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Semester 1 Verbs

Spanish 2

afeitarse to shave oneself
abrazar to hug
abrir to open
acostarse (ue) to go to bed
amar to love
apagar to turn off
asistir a to attend
ayudar to help
bailar to dance
bañarse to bathe oneself
besar to kiss
buscar to look for/search
caminar/andar to walk
cantar to sing
casarse (con) to get married (to)
celebrar to celebrate
cepillarse to brush
cocinar to cook
comenzar(ie) to begin
cortar to cut
crear to create
creer to believe
decorar to decorate
dejar to leave (something behind)
desfilar to parade
despertarse (ie) to wake up
disfrutar de to enjoy
divertirse (ie) to have fun
doler (ue) to give pain
dormirse (ue) to fall asleep
ducharse to shower
empezar(ie) to begin
encender (ie) to light
encontrar(ue) to find
enfadar to anger
enojar to anger
estar enamorado/a(s) to be in love
estar juntos to be together
estar listo(a)/s to be ready
estirarse to stretch
examinar to examine
faltar to lack/be lacking
festejar to celebrate/ to party
gritar to yell
guardar cama to stay in bed
iluminar to light up/ to illuminate
irse (de) to leave (from a place)
lavarse to wash
levantarse to get up/stand up
llamarse to call oneself
llegar to arrive
llorar to cry
matar to kill
mirarse to look at oneself
molestar to annoy/bother
morir (ue) to die
odiar to hate
olvidar to forget
pasar tiempo to spend time
pasar to happen; to spend (time); to pass
peinarse to comb
ponerse to put on
quedarse to remain
quejarse to complain
quitarse to take off
recordar (ue) to remember
rezar/orar to pray
romperse to break (a body part)/fall apart
secarse to dry oneself off
sentarse (ie) to sit down
sentirse (ie) to feel
ser listo(a)/s to be smart
tener calor to be hot
tener estrés to have stress
tener éxito to have success
tener frío to be cold
tocar to play/touch
vender to sell
vestirse (i) to dress oneself/get dressed
vivir to live
Created by: profew
Popular Spanish sets




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