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English 11 Vocab

abate become less in amount; decrease in intensity
banal devoid of freshness or originiality
duplicty to be twofold
innocuous harmless; unlikely to offend
aberration a state or condition markedly different from the norm
benevolent doing or inclined to do good; kindly; charitable
ephemeral lasting a very short time
lurid causing shock or horror
accusatory indicating or suggesting that one believes a person has done something wrong
jocular characterized by jokes and good humor
fallacious false; based on mistaken belief
insipid lacking interest or flavor
acquiesce to consent or comply passively or without protest
enervate to weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of
hackneyed overused; cliched
reprehensible deserving blame, rebuke, censure
clemency (n.) a willingness to lessen the severity of a given punishment; (n.) an official act of mercy or forgiveness
meticulous extremely careful; particular about details
apocryphal of questionable authority or authenticity
altruistic unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others
anachronistic anything that is or seems to be out if its time
hedonist person whose life is devoted to self-gratitude; selfish
cajole erge w/ gentle & repeated appeals, teasing, or flattery
ambivalence uncertainty or fluctuation in decision making
astute accurately asses situations or people & turn it to one's advantage
amorphous lacking definite form or having no specific shape
gregarious seeking & enjoying the company of others
opulent rich; superior in quality
delineate To indicate an exact position, chart
efface to remove completely from recognition, cancel
immutable not subject or susceptible to change, permanent
obdurate hardened against feeling, heartless
Exacerbate to increase the severity, violence or bitterness of
Querulous Habitually complaining; impatient
Austere Unadorned, unembellished, severely simple
Capricious Governed or characterized by impulse or whim, unstable
Audacious Extremely bold or daring
Esoteric Intended for or understood by only a particular group
Superfluous Being beyond what is required or sufficient
Deprecate To belittle or put down
Prolific Producing abundant results
Rancorous Showing deep-seeded resentment;bitter
Conciliatory Intended to gain good will or favor or reduce hostility
Capitulate To surrender under agreed conditions
ostentatious intended to attract notice and impress others
pragmatic dealing or concerned with facts or actual occurrences
equivocal open to 2 or more interpretations; not clear
incorrigible not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed
Created by: 25bradys
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