceptional ability or skill (usually in battle)
rectitude -noun-strong moral integrity in character or actions
tacit -adj.-understood without being stated openly
fractious -adj.-irritable and likely to complain or misbehave
judicious -adj.-showing wisdom or good judgement, often aimed with the intent of staying out of trouble
altercation -noun-a heated argument
austere -adj.-grimly unsmiling; humorless
myopic -adj.-showing a lack of foresight or long-term planning
venerable -adj.-worthy of respect as a result of great age or wisdom
uncouth -adj.-behaving in an ill-mannered or unrefined way
elucidate -verb-to explain or clarify something
indignant -adj.-angry at the unfairness of something or someone
indigenous -adj.-originating in and typical of a region or country
acrimonious -adj.-full of or displaying anger and resentment
expunge -verb-to delete something; to wipe out something
pauper -noun-somebody who is extremely poor
morose -adj.-gloomy, sullen, unsociable
imperious -adj.-commanding, domineering
mollify -verb-to soothe, calm, soften
pugnacious -adj.-eager to fight, aggressive, quarrelsome
derogatory -adj.-expressing a low opinion or negative criticism; insulting
complacent -adj.-self-satisfied, mug, unworried
derision -noun.-scorn, contempt, mockery, ridicule
reprehensible -adj.-deserving blame or punishment
bemused -adj.-confused, puzzled, absorbed in thought
wryly -adv.-in a way that show disgust or grim humor
aloof -adj.- apart, distant; unconcerned, cool and remote; not friendly.
indignation -noun- anger aroused by something thought to be unfair.
crestfallen -adj.- disappointed or humiliated; dejected, deflated.
retort -verb- to answer back sharply
belligerently -adv..- aggressively; in a hostile manner
bestial -adj.- beastly; marked by brutality or depravity
compulsory -adj.-required, mandatory, obligatory
constraint -noun-the state of being checked, restricted, or compelled to avoid or perform some action
countenance -noun- appearance, esp. the look or expression of the face
emaciate -verb-to waste away physically
Decree-noun -a formal and authoritative order
Conflagration -noun-an extensive, destructive fire
Veritable -verb-to to avoid or escape by speed, cleverness, trickery
Sublime -adjective-supreme or outstanding
Created by: aidan951
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