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Drama Terms

Shakespeare Unit - Drama terms, shakespeare, etc (Honors English 9 - Furlong)

drama story written to be acted for an audience
tragedy play that depicts serious events; ends unhappily
satire type of writig that ridicules something to reveal a weakness
foil a character used as a contrast to another character
comic relief funny scene or event that breaks up a serious play or narrative
meter generally regular pattern of stressed/unstressed syllabyles in poetry
blank verse poetry written in unryhmed iambic pentameter
couplet 2 consecutive lines in poetry that ryhme
iambic pentameter line of poetry that contains 5 iambs
iamb metrical foot (unstressed syllable follwed by a stressed syllable)
personification metaphor when a non-human thing/quality is talked about as if it were human
pun play on the multiple meanings of words or on 2 words that sound similar but mean different things
allusion reference to a statement, person, place, event, history, religion, mythology, politics, sporths, science, or pop culture
aside words spoken by a character to the audience/another character that aren't menat to be heard by others on stage
monologue a poem in which a speaker addresses 1(+) silent listeners, often reflecting on a specific problem/situation
soliloquy long speech in which a character (on stage alone) expresses their thoughts aloud
dramatic irony when the audience knows something important that a character doesn't know
situational irony a contrast between what seems appropriate and what really happens
verbal irony a writer/speaker says 1 thing, but means the opposite
oxymoron 2 opposite meaning words put together (bittersweet, jumbo-shrimp)
paradox a statment/situation that seems to be a contradiction but reveals a truth
exposition characters, setting, tone
rising action conflict, problems
climax turning point, most dramatic/exciting/intense, highest emotion
falling action starting to wrap-up, begin to predict the outcome, marking/signaling the end
resolution end, resolve, problem is solved, tragedy ends in death
shakespeare's writing shows an incredible amount of insight into: _______ the human experience
the year shakepseare was born, an outbreak of the ______ swept through stratford plague
shakespeare was able to attend school because of his _______'s position as High bailiff of Stratford father
Students in school at the time were expected to speak Latin from the age of ____. 8
shakespeare's future wife Ann Hathaway (8 years older than him)
Shakespeare & Hathaway were married in: ____ November 28, 1582
Shakespeare's first 2 plays Henry the 6th, two gentlemen of verona
Shakespeare dedicated "Venus and Adonis" and "The Rape of Lucrece" to: _____ the Earl of Southampton
Shakespeare's first poem Venus and Adonis
Shakespeares plays were above all, ______ commercial
at the peak of the plague outbreak, how many people died each week? 1,000 per week
what chance did you have of dying if you had the plague? 70% chance of death
when did Shakespeare's son die Augus 1596
how old was Shakespeare's son when he died 11
Shakespeare's son Hamnet
What percent of the globe theater did shakespeare own? 10%
first play performed at the Globe Theater Julius Caesar
who played all of the parts men
what year did the Globe burn down 1613
what play was being performed during the fire that burned down the Globe? Henry the Eighth
motto of the Globe: All the world is a stage
How old was shakespeare when he died? 52
Shakespeare's birthday April, 1564
how many plays in the folio were published 18 out of 36
the first film version of a shakespeare play King John
Shakespeare's legacy to the world is his: ______ writing
when and where was drama born? Greece; 600s BCE
The first performances were done at festivals to honor _____ Dionysus
Thespis (a) a. defined theater
Thespis (b) was a playwright, actor, and preist
how many people did ampitheaters hold? 20,000 people
where did the chorus perform an orchetra (circular acting area)
what did the actors use to represent the characters? masks
How did the actors appear taller? High-soled boots (platforms)
During the most important era (400s BCE), tragedies were performed as part of a civic celebration called: ______ The City Dionysia
also during the most important era (400s BCE), prizes were given for: _______ best tragedy, comedy, acting, and choral singing
most important era 400s BCE
where was the Theater of Dionysus located a slope below the Acropolis in Athenns
Created by: dinosaurBlitz_
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