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Imagina L5 # 2 -new

Imagina unit 5 vocabulary set 2

desaparecer to disappear
destruir to destroy
echar to throw away
empeorar to get worse
extinguirse to become extinct
malgastar to waste
mejorar to improve
prevenir (e:ie) to prevent
proteger to protect
resolver (o:ue) to solve, to resolve
respirar to breathe
urbanizar to urbanize
dañino o dañina harmful
desechable disposable
híbrido o híbrida hybrid
renovable renewable
tóxico o tóxica toxic
el chamán shaman
el/la curandero/a folk healer
la dolencia ailment
el efecto invernadero greenhouse effect
el/la encargado/a person in charge
el hecho fact
la madera wood
el medicamento medication
el pulmón lung
el reciclaje recycling
el reto challenge
la semilla seed
la Tierra earth
la utilidad usefulness
reciclar to recycle
el antidoto antidote
la felicidad happiness
el frasquito little bottle
la hoja leaf
la pata de conejo rabbit's foot
el pedazo piece
el/la preso/a prisoner
la rutina diaria daily routine
el símbolo symbol
ahogarse to suffocate, drown
aliviar to relieve, to soothe
intoxicar to poison
a cucharadas in spoonfuls
el augurio omen, sign
la bombilla light bulb
la lucidez lucidity, clarity
la máscara de soldadura welding mask
la óptica optical shop
la oscuridad darkness
el taller workshop, studio
asustar scare, frighten
brindar to provide, offer
cubrir, tapar to cover
envejecer to age
fundirse to burn out
sumir to plunge, sink into
verter (e-ie) to pour
absorto(a) engrossed -entranced, absorbed (in thought)
despejado(a) clear(sky) , cloudless
preparado/a ready, prepared
Created by: mamos7
Popular Spanish sets




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