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Word masters list 4

Milestone milestone --- a significant event or stage in the life, progress, development, or the like of a person, nation, etc. noun
hightail hightail --- to leave or go somewhere in a great hurry. verb
shimmering shimmering --- to shine with a soft tremulous or fitful light. noun
charisma charisma --- the ability to attract the attention and admiration of others, and to be seen as a leader. adjective
burrow burrow --- a hole or excavation in the ground made by an animal (such as a rabbit) for shelter and habitation. noun
mellow mellow ---pleasantly agreeable; free from tension, discord, etc. adjective
charm charm ---behaves in a friendly, pleasant way that makes people like them. noun
scuttle scuttle ---to move quickly, with small, short steps, especially in order to escape. verb
captivating captivating ---something that's completely enthralling and holds your attention. adjective
tenderfoot tenderfoot ---an inexperienced beginner noun
vault vault ---a roof in the form of an arch or a series of arches, typical of churches and other large, formal buildings. adjective
radiant radiant ---so happy that their happiness shows in their face. Adjective
talon talon --- the claw of an animal and especially of a bird of prey. noun
amble amble --- to go at a slow, easy pace; stroll; saunter. adjective
mature mature --- relatively advanced physically, mentally, emotionally, etc; grown-up. Adjective
fledgling fledgling --- a person who is just starting out in a field of activity at hockey. adjective
scuffle scuffle --- to struggle or fight in a rough, confused manner. noun and a verb
leisurely leisurely --- not hurried or forced. Adverb
breakthrough breakthrough --- a person's first notable success. noun
grapple grapple --- When you wrestle with something — literally or figuratively — you grapple with it, or try to overcome it. verb
tranquil tranquil --- peaceful, quiet and serene noun
coffer coffer --- a large, strong box in which money or valuable objects are kept. noun
goad goad --- a pointed rod used to urge on an animal. verb
serene serene --- peaceful and calm; worried by nothing adjective
inspire inspire --- to excite, encourage, or breathe life into. verb
Created by: Ypatel
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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