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Seven Dimensions

of Religion

Experiential:Hinduism moksha, samadhi
Mythic:Hinduism stories and descriptions of the 330 million gods and goddesses
Doctrinal:Hinduism monism, teachings of Sankhya and Yoga
Ethical:Hinduism rules and ideals of dharma
Ritual:Hinduism various forms of worship practiced by followers of bhakti marga
Social:Hinduism the caste system, various Hindu holy figures, such as the sannyasin
Material:Hinduism the Ganges River, clay figurines of deities, sacred cows
Experiential : Jainsism kevala
Mythic:Jainism biography of the Mahavira, sotries of Tirthankaras
Doctrinal: Jainism descriptions of the loka, and of various jivas
Ethical: Jainism practice of ahimsa and the Five Great Vows
Ritual: Jainism daily repentance before a teacher, meditation, fasting
Social: Jainism division into sects (Shvetambaras and Digambaras) or Ascetics and laypeople
Material: Jainism the whisk used by ascetics to prevent injury to life-forms; statues of the tirthankaras
Experiential: Sikhism union with God and liberation from samsara
Mythic: Sikhism accounts of the life of Guru Nanak and the founding of the Khalsa
Doctrinal: Sikhism the theology of the Mool Mantra, haumai and hukam
Ethical: Sikhism the four prohibitions for members of the Khalsa
Ritual: Sikhism the ceremony of initiation into the Khalsa, meditation on the divine Name, worship practices in the gurdwara
Social: Sikhism the Panth; the Khalsa
Material: Sikhism the Five K's
Experiential: Zen Buddhism satori
Mythic: Zen Buddhism the legend of Buddha choosing Mahakasyapa as his successor
Doctrinal: Zen Buddhism the distinction between sudden awakening and gradual awakening
Ethical: Zen Buddhism a concern for social justice
Ritual: Zen Buddhism dokusan and zazen
Social: Zen Buddhism Rinzai vs. Soto Sect; master-disciple relationship
Material: Zen Buddhism the meditation hall, the encouragement stick, sumie, Japanese gardens
Experiential: Shinto unity with the kami
Mythic: Shinto an account of the origins of Japan
Doctrinal: Shinto beliefs regarding the nature of the kami
Ethical: Shinto the primary virtues of Bushido
Ritual: Shinto worship at the kamidana
Social: Shinto Shinto priests
Material: Shinto kamidana, torii
Experiential: Confucianism knowing and being in harmony with Tao
Mythic: Confucianism ancient accounts of the good rulers and ancestors of China's past
Doctrinal: Confucianism Confucius' many teachings as set forth in the Analects
Ethical: Confucianism Jen, Te
Ritual: Confucianism behavior resulting form the doctrine of li
Social: Confucianism the Five Constant Relationships
Material: Confucianism Confucian temples
Experiential: Taoism living in accord with Tao
Mythic: Taoism legendary account of life of Lao Tzu
Doctrinal: Taoism philosophy of Tao, We-Wei
Ethical: Taoism virtues of nonaggression
Ritual: Taoism breathing exercieses
Social: Taoism figure of the sage
Material: Taoism yin and yang symbol



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