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WM 2/3 Winter 2023

nudge to push slightly or gently, especially with the elbow, to get someone's attention, prod someone into action, etc
coddle to take care of someone extremely well; to pamper someone
thorny 1. spiny; prickly; covered in thorns 2. full of difficulties, complexities, or controversial points
brim the upper edge of anything hollow; rim; brink
shed 1. to let fall off 2. a simple structure built for shelter
swift moving quickly and without delay
gait the way that something steps, walks, or runs
teem to be full of or overflowing with something
scrawny very thin, lean, or scraggy
bog an area with wet, spongy ground with soil composed mainly of decayed vegetable matter
coax to influence or persuade someone to do something by gentle urging, smooth talk, flattery, etc.
marshy land that is soft and wet; boggy
shanty 1. a poorly built hut, cabin, or house 2. a sailors' song, especially one sung in rhythm to work
preside to be in charge of or in control of something (like a meeting)
rambling aimlessly wandering; straying from one subject to another
spoils goods stolen or taken with force from a person or place
overlook to fail to notice something
measly annoyingly small or meager
sprint to run or race or move at full speed, especially for a short distance
molt to cast or shed the feathers, skin, or the like, that will be replaced by a new growth.
elegant tastefully fine or luxurious in dress, style, design, etc
supervisor a person who oversees the work done by others
oversee to direct workers; to supervise or manage
moldy covered with mold; musty, as from decay or age
command to direct with authority; to give orders
Created by: Mrs. Cramer
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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