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Midterm vocab

Universal by or concerning all the world
depictions the action of representing something by a drawing
contemporary living or occurring at the same time
eloquently in a fluent or persuasive manner
extensive covering or affecting a large area
emblem a heraldic device or symbolic object as a distinctive badge of a nation
iconic relating to or of the nature of an icon
prompt an act of encouraging a hesitating speaker
context the circumstances that form the setting for an event
pluck to pull or remove with force
sari a traditional garment of Southern Asian women
daub to apply or smear something carelessly
inundate to overwhelm of flood with a large amount of something
consecrate to make or declare something sacred
gilded covered with a thin layer of gold
spangled covered with small sparkling objects
bungalow a small one story house
tussock a small clump of grass
pert lively, bold, or confident in manner or behaviour
tumbler a flat bottomed drinking glass without a handle
toddy an alcoholic drink made by mixing a spirit
veranda an open roofed structure attached outside
corrugated having a surface with parallel ridges and furrows
swathe a row or line of grass, corn, or other crop as it falls or lies when mown or reaped
turban a type of traditional head covering
scoff to speak or express contempt or derision
barnacles a marine crustacean with an external shell
snigger laugh in a half- suppressed, typically scornful way
bangles circular or oval shaped ornaments worn as jewelry on the wrist
prise open to force something open using a tool
scuttle away to move quickly and hurriedly often in a nervous mannar
bicker to engage in a trivial argument
lurch to make a sudden, unsteady, movement
commotion a state of confused and noisy disturbance
Churn move or cause to move vigorously
Mongrel an animal or plant resulting from the crossing of different breeds
Garland a wreath of flowers and leaves
Waddle to walk with short steps and a swaying motion
Gingerly in a careful or cautious manner
Dazzle to impress or astonish someone with great brightness
Bogus not genuine or true
Discreetly in a careful and prudent manner
Smarting (part of the body) feeling a sharp stinging pain
illuminating providing light or clarity
Limp walking with difficulty and lacking strength
Discard to get rid of, or throw something no longer needed away
Shabby in poor condition or showing signs of age
Cackle to laugh in a loud uncontrolled manner
Yelp a short sharp cry or bark often expressing pain
subdued quiet or controlled in manner or tone
Pious devoutly religious
Eerie Strange and mysterious often in a creepy way
Ferocity the state of being fierce and aggressive
Maliciously in a mannar characterized by a desire to harm
Tottering unsteady or wobbling suggesting weakness
Rogue a dishonest or unprincipled person
Stoutly in a brave or determined manner
Languid showing a lack of energy or interest
Pacify to calm or bring peace to
Buffeted Struck or hit repeatedly and violently
Shrewd having or showing sharp powers of judgment
Dispel to drive away, scatter or eliminate something
Matted tangled or clumped together
Bewildered confused or puzzled often due to a lack of understanding
Barrow a two wheeled handcart
Fend for to take care of ones needs
Lurk be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or something
Ominous giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen
Clamouring making a loud and noisy demand or protest
Terraced (of land) having been formed into terraces
Wharf a structure built along the shore of a body o water where ships load and unload cargo
Lintel A horizontal support of timber, stone, or steel across the top of a door or window
Wretchedly in a manner that reflects extreme misery or poor quality
Resplendent shining brightly or splending in appearance
Winch a mechanical device used for winding or hoisting heavy objects
Prow the forward part of a ship
Beam describes someone's expression
Launch set (a boat) in motion by pushing it into water
Dispiritedly in a manner lacking enthusiasm or energy
Ignominiously in a manner characterized by shame or disgrace
Strenuous requiring a lot of effort or energy
Disembark to leave a ship or other vehicle
Transfixed rendered motionless with error or amazement
Shrilly producing a high pitched and piercing sound
Stipulated to specify or agree upon a condition
Sagely in a wise or knowledgeable manner
Placated appeased or pacified someone's anger
Dissipate to disappear or vanish
Hefty large in amount, size, weight, or force
Aghast filled with shock, horror, or amazement
Console to comfort the grief or distress o someone
Scour to clean or polish something thoroughly
Inquisitive eager to learn and showing interest
Sweltering oppressively hot or humid
Stride to walk with long decisive steps
Emaciated extremely thin often due to illness or lack of food
Cowered to crouch down in fear
Confined being restricted within certain limits or boundaries
Stalked to pursue or follow someone or something
Ferociously in a fierce or intense manner
Bulging swelling outwards
Dialect a form of language that is specific to a particular region
Benefactor a person who gives financial or other assistance to a person
Apprentice a person who works for a skilled or qualified person in order to learn a profession
Intricate very complicated or detailed
Taciturn reserved or uncommunicative in speech
Binoculars an optical device with two telescopes
Retrieve to get or bring something back
Intently with earnest and eager attention
Promenade a paved public walk typically one along the seafront
Smoulder burning slowly with smoke and no flame
Recede to move back or withdraw
Dismal causing a mood of gloom or depression
Slushy resembling, consisting of or covered with slush
Rampant something that is unrestrained or widespread
Dwindled to gradually become smaller or less
Ominous giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen
Treacherous deceptive, dangerous, or unreliable
Rickety unsteady or likely to collapse due to lack of structural strength
Withered shriveled or dried up
Gritty having a rough texture consisting of or covered with grit
Spindly something long, slender and often fragile or weak
Poultry domestic flows like chickens raised for eggs or meat
Drizzle light rain falling in very fine drops
Humiliation the action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated
Sheen a soft glow or gleam
Glistened shone with sparkling light
Immerse to submerge or dip in a liquid
Blighted damaged or destroyed
Gnarled knotty, twisted often due to age or weathering
Trellis a framework of light wooden bars used as a support for climbing plants
Placid calm, peaceful, undisturbed with little movement
Haggling negotiating or arguing over the terms of transaction
Luminous emitting light; full of light
Embers small, hot, glowing pieces of coal or wood that remain after a fire is burned
Elaborate involving many carefully arranged parts
Abruptly suddenly or unexpectedly without warning or preperation
Lumbering moving in a slow, heavy, and awkward way
Created by: yara.a
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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