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TMDG Vocab List 2


solicitous (adjective) Def: Concerned, caring, attentive or interested. Ex. She looked at me with a solicitous smile to see what was the matter after I slammed the front door in a huff.
grotesque (adjective) Def: Repulsively ugly or disturbing. Ex. The statue had the wings of a bat and a monstrous, grotesque face that gave me nightmares.
channel (noun) Def: A deep area of water that is clearly marked to help boats avoid shallow areas; often connecting two larger bodies of water Ex. The boats in the Delaware River must stay in the channel or they will get stuck in the mud.
elude (verb) Def: Skillful escape, evade. Ex. The criminal broke out of jail and was able to elude the police for months.
invariably (adverb) Def: Always, in every case; without fail Ex. When I play the lottery, the outcome is always the same. Invariably, I will lose.
placid (adjective) Def: still, calm or not easily disturbed; peaceful Ex. The glass-like stillness of the placid lake stretched for as far as I could see.
imperative (adjective) Def: Of vital importance Ex. It is imperative that I take my medication on time every day. Missing just one dose can be deadly.
baying (verb) Def: Barking or howling loudly Ex. The baying of the hounds at the full moon made my hair stand on end.
braggart (noun) Def: A person that boasts about achievements or possessions. Ex. That man is such a braggart, always talking about how wonderful he is and how much he has.
repast (noun) Def: A meal, feast or banquet Ex. After the funeral service ended, the whole family gathered for a repast. We felt better once we had something to eat.
opiate (noun) Def: A drug used to relieve pain and induce calm. Ex. The doctor warned me not to drive on the medication, since it was an opiate, it would make me very sleepy.
ennui (French - noun) Def: Boredom, tedium, listlessness Ex. When the power went out on a cold rainy day, I sat around the house in such ennui, I’d never been so bored.
futile (adjective) Def: Useless, pointless Ex. No matter how many times I tried to beat my best score, it was futile.
intricate (adjective) Def: Very complicated, elaborate, or detailed Ex. My great-grandmother’s needlework and embroidery were so intricate that I could get lost in all the loops and fancy designs.
precariously (adverb) Def: With uncertainty, instability Ex. I crossed the ancient rope bridge over the canyon in tiny steps, moving precariously one plank at a time.
Created by: 29joyce
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