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APEnglish Tone Words

acerbic bitter
acrimonious angry and bitter
admonitory warning
affable friendly
aloof reserved
ambiguous uncertain
ambivalent Having mixed feelings
audacious fearless and daring
bantering playful teasing
barbarous unrefined
bellicose picking fights
benevolent for the purpose of doing good
bewildered confused
biting making a lasting impact
bombastic exaggerated importance
brash done without regard for consequences
brusque short
cajoling persuading by using flattery
candid honest
capricious impulsive and unpredictable
clinical analytical
colloquial casual conversation
commonplace ordinary
complacent self satisfaction
concrete specific
connotative implied meaning
contemptuous deep hatred
contentious likely to cause an argument
contrite feeling apologetic
convoluted intricate
curt rude and abrupt
decorous in good taste
deferential showing respect
denotative dictionary definition
detached unconnected
didactic instructive
diffident lacking self-confidence
disdainful feeling something is unworthy
dour gloomy
droll amusingly odd
effusive unrestrained emotional expression
elegiac expressing sorrow
esoteric limited to a small circle
euphemistic make something less offensive
exact complete accordance
facetious meant to be humorous
flippant lacking respect
florid elaborately decorated
gothic characterized by desolate
graceless unattractive
haughty arrogant
hectoring bullying
histrionic overly dramatic
hyperbolic exaggerated
idiomatic characteristic of a particular language
idyllic simple and pleasant
impassive emotionless
imperious dominant
imperturbable calm
implacable unable to be changed
incensed passionate anger
incisive direct and decisive
incredulous unwilling to believe
indignant angered at something unjust or wrong
inflammatory Arousing anger or strong emotion
inscrutable difficult to understand
insipid lacking interest
insolent boldly rude
insular isolated
intractable stubborn
introspective examining ones own thoughts
irreverent disrespectful
jargon special words or expressions
Jingoistic extremely patriotic; nationalistic
lacionic using very few words
lamenting mourning
Latinate derived from latin
laudatory expressing praise
learned educated
loquacious talkative
lucid clear and easily understood
macabre gruesome
maudlin overly sentimental
mock-serious pretending to be serious
mundane relating to the world
mystified perplex the mind
objective unbiased
obscure not easily understood
ornate excessively decorated
palpable tangible
parochial narrow-minded within group
pastoral A work of literature dealing with rural life
pedantic insult - to describe someone who annoys others
pedestrian ordinary or dull
perfunctory lacking enthusiasm
petulant Irritable or short-tempered
picturesque visually attractive
pithy full of meaning
placid not easily upset or excited
plain free of extraneous matter
plaintive expressing sorrow
poignant emotionally moving
ponderous heavy, makes one think
pragmatic practical
pretentious pompous
prosaic dull
protracted drawn out; lengthy
querulous habitually complaining
quixotic impractical
resigned having accepted something unpleasant
resolute determined
reverent characterized by honor
santimonious doing the opposite of what you preach
sardonic skeptically humorous
satiric sarcasm
scathing bitterly severe
scornful expressing deep hatred
servile overly submissive
sharp keep attention unethically
singular unique
solemn somber
strident loud and harsh
subjective biased
subservent useful as a inferior
succinct no wasted words
symmetrical balanced
taciturn not talkative
tangential going off topic
terse elegant
unflagging unrelenting
unvaried not diverse
urbane refined manner
vehement powerful negative energy
verbose using too many words
vexed irritated; annoyed
vitriolic harsh language
vociferous loud and noisy
wistful full of desire
wry dark humor
zealous enthusiastic
Created by: drost001
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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