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Vocabulary Words

Vocab Practice

Absolve (verb)- set or declare someone free from blame, guilt, or responsibility
Escalate (verb)- increase rapidly
Mediate (verb)- intervene between people in a dispute
Alleviate (verb)- make less severe (suffering, problem)
Evaluate (verb)- form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess
Mortify (verb)- cause (someone) to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated
Alternative (noun) (of one or more things) available as another possibility
Exacerbate (verb)- make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse
Niche (noun)- a shallow recess; a comfortable or suitable position in life; a specialised segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service
Ambivalent (adjective)- having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone
Excerpt (noun)- a short extract from a film, broadcast, or piece of music or writing.
Obscure (adjective)- not discovered or known about; uncertain. (verb)- keep from being seen; conceal
Analyze (verb)- examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, especially information), typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation
Exemplify (verb)- be a typical example of
Obsolete (adjective)- no longer produced or used; out of date
Animosity (noun)- strong hostility
Explicit (adjective)- stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt
Pacify (verb)- quell the anger, agitation, or excitement of
Approximate (adjective)- close to the actual, but not completely accurate or exact. (verb)- come close or be similar to something in quality, nature, or quantity
Exposition (noun)- a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory
Perception (noun)- the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses
Arbitrary (adjective)- based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system
Falter (verb)- start to lose strength or momentum
Perspective (noun)- a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view
Created by: d.san2007
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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