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Vocabulario 2CD
Term | Definition |
La broma/el chiste | Joke |
El cariño | Affection |
El chisme | gossip |
La cita / la cita a ciegas | date/blind date |
La confianza | confidence/trust |
El conflicto | conflict |
La culpa | the blame/guilt |
El consejo | advice |
El divorcio | divorce |
El malentendido | misunderstanding |
La mentira | lie |
La opinión | opinion |
La pelea | fight |
El problema | problem |
La resolución | solution |
El respeto | respect |
El secreto | secret |
Los sentimientos | feelings |
El/la tramposo/a | cheater |
La verdad | truth |
abrazar | to hug |
Adorar | to adore |
Amar | to love |
Apoyar | to support |
Ayudar | to help |
Besar | to kiss |
Burlarse de | to make fun of/mock |
Casarse | to marry/get married |
Cambiar | to change |
Chismear | to gossip |
Cometer un error | to make a mistake |
Comprometerse | to get engaged |
Coquetear/flirtear | to flirt |
Decir (e-i) | to say |
Dejar de hablar a | to stop talking to |
Dejar plantado | to stand(someone) up/ no show |
Disculparse | to apologize |
Divorciarse | to get divorced |
Engañar | to cheat on/ to deceive |
Enamorarse (de) | to fall in love with |
Estar harto/a de | to be sick of |
Guardar los secretos | to keep secrets |
Gritar | to yell/shout |
Hacer caso | to pay attention |
Escuchar | to listen to |
Hacer las paces | to make peace |
Herir (e-ie) (e-i) | to hurt/injure |
Ignorar | to ignore |
Impresionar | to impress |
Insultar | to insult |
Invitar | to invite |
Llamar | to call |
Llorar | to cry |
Maltratar | to mistreat |
Mostrar (o-ue) | to show |
Molestar (like gustar) | to bother/annoy |
Odiar | to hate |
Ofender | to offend |
Oír | to hear |
Olvidarse | to forget |
Pedir perdón (e-i) | to ask for forgiveness |
Perdonar | to forgive |
Proponer | to propose |
Quejarse | to complain |
Rechazar | to reject |
Reconciliarse | to make up |
Resolver (o-ue) | to resolve |
Respetar | to repeat |
Romper con | to break up with |
Separarse | to separate |
Sentirse (e-ie) | to feel |