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Spanish 4 - Present

Present Tense Conjugation

AR o as a amos áis an
ER o es e emos éis en
IR o es e imos ís en
poner to put, place, set - irregular yo pongo
salir to leave - irregular yo salgo
traer to bring- irregular yo traigo
caer to fall - irregular yo caigo
valer to be worth - irregular yo valgo
hacer to do/make - irregular yo hago
tener to have - irregular yo, stem changing tengo, tienes
venir to come - irregular yo, stem changing vengo, vienes
saber to know fact/info - irregular yo sé
caber to fit - irregular yo quepo
decir to say/tell digo, dices, dice, decimos, dicen
oír to hear oigo, oyes, oye, oímos, oyen
haber to have (not possession; helping verb - ex. I have spoken) he, has, ha, hemos, han
oler to smell huelo, hueles, huele, olemos, huelen
ser to be soy, eres, es, somos sois, son
dar to give doy, das, da, damos dan
estar to be estoy, estás, está, estamos, están
ir to go voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van
escoger to choose - ger/gir - only yo "jo" escojo
dirigir to direct - ger/gir - only yo "jo" dirijo
elegir to choose/elect - ger/gir - only yo "jo" and irregular stem elijo, elijes, elije, elegimos, eligen
concluir to conclude - uir - y in the boot concluyo, concluyes, concluye, concluimos, concluyen
huir to flee - uir - y in the boot huyo, huyes, huye, huimos, huyen
distribuir to distribute - uir - y in the boot distribuyo, etc.
conocer to know/be familiar w/ a person, place, thing, or idea - (vowel) cer - zco conozco, conoces, etc.
parecer to seem - (vowel) cer - zco parezco, pareces, etc.
conducir to drive - (vowel) cir - zco conduzco, conduces
vencer (convencer) to beat (to convince) - (consonant) cer - zo - ALSO CAN BE CIR venzo, vences, etc.
hacer/decir are exceptions to... cer/cir!
seguir (conseguir) to continue/follow (to obtain) - guir - yo only, go (drop the u) sigo, sigues, etc.
distinguir to distinguish - guir - yo only, go (drop the u) distingo, distingues, etc.
cerrar to close (e to ie)
nevar to snow (nieva) (e to ie)
empezar to start/begin (e to ie)
comenzar to start/begin (e to ie)
entender to understand (e to ie)
pensar to think (e to ie)
querer to want/love (e to ie)
mentir to lie (e to ie)
sentir to regret (e to ie) (lo siento - I am sorry)
preferir to prefer (e to ie)
perder to lose (e to ie)
tener to have (e to ie) (yo tengo)
venir to come (e to ie) (yo vengo)
convertirse en to become (e to ie) (reflexive)
pedir to ask/order/request (e to i)
servir to serve (e to i)
repetir to repeat (e to i)
seguir to continue/follow (e to i) (yo sigo)
decir to say/tell (e to i) (yo digo) (exception to cir)
elegir to elect (e to i)
corregir to correct (e to i)
perseguir to peruse/persecute (e to i)
conseguir to get/obtain (e to i)
encontrar to meet/find (o to ue)
poder to be able to (o to ue)
costar it costs/they cost (cuesta/cuestan) (o to ue)
dormir to sleep (o to ue)
volver to return (o to ue)
devolver to give back (o to ue)
envolver to wrap (o to ue)
almorzar to eat lunch (o to ue)
mover to move (o to ue)
llover it rains (llueve) (o to ue)
volar to fly (o to ue)
morir to die (o to ue)
soler used to/to be accustomed to (repetition - would be imperfect) (o to ue)
moirirse to die of (thirst, laughter) (o to ue) (reflexive)
despertarse to wake up (e to ie) (reflexive)
acostarse to go to bed (o to ue) (reflexive)
dormirse to fall asleep (o to ue) (reflexive)
despedirse to say goodbye (e to i) (reflexive)
sentarse to sit down (e to ie) (reflexive)
sentirse to feel (e to ie) (reflexive)
vestirse to get dressed (e to i) (reflexive)
jugar to play (u to ue) - exception!
torcer to twist tuerzo, tuerces, tuerce, torcemos, tuercen
demasiado too much
demasiado rápido/lento too fast/slow
what to look for cir/cer (yo, vowel vs. consonant, not hacer/decir) ger/gir (yo) uir (boot) guir (yo) 8 irregular verbs - ser, estar, ir oír, haber, dar, oler, decir stem-changing "go" verbs, sé, quepo!
fingir to pretend/fake (gir) finjo, finges, etc.
reír/sonreír to laugh/smile - think of river = río río, ríes, ríe, reímos, ríen
eviar í!
divertirse to have fun (e to ie) (reflexive)
defender to defend (e to ie)
deshacer to under (same as hacer)
ejercer to exercise (consonant) cer
permanecer to stay, to remain (vowel) cer
exponer to expose (yo go)
atraer to attract (same as traer)
influir to influence (uir, y!)
consentir to consent (same as sentir)
impedir to prevent/block (same as pedir)
mantener to maintain (same as tener)
casi almost
Created by: skwinston
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