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Semester 1 Exam

Honors English 10, vocab from BSfYA, WIWPR, TFA

Reciprocity A mutual exchange or dependence that benefits both and includes mutual responsibilities
Capitalism Economic system, resources' production is privately owned and price is determined by competition in a free market
Kin Our relatives: all living beings
Cultural Appropriation Disrespectful adoption of a part of culture by a member of a different culture
Firekeeper Makes and maintains ceremonial fire, a sacred position
Powwow A large gathering to honor traditions through song, dance, and feasting
Worldview The way someone thinks about the world
Manido Powerful spirit being
Circumnutation Spirals/curves in a growing plant
Monocot Overgrown grass
Symbiosis Two kinds of organisms live in association that is good for both
Four Directions Honors the N,S,E,W, indigenous people have teachings regarding gifts the directions give
Compensatory Growth When a plant compensates for loss of foliage by quickly growing more
Pultice Soft heated substance spread on cloth then placed on skin to heal a sore or reduce pain
Estuary Where a river flows into the ocean
Knowledge Keepers Hold traditional knowledge taught by elders
Utopia An imagined place or time where everything seems perfect
Barrio A district or suburb of a city
Litany A repetitive listing or grievances
Festooned Decorated
Striated Striped, banded
Imperialism The policy of trying to dominate the economic or political affairs of a weaker country
Syncopated Rhythmical
Charlatan An imposter
Diminutive Small
Fervor Intensity of emotion
Affable Pleasant, friendly
Delirious Wildly excited
Euphemism Substitution a milder word or phrase for one that might be offensive or too harsh
Impropriety Acting improperly
Ingratiated Bringing oneself into another's good favor by conscious effort
Precocious Maturity beyond what is normal for an age
Inscrutable Unable to be understood
Vacillated Wavered in mind; showed indecision
Furtive Acting in a stealthy manner
Truncated Shortened
Proclivities Natural tendencies
Harmattan A hot, dry wind
Improvident Rash, careless
Plaintive Sad
Capricious Impulsive
Emissary Ambassador
Dregs The worst parts
Arduous Difficult
Poignant Moving or touching
Valediction Leaving
Fronds Leaves of plants like ferns and palm trees
Feign Fake
Harbinger Omen of the future
Approbation A favorable opinion about something or somebody
Esoteric Only known by a few; confidential
Forsook Left, abandoned
Incipient Beginning to exist
Tumult Commotion; ruckus
Callow Immature
Atonement Amends
Ostracize To exile
Zeal Enthusiasm
Guttural From the throat
Palaver Talk
Superfluous Unnecessary
Created by: 800725
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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