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Vocabulary words L6

Vocabulary word list 6- study at home or school and play games on studystack

Vapor n-Water in a gas state
Slog v-Walk heavily and firmly
Weighty adj-having great weight
Crescendo adv-gradual increase in sound especially in music
Ebb the flow away from the shore of seawater brought in by the tide
Toehold a hold or support for the toes (as in climbing)
Sporadic occurring or done now and then
Erratic irregular in performance, behaviour, or attitude; inconsistent and unpredictable
Deluge n-a severe flood; v-inundate with a lot of something
Bungle v-carry out a task clumsily
Juvenile adj-relating to young people; n- a young person
Fang n-a large sharp tooth especially in canines; the tooth of a snake that contains venom; the biting part of a spider
Etched a picture printed from a metal plate that has had a design cut into it with acid.
Disheveled disarranged and untidy
Lummox a clumsy, stupid person
Surge to rise and fall actively
Precarious not secure; beset with difficulties
Fiasco n-a complete failure in a humiliating way
Enunciate v- say or pronounce clearly
Pristine adj-in its original condition
Cistern n-an underground reservoir for rainwater;a tank for water
Traipse to walk around with a sloppy or aimless attitude
Immaculate spotless, pure, and clean as fresh snow on a far-off mountain
Enticement the attempt to entice, provoke, tempt or lure a child into the commission of a crime
Created by: Athomas0
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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