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Particle physics

Neutron udd
Proton uud
Elementary/Fundamental Particle Particle that has no substructure
Hadron Quarks bonded by strong force
Strong force Gluons Very short range 10^-15 m Explains why quarks in proton w/same charge near eachother are not repelled.
Weak force Z^0 and +/- W gauge boson Very short range 10^-18 m Radioactive decay (Beta-decay)
Gravity Infinite range Does not play big role in particle physics
Fermions Definition: Particles that make up matter. Types: Quarks (up, down, charm, strange, top, bottom) and Leptons (electron, muon, tau, neutrinos)
Bosons Definition: Force carriers or mediators of fundamental forces. Examples: Photon (electromagnetic force), W and Z bosons (weak force), gluon (strong force), Higgs boson (Higgs field interaction)
Z boson Flavor changing neutral current Z^0->(quark, antiquark), (neg lepton, pos lepton), (neutrino, antineutrino)
W boson W^+ and W^-. Decays into lepton (neg) and corresp. neutrino. Decays into quarks(uct) and corresp. generation (dsb)
Gluons Carries color charge and binds with 8 gluons. Last gluon is completely symmetric 1/sqrt(3) (rr^,gg^,bb^). Gluons can couple to eachother.
Photon Massless. Neutral charge. Neutral color charge.
Higgs Scalar boson. Zero spin. Neutral. Short lifetime. Interacts via the Higgs field(Higgs Mechanism). The Higgs boson is the "rumor" that brings the Higgs field "crowd" to the particle w/ mass "famous person".
Higgs field The Higgs field gives particles their mass.
Confiment There are no free quarks. They are confined in hadrons.
Screening Value of charge changes (gets larger) the closer we get.
Anti-screening The (color) charge will increase as we move further away from the charge.
Asymptotic freedom Quarks seem to behave like free particles when they are close together.
Coupling constant g_s is stronger >> than g_EM >> g_weakly
Time decay Decays first strongly, then electromagnetically, then weakly.
Jets To the energy needed to seperate a quark pair makes it more energitically favourable to create new quark pairs. Therefore a "spray" of quarks will be shown and are called jets.
Electromagnetic shower Produced by a particle that interacts via EM. Electron or photon.
Hadronic shower Produced by hadrons and interacts via strong force. Particles interact and gives multiple lesser energy particles.
Meson quark and anti-quark pair
Baryon three quarks or three anti-quarks.
charge: u,c,t q=+2/3
charge: anti(u,c,t) q=-2/3
charge:d,s,b q=-1/3
charge: anti(d,s,b) q=+1/3
+pion ud^ (up anti-down)
0pion (neutral) uu^or dd^ (up anti-up) (down anti-down)
pion- du^(down anti-up)
K+ us^(up anti-strange)
K^0 ds^(down anti-strange)
K- su^(strange anti-up)
Λ "lambda" uds (anti lambda = anti (uds))
Phi (meson) ss^(strange anti-strange)
∆++ uuu
∆− ddd
Ω− sss
D+ cd^
D− dc^
D^0 cu^
B+ ub^
B− bu^
B^0 db^
J/ψ cc^
Υ ("Upsilon") bb^
Created by: user-1780756
Popular Physics sets




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