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palabra/ expresión | significado |
abusar de algo/alguien | to take advantage of someone/something |
agradecer (zc) | to thank |
la aparición | ghost, apparition |
aparecer(se) (zc) | to appear |
aprovecharse de | to take advantage of |
ciego(a) | blind |
desaparecer (zc) | to disappear |
echar de menos a alguien | to miss someone |
enterarse de | to find out |
extrañarse | to be surprised |
el fantasma | ghost |
harto(a) de | fed up with |
el incendio | fire |
la peluquería | hair salon |
pedirle perdón a alguien | to ask forgiveness from someone |
ocultar | to hide |
quedarse con algo | to keep; end up with |
el recuerdo | memory |
la sequía | drought |
sordo(a) | deaf |
velar | to watch over; have a wake |
el viento | wind |
¿A cómo tienen los tomates (mangos, etc.)? | How much are the tomatoes (mangos, etc.) |
contar (u>ue) con alguien | to count on someone |
quitarle a alguien un peso de encima | to take a weight off someone's shoulders |
venirle bien a alguien | to suit someone (fit the bill, work well) |
hacerse la idea | to get used to the idea |
ponerle los cuernos (a alguien) | to cheat (on someone) |
¡Qué poca vergüenza! | What a lot of nerve! |
estar molido(a) | to be beat, exhausted |
flipar | to flip out (over), to be astonished |
el frigorífico | freezer |
guay | super, great, cool, etc. |
la leche | My God! Wow! (good/bad) |
laborintera | busybody |
liado(a) | hooked up (romantically); busy |
el maletero | trunk (of a vehicle) |
mociquilla | young woman |
mogollón (de) | a lot, a ton (of) |
molar | to be great,cool (like gustar) |
pasada | amazing |
pelá (pelada(o)) | broke (money) |
ser pesado(a) | to be a pain |
cachondeo | joke |