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Final Exam Review

obedecer to obey
ganar to earn/win
huir to flee/run away
mentir to lie
explotar to explode
saber to know (facts)
pertencer to belong to
proteger to protect
escoger to choose
contar to count/tell a story
oir to hear
haber to be/have
amenazar to threaten
hacer to do/make
dar to give
preguntar to ask
llevar to arrive
fumar to smoke
capturar to capture
ver to see
ser/estar to be
anunciar to announce
faltar to miss/lack
encantar to love
importar to be important
molestar to bother
suceder to happen
atender to assist
posponer to postpone
reparar to repair
entrenarse to train
fijarse to pay attention
lograr to be able to/achieve
rodear to surround
desmayarse to faint/pass out
ponerse de acuerdo to reach an agreement
morir to die
interesar to be interested in
hacerse miembro to become a member
matar to kill
pandilla gang
Date prisa! hurry up!
vengar to avenge
secuestrar to kidnap
agradecer to thank
castigar to punish
brindar to toast
echar la culpa to blame
golpear to hit
detener to detain
acusar to accuse
averiguar to find out
deliberar to deliberate
casarse to get married
tener lugar to take place
robar to rob
decir to say/tell
actuar to act
establecer to establish
arrestar to arrest
quemar to burn
tormenta storm
apurate! hurry up!
efectos especiales special effects
premio award
festival festival
carroza parade float
ensayo rehearsal
consejero counselor
concurso competition
carerra career
abogado lawyer
juzgado court
destrezas skills
juez judge
juicio trial
vago lazy
genial kind
cumplido polite
insoportable unbearable
ingeniero engineer
dueno owner
ninero nanny
escenario stage
guerra war
pandillero gang member
primeros auxilios first responders
victima victim
camioneta SUV/truck
ladron thief
rodaje filming/shooting
subtitulos subtitles
incendio fire
conductor driver
recuerdo memory
documentale documentary
doblado dubbed
ademas furthermore
prensa press
enseguida immediately
tuit tweet
tal vez maybe
mundo world
te lo juro i swear
anuncio announcement/advertisement
muerte death
matanza slaughter/massacre
leve minor
enfermero nurse
socorro/auxilio! help!
terrorista terrorist
paramedico paramedic
ahora mismo right now/right away
guion script
terremoto earthquake
imprudencia carelessness
reportaje report
ganador winner
entrega de premios award ceremony
trama plot
vaqueros westerns
red social social media
policiaco detective
periodismo journalism
clasificados classified ads
por suerte luckily
tropas troops
desgraciado unhappy
violencia violence
contador accountant
premeditado premeditated
culpable guilty
esposas handcuffs
lagrima tear
disparo shot
grave serious
por supuesto of course
por ahora for now
para nada for nothing/to no avail
por desgracia unfortunately
choque de frente head-on collision
heridas injuries
testigo witness
bolsa de aire airbag
autopista highway
ordenador computer
asesinato murder
anoche last night
tatuaje tattoo
huracan hurricane
carcel jail
libertad freedom
estreno premiere
deportista athlete
habilidades abilities
suceso event
jurado jury
sospechoso suspect
desfile parade
asunto issue
inundacion flood
bomba bomb
libre free
amenaza threat
cara face
muerto dead
reportero reporter
soldado soldier
carinoso affectionate
prision prison
algo something
alguno some
alguien someone
ningun none
nunca never
nada nothing
tambien also
tampoco neither
todavia still
siempre always
requisitos requirements
choque crash
noticias news
bailarin dancer
refugiado refugee
fiel faithful
inocente innocent
ya no not anymore
todavia no not yet
Created by: Nitro_Quack
Popular Spanish sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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