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Fab Vocab #7

aggrandize V - to make or appear to make something great or greater than it really is
aloof ADJ - not involved with or friendly toward other people; removed or distant, either physically or emotionally
burgeon V- to send forth new growth; to sprout or bloom; to grow and expand rapidly
doughty ADJ - brave, strong, and determined
ennui N - boredom, weariness; dissatisfaction
expeditious ADJ - done efficiently or in a quick and efficient way
festoon V - to decorate; N - the decorations used
gadabout N - a person who goes to many places and social events for pleasure
germane ADJ - relating to a subject in an appropriate way; relevant and appropriate
gumption N - shrewd practical common sense, especially as actively applied to the problems of life
implacable ADJ - opposed to something in a very angry or determined way that cannot be changed
incontrovertible ADJ - not open to question; not able to be doubted; indisputable
inimical ADJ - likely to cause damage or have a bad effect; not friendly; adverse or hostile
myopic ADJ - having a condition of nearsightedness; unable or unwilling to see long-term consequences; narrow-minded
obstreperous ADJ - noisy; stubbornly unruly
plaintive ADJ - expressing sorrow or woe
pusillanimous ADJ - cowardly; weak spirited
quintessential ADJ - the pure or essential essence of something; the best example of something
salacious ADJ - arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination; lascivious
trifecta N - an achievement involving three successful outcomes
undulant ADJ - rising and falling in waves; having a wavy form or outline
vicissitude N - irregular change; variation
wayfarer N - a traveler, especially a traveler on foot
winsome ADJ - generally pleasing and engaging, often because of a childlike charm and innocence
behemoth N/ADJ- anything that has great size or power
Created by: joselynnflores
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