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Vocab 2CD

Spanish 3 Vocab 2CD

joke la broma / el chiste
affection el cariño
gossip el chisme
date / blind date la cita / la cita a ciegas
confidence / trust la confianza
conflict el conflicto
the blame / guilt la culpa
advice el consejo
divorce el divorcio
misunderstanding el malentendido
lie la mentira
opinion la opinión
fight la pelea
problem el problema
solution la resolución
respect el respeto
secret el secreto
feelings los sentimientos
cheater el / la tramposo/a
truth verdad
to hug abrazar
to adore adorar
to love amar
to support apoyar
to help ayudar
to kiss besar
to make fun of / mock burlarse de
to marry / get married casarse
to change cambiar
to gossip chismear
to make a mistake cometer un error
to get engaged comprometerse
to flirt coquetear / flirtear
to say decir
to stop talking to dejar de hablar a
to stand (someone) up / no show dejar plantado
to apologize disculparse
to get divorced divorciarse
to cheat on / to deceive engañar
to fall in love with enamorarse (de)
to be sick of estar harto/a de
to keep secrets guardar los secretos
to yell/shout gritar
to pay attention hacer caso
to listen to escuchar
to make peace hacer las paces
to hurt / injure herir
to ignore ignorar
to impress impresionar
to insult insultar
to invite invitar
to call llamar
to cry llorar
to mistreat maltratar
to show mostrar
to bother / annoy molestar
to hate odiar
to offend ofender
to hear oír
to forget olvidarse
to ask for forgiveness pedir perdón
to forgive perdonar
to propose proponer
to complain quejarse
to reject rechazar
to make up reconciliarse
to resolve resolver
to respect respetar
to break up with romper con
to separate separarse
to feel sentirse
Created by: 3681739579
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