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Spanish B2

words and phrases I've learned

Que tal se te da el español How good is your Spanish?
Tengo facilidad para los idiomas I have a skill for languages
No domino español todavía I haven't mastered Spanish yet
soy un desastre i am bad
me cuesta un poco la grammatica i find grammar difficult
me resulta difícil i find it difficult
hablan por los codos can't stop talking
no se calla ni debajo del agua never shuts up
no entendí ni papa I didn't understand a word
quedarse en blanco my mind went blank
dejar to quit
acabo de just
empezar to start
vuelto to go back again
sigo still
fallecer to die
dar a luz to give birth
estar de baja being on sick leave
en aquella ocasión on that occasion
a partir de aquel instante from that moment
a esas alturas at that point
justo en aquel momento just in that moment
aquel día that day
el drama the drama
la escena the scene
el guion the script
la banda sonora the soundtrack
el estreno the film premier
tierno moving
predecible predictable
entretenido entertaining
lento slow
colaborar como voluntario to work as a volunteer
hacer bricolaje to DIY
pasar el rato to hang out
subir contenido a las redes to upload content to social media
salir de juerga to go out party
un tercio de a third of
un cuarto de a fourth of
por orden in order
primer lugar first
calcular to calculate
alrededor de around
en promedio on average
al menos at least
asistir a una fiesta to attend a party
festejar to celebrate
conmemorar to commemorate
brindar por to toast to
dar un discurso to give a speech
ser de buena/mala educación polite/impolite
ser maleducado/a to be rude
comportarse bien/mal to behave
tener buenos/malos modales to have good/bad manners
confinarse to go into lockdown
la pandemia the pandemic
las medidas the measures
la incertidumbre the uncertainty
renunciar a to give up
peder la cabeza por to lose your mind
tener miedo de to be afraid of
echar de menos a to miss
pensar en to think about
alimentos altos en foods high in
alimentos bajos en foods low in
alimentos sin conservantes without preservatives
ponerse a régimen to be on a diet
caducar to be out of date
ponerse malo to go off
estar podrido to be rotten
saborear to savour
oler to smell
oír to hear
acaricia to pet
tocar to touch
la comida casera the home cooked meal
tapear to eat tapas
degustar to taste
la carta the menu
asequible affordable
gastar to spend
estar concienciado to be aware
tender a to tend to
habituarse a to get used to
parar de to stop
descuidar neglect
los productos lácteos dairy
las bebidas vegetales plant based drinks
la agricultura ecológica ecological culture
orgánicos organic
origen animal from animals
origen vegetal plant based
Created by: Willemijn
Popular Spanish sets




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