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1100 words

1100 words - second set (week 24-40)

imprudent (adj) unwise, careless ex: The banks made hundreds of imprudent loans in the 1970s.
taint (v,n) pollute, affect with a bad or undesirable quality ex:The warm weather will taint the food.
contemptuous (adj) expressing a feeling that someone is worthless ex: He was openly contemptuous of his elder brother.
abhorrent (adj) hated ex: Racism of any kind is abhorrent to me.
entreaty (n) plea, begging, request ex:our entreaties gave us a few more minutes to do the exam
inviolable (adj) safe from destruction ex: The person of the king is inviolable.
puny (adj) small, weak ex: My car only has a puny little engine.
debris (n) waste, broken or torn pieces of sth ex: Several people were injured by flying debris in the explosion.
dispersed (adj,v) spread over an area ex: After school the children dispersed to their homes.
obliterate (v) destroy, annihilate ex: She tried to obliterate all memory of her father.
deplorable (adj) shameful, disgraceful ex: The prisoners were held in deplorable conditions .
conflagration (n) an extensive fire
rue (v,n) bitterly regret ex: She'll rue the day she bought that house.
congenial (adj) pleasant, having similar interests ex: Frank was a very congenial colleague.
hoard (v) stored ex: they have begun to hoard food.
sage 1. a planet (مریم گلی) 2. a wise man ex: He was famous for his sage advice to younger painters.
aegis (n) support, patronage ex: The project was set up under the aegis of the university.
detriment (n) the state of being harmed ex: He sits up very late to the detriment of his health.
longevity (n) long life ex:I wish you longevity and health.
imbibe (v) drinking (alcohol), absorb ex: Light beer lets drinkers imbibe without taking in extra calories.
virile (adj) having strength (typically of a man) ex: He wanted his sons to become strong, virile, and athletic like himself.
senile (adj) aged, having the weaknesses of old age ex: she couldn't cope with her senile husband
doddering (adj) moving in unsteady way, specially because of old age ex: The old man stood doddering
lethargic (adj) inert, inactive ex: He felt too miserable and lethargic to get dressed.
prevalent (adj) widespread ex: Is malaria still prevalent among the population here?
remiss (adj) neglectful, irresponsible ex: It was remiss of her to forget to pay the bill.
rebuke (v) reprimand, سرزنش کردن ex: The teacher delivered a sharp rebuke to the class.
evince (v) reveal, show ex: his letters evince the excitement he felt at undertaking this journey
superficial (adj) no depth, shallow, surface ex: Even a superficial inspection revealed serious flaws.
jettison (v,n) throw out (from a ship, etc) ex: six aircraft jettisoned their loads in the sea
lucrative (adj) worthwhile, profitable ex: He inherited a lucrative business from his father.
tussle (v,n) struggle, fighting ex: They began to tussle with each other for the handgun.
intrinsic (adj) innate, inborn ex: The electoral system appeared to form an intrinsic part of a stable polity.
acute (adj) severe, critical, intense degree ex:He suffers from acute depression.
transient (adj) temporary ex: A glass of whisky has only a transient warming effect.
cogent (adj) (of an argument) convincing ex: She put forward some cogent reasons for abandoning the plan.
pinnacle (n) the highest point ex: She is at the pinnacle of her profession.
array (n) صف، گروه، ارایش ex: There was a splendid array of food on the table.
obscure (adj) unknown, unclear ex: The meaning of the passage is obscure.
ardent (adj) passionate, enthusiastic, avid ex: His father was an ardent socialist.
culminate (v) reach a climax ex: All his effort culminate in failure.
constrict (v) to make narrow or tight محدود کردن ex: The drug causes the blood vessels to constrict.
prodigy (n) a genius ex: The 16-year-old tennis prodigy is the youngest player ever to reach the Olympic finals.
bereft (adj) deprived of ex: The team now seems bereft of inspiration.
falter (v) hesitate, start to lose strength ex; His voice began to falter.
vitriolic (adj) filled with bitter criticism ex: The newspaper launched a vitriolic attack on the president.
invective (n) insulting or abusive language ex: He let out a stream of invective.
besmirch (v) damage (someone's reputation) ex: he had besmirched the good name of his family
voluminous (adj) large ex: The FBI kept a voluminous file on Pablo Escobar.
retrospect (n) review of past events ex: In retrospect, I think my marriage was doomed from the beginning.
humility (n) having a modest or low view of yourself ex: Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.
pungent (adj) 1. تند و زننده 2. انتقاد تند و تیز ex: I hate the the pungent smell of frying onions
inveterate (adj) someone who does something very often and cannot stop doing it ex: Many inveterate smokers are never able to quit completely.
adamant (adj) refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind. ex: The prime minister is adamant that he will not resign
bedlam 1. شلوغی پلوغی 2. تیمارستان ex: It was bedlam at the football ground after the match was suspended.
cacophony (n) a harsh mixture of noises ex: A cacophony of voices in a dozen languages filled the train station.
propinquity (n) closeness ex: he kept his distance as though afraid propinquity might lead him into temptation
disgruntled (adj) dissatisfied ex: She's still disgruntled about missing the party.
infallible (adj) error-free, incapable of making mistakes ex: Mahshid sees herself as an infallible girl.
panacea (n) نوشدارو ex: There is no single panacea for the problem of unemployment.
eradicate (v) destroy completely ex: We are determined to eradicate racism from our sport.
impede (v) delay or prevent sth ex: The muddy roads impede our journey.
sedate (adj) calm ex: We spent a sedate evening at home.
compatible (adj)able to exist or occur together without problems or conflict. ex: This software may not be compatible with older operating systems.
serenity (n) calmmess ex: She was able to face death with serenity.
revere (v) respect ex: Students revere the old professors.
avarice (n) extreme greed ex: Avarice makes rich people want to become even richer.
insatiable (adj) impossible to satisfy. ex: Most children have an insatiable desire for knowledge.
nadir (n) the lowest point ex: This failure was the nadir of her career.
moribund (adj) at the point of death ex: The patient was moribund by the time the doctor arrived.
lithe (adj) thin چالاک و خوش اندام ex: He had the lithe, athletic body of a ballet dancer.
burly (adj) large and strong ex: He was a big, burly man.
forlorn (adj) pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely. ex: She looked so forlorn, standing there in the pouring rai
exhort (v) strongly encourage someone to do sth نصیحت کردن ex: Kennedy exhorted his listeners to turn away from violence.
apathy (n) lack of feeling or emotion, indifference ex: there is widespread apathy among schoolchildren
fracas (n) a noisy quarrel ex: He was injured in a Saturday-night fracas outside a disco.
inebriated (adj) drunk ex: In her inebriated state, she was ready to agree to anything.
adversary (n) enemy, opponent ex: He saw her as his main adversary within the company.
indolent (adj) lazy es: he's an old, fat, indolent man
gusto (n) enjoyment ex: this musicians played with gusto
garrulous (adj) talkative ex: Ian isn't normally that talkative
banal (adj) ordinary, cliched ex: it was just another banal newspaper story
platitude (n) cliche سخن تکراری ex: he delivered a long prose full of platitude
pique (n) annoyance, displeasure ex: he stormed out in a fit of pique
dilettante (n) non - professional ex: there is no room for the amateur or dilettante in business
atypical (adj) non typical ex: this bird is atypical of the most species here
nondescript (adj) unremarkable, normal ex: she lived in a nondescript apartment
wane (v,n) decrease ex: the smile was beginning to wane
idyllic (adj) like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque. ex: Country life isn't as idyllic as townies imagine.
galvanize (v) to excite someone to do something ex: How can we galvanize the students into taking the responsibility for their own work?
encunbrance (n) a burden ex: I felt I was being an encumbrance to them.
gaudy (adj) bright, unpleasant in color ex: She wore a gaudy costume to the party.
condescend (v) agree to do something that you do not consider to be good enough for your social position ex: I wonder if Michael will condescend to visit us?
candor (n) straight forward honestly ex: He talked with unusual candor.
mortify (v) cause someone to feel ashamed ex: Jane mortified her family by leaving her husband.
jocose (adj) humorous ex: His jocose manner was unsuitable for such a solemn occasion.
malighn (v,adj) speak bad about somenone ex: don't you dare malign her in my presence
omnipotent (adj) قادر مطلق
zenith (n) the highest point ex: The sun reaches its zenith at midday.
fledgling (adj) little known, inexperienced, ex: It was invested in fledgling biotechnology companies.
peremptory (adj) قاطع ex: The officer issued peremptory commands.
precedent (n,adj) an earlier example ex: The trial could set an important precedent for dealing with large numbers of similar cases.
wheedle (v) cajol ex: She's one of those children who can wheedle you into giving her anything she wants.
jubilant (adj) joyful. overjoyed ex: Liverpool were in a jubilant mood after their cup victory.
decorum (n) decency ex: I hope you will behave with decorum at the funeral.
heresy (n) کفر ex: he was executed for heresy
prudent (adj) careful ex: it would be prudent to save some some of the money
ostensible (adj) apparent, surface ex: The ostensible reason wasn't the real reason.
fervid (adj) enthusiastic, passionate ex: i received a letter of fervid thanks
spurious (adj) false, fake ex: He demolished the Opposition's spurious arguments.
propagate (v) spread out an idea, promulgate ex: The government have tried to propagate the belief that this is a just war.
innocuous (adj) harmless ex: The interviewer only asked boring, innocuous questions.
anomaly (n) abnormality ex: It is often unpleasant to see an anomaly animal.
surfeit (n,v) a large amount ex: A surfeit of rich food is bad for you.
milieu (n) environment ex: She never felt happy in a student milieu.
strident (adj) a harsh noise ex: The strident ringing of the telephone broke in on them.
concomitant (adj) associated ex: she loved travel, with all its concomitant worries
lassitude (n) lethargy ex: we feel lassitude on a hot summer day
deleterious (adj) harmful ex:These drugs have a proven deleterious effect on the nervous system
efficacy (n) effectiveness, success ex: They recently ran a series of tests to measure the efficacy of the drug.
dissent (n,v) disagreement, disagree ex: The regime ruthlessly suppresses all dissent.
ferment (v) مخمر شدن (n) the state of confusion ex: In the 1960s, American society was in ferment.
attenuate (v) to make something weaker ex: support from friends will attenuate the effects of stress
arbiter (n) judge داور ex: Andrew was the arbiter of the disagreement.
incumbent (adj) nessecary ex: the government realized that it was incumbent on them to act
profound (adj) great and intense ex: Her speech made a profound impact on everyone.
alleviate (v) to make a problem less sever ex: A cold compress can alleviate your pain.
prodigious (adj) extremely great in ability, amount, or strength ex: He had a prodigious appetite for both women and drink.
celertity (n) speed ex: She moves with incredible celerity
expedite (v) quicken, haste, speed up ex: The builders promised to expedite the repairs.
usurp (v) غصب کردن به زور گرفتن ex: The duke attempted to usurp the throne.
condone (v) چشم پوشی کردن نادید گرفتن ex: The state appears to condone police brutality.
paltry (adj) small and trivial ex: The company offered Jeremy a paltry sum which he refused.
menial (adj) unskilled پست و نوکرمابانه ex: Even well-trained women were forced into menial labor.
venerable (adj) respected ex: The cathedral is a venerable building.
extraneous (adj) irrelevant, outside ex: Such details are extraneous to the matter in hand.
succinct (adj) briefly expressed ex: Keep your letter succinct and to the point.
emulate (v) imitate (because you feel jealous or compatative) ex: most rulers wished to emulate Alexander the Great
facetious (adj) funny (with inappropriate humer) ex: She kept interrupting our discussion with facetious remarks.
rabid 1. هار 2. having an extreme support ex: the team has some rabid fans
salubrious (adj) healthy, pleasant ex: He doesn't live in a very salubrious part of town.
complacent (adj) self-satisfied ex: The winner's complacent smile annoyed some people.
somber (adj) 1. dark 2. having deep sadness ex: A funeral is a somber occasion.
debilitate (v) make (someone) very weak ex: The troops were severely debilitated by hunger and disease.
impetuous (adj) acting or done quickly and without thought or care. ex: she might live to rue this impetuous decision
occult (adj,n) mystical ex: She claims to have occult powers
discreet (adj) careful ex: You ought to make a few discreet enquiries before you sign anything.
foment (v) excite, provoke ex: He was accused of fomenting violence
glean (v) obtain, get ex: What do you glean from the news?
quarry (n) 1. معدن 2. طعمه، شکار ex: The dogs pursued their quarry into an empty warehouse.
slovenly (adj) untidy, messy ex: She was fat, slovenly, and out of shape.
abjure (v) reject, renounce ex: The conqueror tried to make the natives abjure their religion.
reproach (v,n) rebuke, disaproval ex: She is quick to reproach anyone who doesn't live up to her own high standards
penitent (adj,n) someone who repents his sin ex:"I'm sorry, " she said with a penitent smile.
evanescent (adj) soon passing, vanishing, fading ex: Rainbows are evanescent
tantamount (adj) as same as, equivalent ex: Her statement is tantamount to a confession of guilt.
propensity (n) tendency گرایش ex: He has a propensity for drinking too much alcohol.
wary (adj) careful ex: be wary of the strangers who offer you a ride
allay (v) alliviate ex: The president made a statement to allay public anxiety.
deter (v) discourage by fear ex: The alarm is usually sufficient to deter a would-be thief.
connoisseur (n) an expert ex; Only the real connoisseur could tell the difference between these two wines.
vigil (n) شب زنده داري،‌احيا ex: She kept a vigil at Patrick's bedside.
cumbersome (n) مايه زحمت، سخت ex: it was a cumbersome decision-making process
divulge (v) disclose, reveal ex: It is not company policy to divulge personal details of employees.
fluctuate (v) rise and fall, shift نوسان داشتن ex: Vegetable prices fluctuate according to the season.
unmitigated (adj) absolute ex: the tour had been an unmitigated disaster
commodious (adj) big, roomy and comfortable ex: The apartment is not commodious enough for us.
dishevered (adj,v) untidy person ex: Teenagers, drunk, disheveled, excited they ruined our party.
tenacious (adj) tight, persevering ex: She is tenacious in defence of her rights.
facade (n) appearance and outward of a building, etc ex: Behind that amiable facade, he's a deeply unpleasant man.
asinine (adj) extremely stupid ex: Have you heard anything as asinine as that before?
grimace (n) frown اخم و تخم ex: His face twisted in a grimace of pain
calumny (n) a false statement about someone ex: He was subjected to the most vicious calumny
pittance (n) a very small or inadequate amount of money. ex:The musicians earn a pittance.
au courant (adj) up-to-date ex: she was trying to stay au courant.
fastidious (adj) scrupulous مشكل پسند،‌سخت گير ex: He was fastidious about his appearance.
noisome (adj) unpleasant. nasty ex: The air is infected with noisome gases.
unkempt (adj) disheveled, untidy ex: The children were unwashed and unkempt.
whimsical (adj) strange in a funny way ex: He has a wonderful whimsical sense of humour.
lampoon (v) satirize, criticize ex: the actor was lampooned by the press
countenance (n) face (v) accept, tolerate ex: We will never countenance violence
sanctimonious (adj) مقدس نما ex: I wish she'd stop being so sanctimonious.
equanimity (n) calmness ex: she maintained her equanimity during her work
effrontery (n) impudence جسارت،‌بي شرمي ex: She had the effrontery to ask me for more money.
nonentity (n) unimportant person ex: How could such a nonentity become chairman of the company?
flabbergasted (adj) shocked ex: When they announced her name, the winner just sat there, flabbergasted.
debacle (n) a sudden failure ex: His first performance was a debacle : the audience booed him off the stage.
vivacious (adj) lively ex: He had three pretty, vivacious daughters.
gaunt (adj) very thin - especially because of hunger or sickness ex: Looking gaunt and tired, he denied there was anything to worry about.
mien (n) appearance ex: he has a cautious, academic mien
hirsute (adj) hairy ex: You're looking very hirsute, Richard are you growing a beard?
refute (v) disprove, refuse ex:We can easily refute his argument.
pensive (adj) thoughtful, thinking ex: He became so pensive that she didn't like to break into his thought.
whet (v) interest someone in doing sth ex: The book will whet your appetite for more of her work.
stupor (n) the state of unconscionsness ex: He fell to the ground in a stupor.
wince (V) grimace, pulling back your body ex: She winces as the nurse put the needle in.
candid (adj) frank, honest ex: Let me hear your candid opinion
unsavory (adj) unpleasant to smell, taste, etc ex: This salad is unsavory
venial (adj) forgivable ex: The venial sins are relatively minor
epitome (n) a perfect example of something ex: Victor Hugo was the epitome of french writers.
dexterity (n) skill ex: Video games demand great manual dexterity.
repugnant (adj) disgusting, abhorrent ex: I find his racist views totally repugnant.
acme (n)peak, pinnacle, zenith ex: His work is considered the acme of cinematic art.
copious (adj) abundant, full ex: She supports her theory with copious evidence.
vehemently (adv) intense manner ex: has always vehemently denied using drugs.
perfidious (adj) disloyal ex: The company was betrayed by its perfidious allies.
covet (v) crave, desire to possess ex: Never covet wealth and power.
ingratiate (v) خودشیرینی ex: He's always trying to ingratiate himself with his boss.
ignominious (adj) shameful ex: The marriage was considered especially ignominious
servile (adj) showing a passion to serve ex: He is servile to his boss.
volition (n) اراده، میل ex: Deena left the company of her own volition.
sojourn (n,v) a temporary stay ex: He must sojourn in villages
halcyon (n) ایام خوش گذشته ex: She recalled the halcyon days of her youth.
tenable (adj) justifiable, defensible ex: His theory is no longer tenable in light of the recent discoveries.
superfluous (adj) زائد، زیادی ex: Repack all the superfluous cups in the box.
nascent (adj) developing نوظهور ex: China is a nascent superpower.
iconoclast (n) سنت شکن، بت شمن ex: Freud was considered an iconoclast in the field of psychology
germane (adj) relevant ex: this is not germane to our theme
conducive (adj) helpful, good for ex: Daylight is highly conducive to good plant growth.
glib (adj) چرب زبان، زبون باز ex: No one was convinced by his glib answers
homogeneous (adj) similar ex: he population of the village has remained remarkably homogeneous.
malleable (adj) easily influenced ex: She was young enough to be malleable.
legerdemain (n) جادوگری ex: Some accused the White House of legerdemain.
stagnant (adj) راکد، کساد ex: Business was stagnant last month.
passe (adj) no longer fashionable ex: It was fashionable in the sixties but definitely passe in the eighties.
facet (n) aspect ex: The report examines every facet of the prison system
foist (v) قالب کردن، انداختن ex: He's religious but he doesn't try to foist his beliefs on everyone.
stigmatize (v) to treat someone or something unfairly by disapproving of him, her, or it: ex: People should not be stigmatized on the basis of race.
capitulate (v) surrender ex: The enemy was warned to capitulate or face annihilation.
audacity (n) boldness, daring, fearlessness ex: I can't believe he had the audacity to ask me for more money!
tantalize (v) tease someone with a promise that is unobtainable امیدواهی دادن ex: Give the dog the bone don't tantalize him.
retort (v) to answer angrily ex: "That doesn't concern you!" she retorted.
tacit (adj) implied without being said ex: By tacit agreement , Clark's friends all avoided any mention of his mentally ill wife.
chicanery (n) trickery, deception ex: these storylines are packed with political chicanery
obliging (adj) willing or eager to help ex: The shop assistant was very obliging.
belated (adj) happening hater that it should have been ex: They made a belated attempt to save her life.
decrepit (adj) broken down, weak and old ex: Most of the buildings were old and decrepit.
imperturbable (adj) calm ex: She was one of those imperturbable people who never get angry or upset.
vacillate (v) between two opinions دودل بودن ex: I vacillated between teaching and journalism
staunch (adj) loyal ex: She's a staunch advocate of free trade.
opprobrium (n) رسوایی ex:
machiavellian (adj) cunning ex: Reuther's political success cannot be read solely in terms of Machiavellian politics.
pandemonium (n) chaos ex: There was pandemonium when the news was announced.
flay (v) peeling the skin ex: He was so angry he nearly flayed his horse alive.
demeanor (n) behavior ex: The old soldier never lost his military demeanor.
delineation (n) portrayal, description ex: Delineation of channels is the first step of geologic evaluation.
vindicate (v) justify, to clear someone of blame ex: The witness completely vindicated him.
heinous (adj) very bad and evil ex: They admitted to the most heinous crimes.
turpitude (n) corruption ex: She felt depressed by the turpitude of modern society.
infraction (n) violation of law ex: Most companies may forgive a minor infraction
callous (adj) hard-hearted ex: He is callous about the safety of his workers.
redress (v) remedy or compensent ex: King Arthur tried to redress wrongs in his kingdom.
vituperation (n) bitter language ex: The speeches were full of vituperation and slander.
clique (n) a small group of people ex: The club is dominated by a small clique of intellectuals.
extol (v) praise someone enthusiastically ex: he extolled the virtues of the Russian people
facile (adj) effortless, easy ex: While the adults found the video game complicated, the teenagers thought it was facile and easily played.
cant (n) stock phrases that become nonsense ex: I didn't understand a word of their cnat
umbrage (n) annoyance, offensive ex: He takes umbrage against anyone who criticises him.
magnanimous (adj) generous ex: Johnson was vilified in the press for refusing to resign.
elucidate (v) explain ex: You have not understood; allow me to elucidate.
vilify (v) defame someone ex: She was vilified by the press for her controversial views.
vapid (adj) unexciting ex: he offers nothing but vapid musical comedies
unwieldy (adj) difficult to carry or move because of its size, shape, or weight. ex: A piano is a very unwieldy item to get down a flight of stairs.
augment (v) increase ex: he augmented his summer income by painting houses
fatuous (adj) silly ex: Why did the fatuous King send him into exile?
contort (v) twist, bent out of normal shape ex: His body contorted with pain.
imperceptible (adj) unnoticible ex: Such changes are imperceptible to even the best-trained eye.
repertpire (n) collection گنجینه ex: A chef's repertoire is what she knows how to cook.
Created by: Niusha.s
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