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Robo en la noche

el árbol the tree
el asiento / la silla the seat
el ave (las aves) the bird(s)
bajarse get down
el caballo the horse
casarse (me casé) to get married (I got married)
el chiste the joke
el chofer the driver
la ciudad the city
el edificio building
embarazarse (me embaracé) to get pregnant (I got pregnant)
el esposo/ la esposa the husband / wife
estar casado/a to be married
gallo pinto rice and beans
guardia de seguridad security guard
la hacienda the farm, big house, ranch
el jardinero the gardener
una jaula a cage
morirse (se murió) to die (s/he died)
el país the country
las plumas the feathers
reírse (se ríe) to laugh (s/he laughs)
la revista magazine
la selva jungle
sentarse (se sentó) sit (s/he sat)
sonreír (sonríe) smile (s/he smiles)
sonrisa the smile
tampoco neither
el temblor the earthquake
el tico Costa Rican person
la tristeza the sadness
volar (vuelan) to fly (they fly)
la soga the rope
MINAE In English: Ministry of Ecology and Energy
se bajaron del avión they got off (the plane)
la pierna the leg
el novio the boyfriend
alas wings
pierna rota broken leg
cuidar to care for
un bruto a brute (a bully)
¿Soy tonta? Am I stupid?
huevo(s) egg(s)
trabajo work/job OR I work
piensa s/he thinks
puede s/he is able / can
entonces so then
se pone triste s/he becomes sad
agarra s/he grabs
la abraza s/he hugs her
se pone un suéter s/he puts on a sweater
la mochila backpack/bookbag
semana(s) week(s)
estaba aterrorizado(a) s/he was terrorized
suavemente gently
está sorprendido is surprised
feo(a) ugly
guapo handsome
está enojado he is angry
estaba embarazada she was pregnant
ella tenía she had
los ladrones the thieves
los criminales the criminals
comió s/he ate
come s/he eats
se llamaba s/he called himself/herself... (name)
le dijo s/he said to him/her
le dice s/he says to him/her
un hombre a man
el policía policeman
me equivoco I'm wrong. / I'm mistaken.
me llamo I call myself
lo him / it
la her / it
los, las them
me me
te you
nos us
os you all (Spain)
le da s/he gives to him/her
el parque nacional national park
una soda a diner / small restaurant
"casado" marriage on a plate
tiembla he/she trembles
una ventana rota a broken window
una toalla towel
corta s/he cuts
guapo handsome; good-looking
debajo de under
encima de on top of
dentro de inside of
la mesa table, desk
Popular Spanish sets



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