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Untrennbar List 1

German Inseparable Verb List Grammar Review

What are the Inseparable Prefixes? Be, Emp, Ent, Er, Ge, Hinter, Miss, Ver, Zer
What does the Prefix BE mean? It makes the verb automatically transitive and may affect the meaning of the core verb.
What does the Prefix EMP mean? It colors the meaning of the core verb variously.
What does the Prefix ENT mean? It signals a removal, detachment, or separation of some kind.
What does the Prefix ER mean? It signals to make.
What does the Prefix GE mean? It colors the meaning of the core verb variously.
What does the Prefix HINTER mean? It signals behind and sometimes a deception.
What does the Prefix MISS mean? It signals that something is amiss, false, or incorrect.
What does the Prefix VER mean? Can signal that an error has been made, that something is being consumed, that something is being pushed away, or, like ER - that something is being made or altered in some way.
What does the Prefix ZER mean? It signals to pieces, to shreds and denotes the end or destruction of something.
beantworten to answer
befehlen to order, command
beginnen to begin
begreifen to comprehend, grasp
begrüßen to greet
bekommen to receive
beruhigen to calm (down)
besprechen to discuss
besuchen to visit
beweisen to prove
empfangen to receive, welcome
empfehlen to recommend
empfinden to feel
entdecken to discover, find
sich entfalten to unfold
entkommen to escape
entwickeln to develop
erfinden to invent
erledigen to complete, finish
erleichtern to ease, make easy
ermöglichen to make possible
ersetzen to replace
erzählen to tell a story
gefallen to please
gehören to belong to
gelingen to succeed
genießen to enjoy
geschehen to happen
gewinnen to win
hinterlassen to leave behind
missdeuten to misinterpret
misshandeln to mistreat, abuse
misstrauen to mistrust
missverstehen to misunderstand
sich verändern to change (appearance)
verbergen to hide, conceal
verbessern to improve
verbrauchen to consume, use up
verbrennen to burn up
verbringen to spend time
sich verfahren to get lost driving
verfaulen to spoil, rot, decompose
vergessen to forget
vergleichen to compare
sich verlaufen to get lost walking
verlieren to lose
verlegen to misplace
vermeiden to avoid
vernichten to annihilate
verschwinden to disappear
versprechen to promise
vertreiben to drive off, repel
verursachen to cause
verwöhnen to spoil (children, etc.)
verzeihen to forgive, pardon
zerbrechen to break into pieces
zerfallen to fall to pieces
zerreißen to tear to pieces
zerschneiden to cut to pieces
zerstören to destroy
Created by: Henretta84
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