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GRE Study words

banal trite and unoriginal
aphorism statement of general truth
ameliorate improve or make better
cloying too sweet or excessively flattering
euphony pleasing combination of sounds
cacophony mixture of harsh or discordant sounds
cogent clean and to the point; appealing forcibly to the mind or reason; convincing
ephemeral short-lived, transitory
dearth lack of something
abjure swear away: renounce
intransigent not flexible; not able to be swayed; stubborn
elucidate make clear
iconoclast one who smashes revered images; an as attacker of cherished beliefs
adumbrate foreshadow vaguely, intimate, suggest, or outline sketchily
alacrity eager and enthusiastic willingness
anachronism something or someone out place in terms of historical or chronological context
anathema a solemn or ecclesiastical (religious) curse; accursed or thoroughly loathed person or thing
anodyne soothing, assuages or allays pain, comforts
antipathy aversion, dislike
antithetical diametrically opposed, as in antithesis
apocryphal of dubious authenticity or origin; spurious
apostate one who abandons long-held religious or political convictions, a betrayer of a cause
apotheosis deification, glorification to godliness, the perfect example
apposite appropriate, pertinent, relevant, apropos
apprise give notice to inform
approbation an expression of approval or praise
arcane mysterious, abstruse, esoteric, knowable only to initiates
arrant impudent; in every way; being completely such, bare-faced, utter
errant itinerant; travel from place to place
ascetic one who practices rigid self-denial, especially as an act of religious devotion, austere, stark
asperity severity, rigor, roughness, harshness, acrimony, irritability
aspersion an act of defamation or maligning
assiduous diligent, hard working
assuage to ease or lesson; to appease or pacify
astringent having a tightening affect on living tissue; harsh; severe
attenuate to rarefy, weaken or make thinner, lessen
augury omen, portent, the reading of omens
august majestic, venerable
auspice protection or support, patronage
austere without adornment, bare, severely simple, ascetic
avarice greed, especially for wealth
bedizen to adorn especially in cheap, showy manner, festoon, caparison
bellicose belligerent, pugnacious, warlike
blandish to coax with flattery, toad or fawn
brandish to shake or wave menacingly
blithe carefree, merry
bombastic pompous, grandiloquent
brook tolerate, endure, countenance
bucolic rustic and pastoral, characteristic of rural areas and their inhabitants
burgeon grow rapidly or flourish
burnish to polish or rub to a shine
byzantine labyrinthine, complex
cadge to sponge, beg or mooch
calumniate to slander, make a false accusation
canon an established set of principles or code of laws, often religious in nature
capricious inclined to change one's mind impulsively, erratic, unpredictable
cardinal of basic importance or consequence; primary
castigation severe criticism or punishment
causality the relationship between cause and effect
censure to criticize severely, to officially rebuke
chary wary, cautious, sparing
chasten to chastise or correct, subdue
chicanery trickery or subterfuge
chimera an illusion
choleric tending toward anger
churlish boorish, vulgar, loutish, difficult and intractable
coda concluding section to a musical or literary piece, something that concludes or completes
commensurate matching, corresponding, or proportionate in degree, size, amount or other property
complaisance the willingness to comply with the wishes of others
contemn to scorn or despise
contrite regretful, penitent, seeking forgiveness
corrigible capable of being set right, correctable, reparable
countenance approve of or tolerate
cozen to deceive, beguile, hoodwink
craven contemptibly, fainthearted, pusillanimous
credulous tending to believe too readily, gullible
damp to diminish the intensity or check something, such as a sound or feeling
deleterious injurious; harmful
demur to question or oppose
denigrate blacken, belittle, sully, defame, disparage
denouement an outcome or solution; the unravelling of a plot
depredate to plunder, pillage, ravage or destroy; to exploit in a predatory manner
derision scorn, ridicule, contemptuous treatment
desiccate to dry out or dehydrate, to make dry or dull
desuetude disuse
desultory random; thoughtless; marked by a lack of plan or purpose
detraction slandering, verbal attack, aspersion
diaphanous transparent; gauzy
diatribe a harsh denunciation
didactic intended to teach or instruct
diffident reserved, shy, unassuming, lacking in self-confidence
dilatory causing delay, procrastination
dilettante one with an amateurish or superficial interest in the arts or a branch of knowledge
din a loud sustained noise
dirge a mournful song or poem for the dead
disabuse to undeceive, to set right
discomfit to defeat, put down
discordant conflicting, dissonant or harsh in sound
disparate fundamentally distinct or dissimilar
dissemble to disguise or conceal; to mislead
dissonance lack of harmony; conflict
distrait distracted, absent-minded, especially due to anxiety
doggerel trivial, poorly constructed verse
dross slag, waste or foreign matter, impurity, surface scum
dulcet melodious, harmonious, mellifluous
ebullience the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts and feelings
edifying enlightening informative
efficacy the ability to produce and intended result
effrontery extreme boldness; presumptuousness
effusive gushing; excessively demonstrative
elegy a mournful poem, especially one lamenting the dead, any mournful writing or piece of music
encomium glowing and enthusiastic praise, panegyric, tribute, eulogy
endemic characteristic of or often found in a particular locality, region or people, restricted to or peculiar in that region; indigenous
enervate to weaken; to reduce in vitality
engender to cause, produce, give rise up
enigmatic mysterious, obscure, difficult to understand
ennui dissatisfaction, and restlessness resulting from boredom or apathy
enormity excessive wickedness, evilness
ephemeral brief, fleeting, short-lived
epicure one devoted to sensual pleasure particularly food and drink; gourmand, sybarite
episodic loosely connected, not flowing logically, occurring at intervals
epithet disparaging word or phrase
epitome embodiment; quintessence
equanimity composure, self-possession
equable level; not able to be easily disturbed
equivocate to use ambiguous language with a deceptive intent
erudite very learned; scholarly
eschew to shun or avoid
esoteric intended for or understood by a small specific group
essay to test or to try; attempt, experiment
estimable worthy, formidable
evanescent tending to disappear like vapor; vanishing
evince to show clearly, to indicate
exact to demand, call for require, take
excoriate to censure scathingly, to upbraid
exculpate exonerate; to clear of blame
exemplar typical or standard specimen; paradigm model
exhort to incite, to make urgent appeals
exigent urgent, pressing, requiring immediate action or attention
expatiate discuss or write about at length; to range freely
expiate to atone or make amends for
expurgate to remove obscenity, purify, censor
extant existing, not destroyed or lost
extemporaneous improvised, done without preparation
extirpate to destroy, exterminate, cut out, pull out by the roots
facetious playful; humorous; not serious
fallacy an invalid or incorrect motion, a mistaken belief
fatuous silly, inanely foolish
feckless ineffectual; irresponsible
felicitous apt; suitably expressed, well chosen, apropos, delightful
fell a barren or stony hill; an animal's hide
fervent greatly emotional or zealous
fetter to shackle, put in chains, restrain
filigree an ornamental work, especially of delicate lace-like patterns, resembling such as a pattern
flag to sag or droop, to become spiritless, to decline
flip sarcastic, impertinent
florid flushed with color, ruddy, ornate
flout to demonstrate contempt for
foment to stir up, incite, rouse
forbearance patience, willingness to wait
forestall to act in a way to hinder, exclude or prevent an action, to circumvent or thwart
forswear to renounce, disallow, repudiate
fortuitous happening by fortunate accident or chance
fracas a noisy fight or quarrel, brawl
fractious quarrelsome, rebellious, unruly, cranky
froward intractable, not willing to yield or comply, stubbornly disobedient
fulminate to attack loudly or denounce
furtive marked by stealth; covert; surreptitious
gainsay to deny, dispute, contradict, oppose
gambol to kip about playfully, frolic
garner to gather and save, store up, acquire
garrulous pointlessly talkative, talking too much
gauche crude, awkward, tasteless
glib marked by ease or informality, nonchalant, lacking in depth, superficial
grandiloquence pompous speech or expression
grouse complain or grumble
guile trickery, duplicity, cunning
guy a rope or cord attached to something as a brace or guide
hackneyed rendered trite or commonplace by frequent usage
halcyon calm and peaceful, prosperous
harangue to deliver a loud, pompous speech or tirade
harrow to distress, create stress or torment
hedonism devotion to pleasurable pursuits, especially to the pleasures of the senses.
hegemony the consistent dominance or influence of one group, state or ideology over others
heretical violating accepted dogma or convention, unorthodox
hermetic airtight, impervious to outside influence
heterodox unorthodox, heretical, iconoclastic
hirsute hairy, shaggy
hubris arrogant presumption or pride
hyperbole and exaggerated statement often used as a figure of speech
idolatrous given to intense or excessive devotion to something
idyll a carefree, light-hearted pastoral or romantic episode or experience; a literary or musical piece describing such
ignominious shameful, dishonorable, ignoble, undignified, disgraceful
imbroglio difficult or embarrassing situation
imminent about to happen, impending
immutable not capable of change
impecunious lacking funds; without money
imperious commanding, masterful, arrogant, domineering, haughty
imperturbable marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness
implacable not capable of being appeased or significantly changed
importune to ask incessantly
imprudent shamelessly bold, insolent, impertinent
impugn attack or assail verbally, censure, execrate, deny
impunity immunity from punishment, penalty or harm
impute to attribute to a cause or source, ascribe, assign as a characteristic
inchoate in an initial stage, not fully formed
incipient beginning to come into being or to become apparent
indolent lazy, listless, torpid
ineluctable certain, inevitable
inert unmoving, lethargic, sluggish, not reactive chemically
ingenuous artless, frank and candid, lacking in sophistication
inimical damaging, harmful, injurious, hostile, unfriendly
inimitable one of a kind, peerless
iniquity wickedness, gross injustice
innervate supply with nerves, energize
innocuous harmless,; causing no damage
inscrutable incapable of being discovered or understood, mysterious
insensible unconscious, unresponsive, unaware, unaffected, numb
insipid without taste or flavor, lacking in spirit, dull
insouciant unconcerned, carefree, nonchalant
insular parochial, narrow-minded, like an island
interdict prohibit, forbid, ban, halt
intimate imply, suggest or insinuate
intractable not easily managed or directed
intrepid steadfast, courageous
inured accustomed to accepting something undesirable
inveigh to attack verbally, denounce, deprecate
inveigle to obtain by deception or flattery
inveterate deep rooted, ingrained, habitual
invidious tending to arouse envy or ill will in others
irascible easily angered, prone to temperamental outbursts
itinerate to travel from place to place
jejune vapid, uninteresting; childish, immature; lacking nutrition
jibe agree, to be in accord
jocose given to joking; humorous
labile readily open to change, unstable
lachrymose causing tears, tearful, showing sorrow
laconic using few words, terse
lassitude listlessness, languor, weariness
libertine someone unrestrained by mortality or convention or leading a dissolute life
limn to draw, outline in detail
limpid transparent, serene, clear and simple in style, untroubled
list to tilt or lean to one side
loquacious extremely talkative
lucid intelligible, sound, clear
magnanimity the quality of being generously noble in mind and heart, especially forgiving
malevolent having or showing often vicious ill will, spite or hatred
maligner to feign illness as to avoid work
malleable capable of being shaped or formed, easily influenced
martinet a rigid disciplinarian
maunder to talk or move aimlessly, mutter
mellifluous sweetly flowing, usually used to describe words or sounds
mendacity the condition of being untruthful, dishonesty
mendicant beggar, supplicant
mercurial characterized by rapid and unpredictable change in mood
meretricious tawdry, pretentious, attractive but false, showy, having to do with prostitution
mettlesome courageous, high-spirited
militate to have weight or bearing on, to argue against
minatory menacing, threatening
mince pronounce or speak affectedly or too carefully, euphemize, take tiny steps, tiptoe
misanthrope one who hates humankind
misogynist one who hates women
mitigate to make or become less severe or intense, moderate
mollify to calm or soothe, reduce in emotional intensity
morose sad, sullen, melancholy
multifarious varied, motley, greatly diversified
nadir low point, perigee
nascent coming into being; in early developmental stages
natty trimly neat and tidy, dapper
nebulous vague, cloudy, lacking clearly defined form
neologism a new word, expression, or usage; the creation or use of new words or senses
neophyte a recent convert; a beginner; novice
nexus a connection, tie, or link; center or focus
nice exacting, extremely or even excessively precise; done with delicacy or skill
noisome offensive, especially to one's sense of smell, fetid
nonplussed baffled, in a quandary, at a loss for what to day, do or think
nostrum cure-all, placebo, questionable remedy
noxious harmful, injurious
obdurate unyielding, hardhearted, inflexible
obeisance gesture that expresses deference, such as a bow or curtsy
obfuscate to deliberately obscure, to make confusing
obsequious exhibiting a fawning attentiveness; subservient
obstinate stubborn. hardhearted; uncompromising;
obstreperous noisy, loudly stubborn, boisterous
obtain to be established, accepted, or customary, prevail
obtuse lacking sharpness of intellect, not clear or precise in thought or expression
obviate anticipate and make unnecessary
occlude to obstruct or block
occult hidden, concealed, beyond comprehension
odious hateful; arousing strong feelings of dislike
officious meddlesome, pushy in offering one's services where they are unwanted
onerous troubling, burdensome
opaque impermeable by light; dense in mind
opprobrium disgrace, contempt, scorn
ossified change into bone; made rigidly conventional and unreceptive to change
ostensible seeming, appearing as such professed
overweening presumptuously arrogant, overbearing, immoderate
paean a strong or expression of praise and thanksgiving
palliate to make something appear less serious, gloss over, mitigate
pandemic widespread; occurring over a large area or affecting an unusually large percentage of the population.
panegyric formal expression of praise
paradigm something that serves as a model, example, or pattern; the framework of assumptions and understanding shared by a group of discipline that shapes its worldview
paradox a contradiction; a seemingly self-contradictory statement that seems true nonetheless
paragon something regarded as a model of excellence or perfection in some way
pariah an outcast, a rejection and despised person
parody a humorous imitation intended for ridicule or comic effect, especially in literature and art, also something so bad as to be potentially mistaken for an intentional mockery
parry to block or evade, or ward off, as a blow
parsimonious cheap, miserly
partisan one-sided, committed to a party, biased or prejudiced
paucity scarcity, a lacking of
peccadillo a slight offense, literally, a minor sin
pedantic ostentatious display of learning, excessive attention to minutiae and formal rules, unimaginative
pedestrian commonplace, trite, unremarkable
penchant strong inclination, a liking
penurious penny-pinching; excessively thrifty,; ungenerous
peremptory admitting of no contradiction, putting an end to further debate, haughty, imperious
perfidy intentional breach of faith, treachery
perfunctory cursory, done without care or interest
peripatetic itinerant, traveling, nomadic
pernicious extremely harmful, potentially causing death
perspicacious acutely perceptive, having keen discernment
peruse to examine with great care
pervade to permeate throughout
petrous like a rock, hard, stony
petulant impatient, irritable
philanthropic humanitarian; benevolent
philistine a crass individual guided by material rather than intellectual or artistic values
phlegmatic calm, sluggish, unemotional, stoic
picaresque involving clever rogues or adventurers
pied multicolored, usually in blotches
pillory to punish, hold up to public scorn
piquant agreeably pungent, spicy, stimulating
pique resentment, feeling of irritation due to hurt pride
pirate to use or reproduce illegally
pith the essential or central part
placate to appease, to calm by making concessions
plaintive mournful, melancholy, sorrowful
plangent pounding, thundering, resounding
plastic moldable, pliable, not rigid
platitude a superficial or trite remark, especially one offered as meaningful
plethora an overabundance, a surplus
pluck courage, spunk, fortitude
plumb tho measure the depth, to examine critically
plummet to plunge or to drop straight down
poignant distressing, pertinent, touching, stimulation, emotional
polemical controversial, argumentative
pragmatic practical rather than idealistic
prate chatter, babble
prattle to babble meaninglessly; to talk in an empty and idle manner
precarious uncertain, risky, dangerous
precept rule establishing standards of conduct, a doctrine that is taught
precipitate acting with excessive haste or impulse
precursor something that precedes and indicates or announces another
predilection a disposition in favor of something, preference
preempt to replace, to supersede, to appropriate
preen to dress up, primp, groom oneself with elaborate care
prescience knowing of events prior to their occurring
presumptuous overstepping bounds, as of propriety or courtesy; taking liberties
prevaricate to deliberately avoid the truth, mislead
prize to pry, press or force with a lever
probity adherence to highest principles uprightness
proclivity a natural predisposition or inclination
prodigal recklessly wasteful, extravagant, profuse, lavish
prodigious abundant in size, force, or extent, extraordinary
profligate excessively wasteful, recklessly extravagant
prolix long winded, verbose
propinquity nearness in time or place, affinity of nature, kinship
propitiate to appease or pacify
propitious auspicious, favorable
propriety appropriateness; conformity with standards of acceptable behavior
prosaic dull, unimaginative
proscribe to outlaw or prohibit
Provident frugal, looking into the future
puerile childish, immature
pugnacious contentious, quarrelsome, given to fighting, belligerent
punctilious precise, paying attention to trivialities, especially in regard to etiquette
pundit an authority on a subject, one who gives opinions
pungent characterized by strong, sharp smell or taste, penetrating to the point
pusillanimous coward, craven
putrefy to rot, decay and give off a foul odor, become gangrenous
quaff to drink deeply
quail to shrink back in fear, lose courage
qualify to limit
qualms misgivings, reservations, causes for heistancy
queries questions, inquiries, reservations
querulous prone to complaining or grumbling, quarrelsome
quiescence stillness, motionlessness, quality of being quiet
quotidian occurring or recurring daily, commonplace
rail to complain about bitterly
ramify to be divided or subdivided, branch out
rancorous characterized by bitter, long-lasting resentment
rapacious voracious, greedy, plundering, subsisting on prey
rarefy to make or become thin, less dense, refine
rebus riddle, a representation of words by pictures or symbols that sound like the words
recalcitrant obstinately defiant of authority or guidance, difficult to manage
recapitulate to summarize, to repeat concisely
recondite hidden, concealed, difficult to understand, obscure
reconnoiter to engage in a reconnaissance, make a preliminary inspection of
recumbent leaning, resting, prone
redolent fragrant, suggestive or evocative
redoubtable awe-inspiring, worthy of honor
refulgent radiant, shiny, brilliant
refute to disprove, successfully argue against
regale to delight or entertain, feast
relegate to forcibly assign, especially to a lower place of position
remonstrate to protest, object
rent torn, split apart, pierced as by sound
repine to feel or express dejection or discontent, long for
repudiate to refuse to have anything to do with, disown
rescind to invalidate, repeal, retract
resolute adamant, steadfast, determined
reticent quiet, reserved, reluctant to express thoughts and feelings
reverent marked by, feeling, or expressing a feeling of profound awe and respect
rhetoric the art or study of effective use of language for communication and persuasion
risible hilarious, provoking laughter
rubric authoritative rule, heading, title or category
rue regret, feel remorse
sagacious having sound judgement, perceptive, wise
salacious appealing to or causing sexual desire, bawdy
salient prominent, protruding, conspicuous, highly relevant
salubrious promoting health or well-being
salutary remedial, wholesome, causing improvement
sanctimony self-righteousness, pretended piety
sanction authoritative permission or approval; a penalty intended to enforce compliance
sanguine cheerful, confident, optimistic
sap to enervate or weaken the vitality of
satiate to overindulge, satisfy or excess
satire a literary work that ridicules or criticizes human vice through humor or derision
saturnine gloomy, dark, sullen, morose
scurvy contemptible, despicable
sedulous diligent, persistent, hard-working
seine a large net hung out and dragged to catch fish
sere withered, arid
seminal like a seed, constituting a source originative
shard a piece of broken pottery or glass, any small piece or part
simper to smirk, to say something with a silly, coy smile
sinecure position requiring little or no work and usually providing an income
singular exceptional, unusual, odd
sinuous winding, curvy, moving lithely, devious
slake to satisfy, quench, lessen the intensity of
sodden soaked or drenched, unimaginative, dull
solder to weld, fuse or join, as with a soldering gun
solicitous concerned and attentive, eager
solvent able to meet financial obligations
sophistry fallacious reasoning; plausible but faulty logic
sophomoric exhibiting immaturity, lack of judgement, pretentious
soporific causing drowsiness, tending to induce sleep
sordid characterized by filth, grime, or squalor, foul
specious seeming true, but actually false, misleadingly attractive
splenetic bad-tempered, irritable
sporadic occurring only in occasionally, or in scattered instances
spurious lacking authenticity or validity, false, counterfeit
squalid sordid, wretched and dirty as from neglect
squander to waste by spending or using irresponsibly
stanch to stop the flow of a fluid
static not moving, active or in motion; at rest
steep to saturate or completely soak
stentorian extremely loud and powerful
stint to restrain, be sparing or frugal
stoic indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain, steadfast
stolid calm, impassive
striated striped, grooved, or banded
strut a structural support used to brace a framework
stupefy to stun, baffle, or amaze
stymie to block, thwart
subpoena a court order requiring appearance and/or testimony
subtle not obvious, elusive, difficult to discern, crafty or sly
succinct brief, concise
succor assistance, relief in time of distress
sundry various, miscellaneous, separate
supercilious disdainful, arrogant, haughty, characterized by haughty scorn
superfluous exceeding what is sufficient or necessary
supine inactive, lying on one's back apathetic, mentally or morally slack
supplant to take the place of, supersede
suppliant asking humbly, beseeching
supplicant beggar, one who prays or begs for something
surfeit to feed or supply in excess
sycophant someone who tries to flatter or please for personal gain, parasite
synthesis the combination of parts to make a whole
table to remove from consideration
taciturn not talkative, silent
talisman something believed to have magic power or bestow good luck
tautology repetition, a redundancy, a circular argument
tawdry cheap, gaudy, showy, tacky, indecent
tenacity the quality of adherence or persistence to something valued
tendentious biased, showing marked tendencies
tender offer formally
tenuous having little substance or strength, flimsy, weak
terse brief and concise in wording
timorous timid, fearful, diffident
tirade a long and extremely critical speech, harsh denunciation
toady sycophant, flatterer, yes-man
torpid lethargic, sluggish, dormant
torque a force that causes rotation
torrid scorching, ardent, passionate, hurried
tortuous winding, twisting, excessively complicated
tout publicly praise or promote
tractable docile, obedient, easily led
transient fleeting, passing quickly, brief
travesty mockery, caricature, parody
trenchant sharply perceptive, keen, penetrating, biting, clear cut
truculent fierce, scathing, eager to fight
turbid muddy, having sediment stirred up, clouded to the point of being opaque
turgid swollen, bloated, pompous, excessively ornate
turpitude depravity, baselessness
tyro novice, beginner or learning
ubiquitous existing everywhere at the time, constantly encountered, widespread
umbrage offense, resentment
undulate to move in wavelike fashion fluctuate
unfeigned genuine, not false or hypocritical
untenable indefensible, not viable, uninhabitable
untoward troublesome, unruly, unseemly, adverse
upbraid to scold, censure, rebuke, chastise
urbane sophisticated, refined, eloquent
usury charging an exorbitant or illegal rate of interest
vaunt to brag or boast
venal capable of being bought or bribed, mercenary
venerate to revere
veracity truthfulness, honesty
verisimilitude appearing true or real
veritable authentic, real, genuine
vexation annoyance, irritation
vigilant alertly watchful
vilify to defame, characterize harshly
virulent extremely harmful or poisonous, bitterly hostile, or antagonistic
viscus thick, sticky
vitiate to reduce the value of, debase, spoil, make ineffective
vituperate to use harsh condemnatory language; abuse or censure severely
volatile readily changing to vapor; changeable, fickle, explosive
voracious having an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit, ravenous
waft light breeze, puff
waver to move to and fro, to sway; to be unsettled in opinion
welter to writhe, to toss about to be in turmoil
wend to go, proceed, walk
whet to sharpen or stimulate
whimsical imaginative, unpredictable
zealous fervent, ardent, impassioned
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