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health midterm

fruit key reminder focus on whole fruits, vary your colors to get different nutrients
vegetable key reminder avoid canned items
grains key reminder make half your grains whole grains
dairy key reminder choose low fat milk
protein key reminder choose lean meat
bone diease that can be prevented by calcium rich foods osteoporosis
goal setting guideline s-smart m-managable a-attaainable r-relevant t-timley
adversity definition instance of serious or continued difficulty
quitter gives up when it gets hard
camper reaches some success but doesn't keep going
climber push regardless of misfortune!
what is empathy? the ability to put yourself in someone elses shoes
depression a mood disorder where a person has periods of sadness and hopelessness
bipolar disorder illness characterized by episodes of depression and mania
panic disorder. unexpectedly experiencing episodes that include frightening physical reactions, fear and irrational thoughts
ptsd disorder that develops when a person has emotional flashbacks caused by a traumatic experience in their lifetime.
bulimia eating disorder where a person will binge eat followed by forcing themselves to throw up
3 components of bullying intent repitition imbalance of power
binge drinking drinking so much within about 2 hours that blood alcohol reaches .08
bac legally intoxicated 0.08
law that protects you if your helping a scenario where an individual is under 21 good Samaritan law
factors that can contribute to your bac speed you drink gender weight
zero tolerance law driver less than 21 years old who drives with any bac higher then 0.00 violates the law
the only thing that can truly lower your bac time
How long should a man wait per drink before driving? 45 mins
How long should a women wait per drink before driving? 60 mins
date rape drugs ketamine, Rohypnol
gateway drugs. Nicotine, Weed, alcohol
Major party drug ecstacy
depressant drugs xanax, alcohol
stimulant drugs coke, Bath salts
opiod drugs Heroin, oxycodone
rx drug type that leads to heroin use prescription pain killers
hallucinations drugs Lsd, Pcp
Number 1 substance that kills teens more then anything else Alcohol
very common bacterial called the "silent infection." chlamydia
commonly called the clap gonorrhea
most curable std Trich
ZERO CURE herpes
5 bodily fluids hiv/aids CAN be spread through. Blood rectal fluid semen vaginal fluid breast milk
fluids hiv/aids CANNOT be spread through Saliva, tears, urine and sweat
Contraception prevention of unwanted pregnancy through forms of birth control
Example of barrier method condom
example of hormonal method birth control pill
which method is more reliable in the prevention of pregnancy? hormonal
Created by: charten



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