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andar (en bicicleta) to ride a bicycle
bailar to dance
buscar to look
caminar to walk
charlar to chat
comprar to buy
escuchar to listen
estudiar to study
hablar to talk, speak
jugar (ue) to play (a game, sport)
lavar to wash
mirar to look, watch
navegar to browse
tocar to play (a musical instrument)
tomar to take, drink
trabajar to work
contestar to answer
descansar to rest
llamar to call
llegar to arrive
llevar to carry
pagar (por) to pay (for)
pasar to spend
practicar to practice
regresar to return, go back
sacar to take, to get
terminar to finish
cenar to eat dinner
desayunar to eat breakfast
desear to desire, want
necesitar to need
nadar to swim
pasear to take a walk
patinar to skate
tomar el sol sunbathe
abrir to open
aprender to learn
asistir to attend
beber to drink
comer to eat
comprender to understand
correr to run, jog
creer to believe
escribir to write
estar (irrg) to be
gustar to like (lit. to be pleasing)
ir (irrg) to go
ir + a + inf to be going to (do something)
leer to read
recibir to recieve
quedar to be (located), to meet
vender to sell
vivir to live
arreglar (el cuarto) to arrange; (to tidy/clean up the room)
barrer to sweep
cocinar to cook
cortar to cut
doblar to fold; to turn
limpiar to clean
pasar la aspiradora to vacuum
planchar to iron
poner la mesa to set the table
quitar (la mesa) to remove; (clear the table)
sacar la basura to take out the trash
tender (ie) la ropa to hang clothes
secar to dry off
trapear to mop
levantar pesas to lift weights
pasar bien/mal to have a good/bad time
almorzar (ue) to eat lunch
cerrar (ie) to close
conseguir (i) (+ inf ) to get, obtain (to manage to do something)
seguir (i) (+pres. part.) to continue, to follow (to keep/still be doing something)
deber + inf should, ought to (do something)
dormir (ue) to sleep
empezar (ie) to begin
encontrar (ue) to find
entender (ie) to understand
hacer to make, do
mostrar to show
oír (irrg) to hear
pedir (i) to ask for, order
pensar (ie) (en) to think, plan
perder (ie) to lose
poder (ue) to be able
poner to put, place, to turn on
preferir (ie) to prefer
querer (ie) to want
servir (i, i) to serve
salir (irrg) to go out, to leave
soler (ue) (+ inf) to usually do (something)
tener (ie) (irrg) to have
traer (irrg) to bring
venir (irrg) to come
ver (irrg) to see, watch
volver (ue) (a + inf) to return (to a place); (to do something again)
conocer (zc) to know, be acquainted with (person/place)
saber (irrg) to know (a fact)
abrazarse to hug (each other)
acostarse (ue) to lie down, go to bed
afeitarse to shave
bañarse to bathe, swin
besarse to kiss (each other)
comunicarse to communicate (with each other)
conocerse (zc) to know (each other), to meet (for the first time)
darse (irrg) la mano to shake hands (with each other)
despedirse (i) to say good-bye (to eachother)
despertarse (ie) to wake up
desvestirse (i) to get undressed
divertirse (ie) to have a good time, have fun
dormirse (ue) to fall asleep
ducharse to (take a) shower
lavarse to wash (brush) one's ...
llevarse bien/mal to get along well/poorly (with each other)
maquillarse to put on makeup
mudarse to move
relajarse to relax
reunirse to meet up (with each other)
saludarse to greet (each other)
secarse to dry off one's ...
sentirse (ie) to feel
verse (irrg) to see (each other)
vestirse (i) to get dressed
merendar (ie) to snack
probar to taste, try
aburrir to bore
encantar to love (lit. to enchant)
importar to matter
molestar to bother, annoy
preocupar to worry
interesar to interest
contrar (ue) to count, tell
dar (irrg) to give
deber to owe
decir (irrg) to say, tell
entregar (gu) to deliver, to hand in
explicar (qu) to explain
mandar to send
ofrecer (zc) to offer
preguntar to ask (a question)
prestar to loan
prometer to promise
regalar to give (as a gift)
sugerir to suggest
preparar to prepare
recomendar (ie) to recommend
acabar to run out of
caer (irrg) to drop, fall
descomponer to break down
morir(se) (ue, u) to die
olvidar to forget
rebajar to reduce (the price)
regatear to haggle
romper to break
hay (hubo) there is/are (there was/were)
cantar to sing
amar to love
visitar to visit
esperar to wait (for), hope
viajar to travel
devolver (ue) to give back, return
consentir (ie) to consent
mentir (ie) to lie
reír to laugh
proveer to provide
atribuir to attribute
construir to build, construct
contribuir to contribute
destruir to destroy
huír to flee, runaway
incluir to include
competir (i) to compete
medir (i) to measure
repetir (i) to repeat
sentarse (ie) to sit
ser to be
recordar (ue) to remember
comenzar (ie) to begin
usar to use, to wear
levantarse to get up
cepillarse to brush one's
peinarse to comb one's
llamarse to call oneself
formar to form
freír to fry
meter to put
dejar to leave
saltear to saute
mezclar to mix
cocer to cook
enseñar to teach
planear to plan
conducir to drive
traducir to translate
producir to produce
cruzar (c) to cross
estacionar to park
manejar to drive
parar to stop
subir to rise, move up
dibujar to draw
depositar to deposit
amarse to love each other
casarse (con) to get married (to)
discutir to argue
enamorarse (de) to fall in love (with)
gritar to yell
llorar to cry
pelearse to fight
quejarse to complain
quererse (irrg) to love each other
reírse (i,i) (me río) to laugh
romper con to break up with
sonreír (i,i) (me sonrío) to smile
tenerle cariño a to be fond of (someone)
acampar to camp
ayudar to help
escribir poesía to write poems
ir de vacaciones to go on vacation
pasear en barco to go boating
pescar to fish
pintar to paint
acordarse (ue) to remember
alojarse to stay (in a hotel)
bajarse (de) to get off (of) (a vehicle)
disfrutar (de) to enjoy
embarcar (qu) (en) to board
facturar el equipaje to check luggage
hacer alpinismo to mountain climb
hacer cola to stand in line
hacer una excursión to take a tour/day trip
hacer las maletas to pack one's suitcase(s)
pasar por.... to go through
pasear en canoa to go canoeing
quedarse to stay (in a place)
recoger (j) el equipaje to pick up luggage
registrarse to check in
revisar to inspect
subir to get on/in a vehicle
Created by: ewhalen72
Popular Spanish sets




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