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Las Profesiones
Spanish | English |
el/la programador(a) de informática | the computer programmer |
el/la secretario(a) | the secretary |
la oficina | the office |
el/la gerente | the manager |
el/la contable | the accountant |
el/la comerciante | the businessman |
el/la cliente | the client |
el/la cajero(a) | the cashier |
la venta | the sales |
la compra | the purchase |
la mercancía | the merchandise |
satisfecho(a) | satisfied |
el tribunal | the courtroom |
el/la juez | the judge |
el/la abogado | the lawyer |
el bufete del abogado | the lawyer's office |
la alcaldía | the city hall |
el/la alcalde | the mayor |
el/la funcionario(a) | the government official |
la profesión | the profession |
el título universitario | the university degree |
el/la ingeniero(a) | the engineer |
el/la arquitecto(a) | the architect |
el oficio | the job/trade |
el/la especialista | the specialist |
e/la electricista | the electrician |
el/la albanil | the mason |
el/la plomero(a), el/la fonanero(a) | the plumber |
el/la carpintero(a) | the carpenter |
un puesto | the position |
el anuncio | the ad |
el departamento de recursos humanos(personal) | the human resource department |
el/la candidato(a), el/la aspirante | the candidate |
el/la entrevistador(a) | the interviewer |
la entrevista | the interview |
la solicitud de empleo | the job application |
a tiempo completo | full time |
a tiempo parcial | part time |
ofrecer un trabajo | to offer a job |