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9th form

balmy warm and pleasant
heatwave a continuous period of very hot weather, especially when this is unusual
scorcher an extremely hot day
heat very hot weather
severe extremely unpleasant and likely to cause harm or damage
weather forecast a description, for example on the radio or television, of what the weather will be like tomorrow or for the next few days
torrential rains heavy rains like in tropical forests
disaster an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire, that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage
calm very little wind
clear no clouds, rain, etc.
blizzard a snowstorm with very strong winds
slush partly melted snow that is usually dirty
sleet rain and snow
snowdrift a deep pile of snow that has been blown together by the wind
icicle a pointed piece of ice that is formed when water freezes as it falls down from something such as a roof
overcast a sky completely full of clouds
drizzling raining lightly
downpour a heavy fall of rain that often starts suddenly
damp slightly wet, often in a way that is unpleasant
sunshine the light and heat of the sun
snowflake a small soft piece of frozen water that falls from the sky as snow
crisp cold and dry
fresh fairly cold and the wind is blowing
frosty cold enough to produce frost
chilly too cold to be comfortable
humid hot and wet in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable
breeze a light wind
gale an extremely strong wind
a gust of wind a sudden strong increase in the amount and speed of wind that is blowing
foggy not clear because of fog
misty not clear because a cloud of very small drops of water in the air just above the ground
shower a short period of rain
stifling making you feel unable to breathe, because it is too hot and/or there is no fresh air
Created by: svetaryshkevich
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