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WM 4/5 Fall 2023

quarry noun, -an excavation or pit, usually open to the air, from which building stone, slate, or the like, is obtained by cutting, blasting, etc. -an abundant source or supply verb, -to obtain (stone) from or as if from a quarry.
vex verb, -to irritate; annoy; provoke: EXAMPLE: His noisy neighbors often vexed him. -to torment; trouble; distress; plague; worry: EXAMPLE: Lack of money vexes many.
happy-go-lucky adjective, -cheerfully unworried or unconcerned, carefree
portal noun, -a door, gate, or entrance, especially one of imposing appearance, as to a palace. -an entrance to a tunnel or mine. -a website that functions as an entry point to the internet
dredge noun, -Any powerful machines for dredging up or removing earth, as from the bottom of a river, by means of a scoop, a series of buckets, a suction pipe, or the like. verb, -to clear out with a dredge; remove sand, silt, mud, etc., from the bottom of.
potable adjective, -fit or suitable for drinking: potable water. noun, -usually called potables. drinkable liquids; beverages.
chasm noun, -a deep fissure in the earth, rock, or another surface. -a profound difference between people, viewpoints, feelings, etc.
excavate verb, -to make hollow by removing material; make a hole or cavity in; form into a hollow, as by digging:
corrosive adjective, -having the quality of corroding or eating away; erosive. -harmful or destructive noun, -something corrosive, as an acid
decade noun a period of ten years: a period of ten years beginning with a year whose last digit is zero: a group, set, or series of ten.
hail verb, to call out in order to greet, attract attention, etc.: EXAMPLE: He hailed a cab to pick him up. noun, the weather that rains pellets of ice
furtive adjective, -taken, done, used, etc., surreptitiously or by stealth; secret: a furtive glance. -sly; shifty: a furtive manner.
recess noun, -temporary withdrawal or cessation from the usual work or activity. -a small space created by building part of a wall further back from the rest. verb, - to make a recess in a wall. -to take a recess
acclaim verb, -to welcome or salute with shouts or sounds of joy and approval or applaud. -to announce or proclaim with enthusiastic approval.
caustic adjective, -capable of burning, corroding, or destroying living tissue. -severely critical or sarcastic: EXAMPLE: a caustic remark. noun, -a caustic substance.
trend noun, -the general course or tendency -style or vogue verb, -to tend to take a particular direction -to be currently popular
plod verb, -to proceed in a tediously slow manner. -to walk heavily over or along.
current adjective, -passing in time; belonging to the time actually passing: EXAMPLE: the current month. -prevalent; customary. -something that flows, or a stream. noun, -a flow of, as in water or electricity -a course, the general tendency.
nourish verb, -to sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth. -to cherish, foster, keep alive, etc.
stride verb, -to take a long step EXAMPLE: to stride across a puddle. -to walk with long steps noun, -a long step in walking.
resolute adjective, -firmly resolved or determined; set in purpose or opinion: -characterized by firmness and determination, as the temper, spirit, actions, etc.
cavity noun, -any hollow place; hollow. -Anatomy. a hollow space within the body, an organ, a bone, a tooth, etc.
harry verb, -to harass, agitate, or trouble by or as if by repeated attacks; -to ravage, as in war; devastate: EXAMPLE: The troops harried the countryside.
bygone adjective, -past; gone by; earlier; former: EXAMPLE: The faded photograph brought memories of bygone days. noun, -usually bygones. that which is past: EXAMPLE: Let's not talk of bygones.
century noun, -a period of 100 years.
Created by: Mrs. Cramer
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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