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palabra/ expresiónsignificado
abusar de algo/alguien to take advantage of someone/something
agradecer (zc) to thank
la aparición ghost, apparition
aparecer(se) (zc) to appear
aprovecharse de to take advantage of
ciego(a) blind
desaparecer (zc) to disappear
echar de menos a alguien to miss someone
enterarse de to find out
extrañarse to be surprised
el fantasma ghost
harto(a) de fed up with
el incendio fire
la peluquería hair salon
pedirle perdón a alguien to ask forgiveness from someone
ocultar to hide
quedarse con algo to keep; end up with
el recuerdo memory
la sequía drought
sordo(a) deaf
velar to watch over; have a wake
el viento wind
¿A cómo tienen los tomates (mangos, etc.)? How much are the tomatoes (mangos, etc.)
contar (u>ue) con alguien to count on someone
quitarle a alguien un peso de encima to take a weight off someone's shoulders
venirle bien a alguien to suit someone (fit the bill, work well)
hacerse la idea to get used to the idea
ponerle los cuernos (a alguien) to cheat (on someone)
¡Qué poca vergüenza! What a lot of nerve!
estar molido(a) to be beat, exhausted
flipar to flip out (over), to be astonished
el frigorífico freezer
guay super, great, cool, etc.
la leche My God! Wow! (good/bad)
laborintera busybody
liado(a) hooked up (romantically); busy
el maletero trunk (of a vehicle)
mociquilla young woman
mogollón (de) a lot, a ton (of)
molar to be great,cool (like gustar)
pasada amazing
pelá (pelada(o)) broke (money)
ser pesado(a) to be a pain
cachondeo joke
Created by: Inmaculada072
Popular Spanish sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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