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suffix- malacia mean-abnormal softening ex- osteomalacia
suffix- algia/dynia mean- pain ex- myalgia, gastrodynia
suffix- emia mean- blood condition ex- leukemia
suffix- itits mean- inflammation ex- arthritis
suffix- lysis mean-loosen, break down ex- hemolysis
suffix- oma mean- tumor ex- melanoma
suffix- osis mean- condition ex- thrombosis
suffix- pathy mean- deficiency ex- leukopenia
suffix- spasm mean- involuntary contraction ex- myospasm
gram- written record graph- instrument used to record graphy- writing procedure meter- instrument used to measure metry- process of measuring scope- instrument used to look scopy- process of looking
desis mean- binding, fixation ex- arthrodesis
ectomy mean- removal ex- vasectomy
plasty mean- reconstruction ex- rhinoplasty
tomy mean- incision ex- dermotomy
a an mean- not ex- anemia, aphasia
anti contra mean- against ex- antibiotics, contraceptive
de mean- down,away from ex- dehydration
pro mean- before, on behalf of ex- probiotic
brady mean- slow ex- bradycardia
tachy mean- fast ex- tachycardia
ab mean- away ex- abduct
ad mean- toward ex- adrenaline
dia trans mean- through ex- translate, diagnostic
ecto exo extra mean- outside ex- exoskeletons
poly mean- man ex-polygraph
carid/o mean- heart
my mean-muscle pain
angi mean- vessel
SOAP S O collecting data and reasoning Subjective- first part of note patient concerns, family hx,patient hx. Objective- next physical exam,labs,imaging performed at visit
soap A P Assessment- third provider give list possibilities diagnosis. Plan- provider give treatment plan
noncontributory not related to this specific problem
lethargic a decrease in level of consciousness in a medical record, this is generally an indication that the patient is really sick
abrupt all of a sudden
alopecia partial or complete loss of hair, naturally or from medication
anorexia without an appetite, or having an aversion to food
colors of SOAP note S- blue O-red A-yellow P-green
auscultaion diagnostic method of listening to body sounds with a stethoscope
cutane/o derm/o dermat/o skin
pil/o trich/o hair follicles
hidro sebaceo sweat glands oil moisturizer skin and hair
adip/o lip/o steat/o fat
ungu/o onych/o nail
seb/o sebace/o oil
crypt/o hidden ex-onychocryptosis( like ingrown toenail)
kerat/o hard,horny ex- keratosis
xer/o dry ex- xeroderma
xanth yellow
erythr/o red
leuk/o alb/o white ex-albinism
bumlimia episodic bouts of excessive eating with compensatory throwing up
bulla bubble like dilated structure
cerebral palsy paralysis caused by damage to the area of the brain responsible for movement
melan/o black ex-melanoma
C&S culture and sensitivity
SQ SC subcutaneous
ID intradermal
BX ABCDE AK biospy asymmetry,border,color,diamete,evolving actinic keratosis,
(EMT) emergency medical technician specially trained in the emergency care of a patient before and/or during transport to medical facilities
ENT ears,nose,throat
HX history
ROM range of motion
EMG electromyography- measure muscle response or electrical activity in response to a nerve stimulation of the muscle
hypo low
hyper high
oste/o bone ex-ostepathy
crani/o head/skull ex-craniomalacia
spondyl/o vertebra ex-inertebrate
lumb/o loin/lower back ex-lumbar
dactyl/o finger ex-dactylalgia
cost/o rib ex-intercostal
femor/o femur(thighbone)
tars/o ankle ex-tarsitis
ecchymosis from greek, for to pour out, a large bruise
eczema inflammatory skin disease
epilepsy chronic brain disorder due to paroxysmal excessive neuronal discharge
exacerbation period when there is an increase in the severity of a disease
arthr/o joint
chondr/o cartilage ex-chondritis
macula small area of special function, in the ear
macule small area of special function, in the ear
malaise not feeling well
manic depression(bipolar) a psychiatric disorder characterized by alternating bouts of excitement and depression
ankyl/o stiff,bent
marked really stands out
palpation examination with the fingers and hands
pathogen a disease causing microorganisms
percussion the body surface
petechia pinpoint capillary hemorrhage spot in the skin
OA osteoarthitis
WB weight bearing
fasci/o fascia( fibrous connective tissue binding muscle together)
lob/o lobe ex-lobotomy
dur/o dura(tough outer membrane surrounding brain/spinal)
neur/o nerve
gangli/o nerve bundle ex-gangliitis
pachy/o thick
prefix suffix root combing vowel roots combining vowels
when translating a medical term, one can usually figure out the meaning by interpreting the suffix first, then the prefix, finally the the root or roots
when translating medical term one can usullay figure out the meaning by suffix first, then prefix, roots
cervic/o neck
logy study of
prn as needed
prognosis forecast of the probable future course and outcome of diease
prone lying face down, flat on your belly
schizophrenia disorder of perception,thought,emtion,behavior
sequelace problem resulting from disease or injury
subluxation incomplete dislocation when some contact between the joint surfaces remain
supine lying face up, flat on your spine
sagittal vertical plane through the body dividing it into right an dleft
myel/o spinal cord/bone marrow
AD toward
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
AOM acute otitis media
y/o years old
BID twice daily
TID 3 x daily
QD daily, every day, once day
QID 4x daily
OHS every hour at bedtime
pc personal computer software
transverse horizontal plane diving the body into upper and lower portines
dorsal pertaining to the back or behind
hepat/o liver
hemat/o hem/o blood
Created by: dgreen196
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