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Jones vocab 11-15

Aesthetic pleasing to the senses
Catalyst something that causes or speeds up a process
Disparage to speak ill of
Ingratiate to flatter someone
Insipid boring
Peerless without an equal
Propriety correctness
Virtuoso a master performer
Vitriolic hurtful
Whimsical impulsive
Amicable peaceable
Devious sneaky
Dissonance an unpleasant sound
Efface to remove all traces of
Garrulous long winded
Immutable changeless
Ponderous Weighty
Predecessor someone earlier
Rebuff to treat coldly
Static stationary
Acquiesce to consent
Articulate using words effectively
Belittle to put down
Bombastic pompous
Conciliatory soothing
Delineate to portray
Diffident hesitant
Laconic brief
Scanty insufficient
Subjugate to dominate
Anarchy disorder
Authoritarian favoring firm discipline
Depravity wickedness
Meager inadequate
predilection a liking
Quixotic noble but rash
Salutary wholesome
Suppress to overcome
Temerity recklessness
Turbulence wild disorder
Callous unfeeling
Desecrate to dishonor
Evanescent briefly present
Heed to listen to
Indigent needy
Pargon an ideal example
Provincial narrow minded
Steadfast faithful
Supercilious snobbish
Usurp to steal
Created by: andrew kurowski
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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