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Semester 1 vocab

Ubiquitous Being present everywhere at once
Insidious Working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way
Diffidence Lack of self-assurance
Incognito Without revealing one’s identity
Auspicious Indicating favorable circumstances and good luck
Vehement Marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions
Subjugate Make subservient; force to submit or subdue
Vacuous Devoid of matter
Arcane Requiring secret or mysterious knowledge
Banal Repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
Capricious Determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity
Caveat A warning against certain acts
Eclectic Selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas
Condone Excuse, overlook, or make allowances for
Innocuous Not injurious to physical or mental health
Indignant Angered at something unjust or wrong
Visceral Relating to or affecting the internal organs
Exacerbate Make worse
Contentious Showing an inclination to disagree
Latent Potentially existing but not presently evident or realized
Flippant Showing an inappropriate lack of seriousness
Placate Cause to be more favorable inclined
Corroborate Give evidence for
Quintessential Representing the perfect example of a class or quality
Pretentious Creating an appearance of importance or distinction
Cathartic Emotionally purging
Innuendo An indirect and usually malicious implication
Innate Present at birth but not necessarily hereditary
Penchant A strong liking or preference
Audacity Aggressive or outright boldness
Vigilant Carefully observant or attentive
Faux pas A socially awkward or tactless act
Egregious Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
Stoic Seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive
Contrived Showing effects of planning or manipulation
Subtlety The quality of being difficult to detect or analyze
Furtive Secret and sly
Implicate Bring into intimate and incriminating connection
Obsolete No longer in use
Inhibition The action or forbidding
Created by: wglover6154
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