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Weekly Vocab-ESP 202

dejar to leave behind / to let
la fe the faith
tal vez perhaps / maybe
acerca de about
Estoy de vacaciones I'm on vacation
ya que... since (because)
desde since (from a specific time/place)
hacia toward
tan so / as
tanto so much / as much
repartir to hand out
entregar to turn in
recoger to pick up / gather
¡Qué mal! That stinks / That's too bad
Déjame ver Let me see
sentir to feel (physically)
la sensación the feeling (physical)
sentirse to feel (emotionally)
el sentimiento the feeling (emotion) cae bien I like...(non-romantically)
el...siguiente the following
acostumbrarse to get used to
elegir to choose
escoger to choose
meter to put in
acercarse a to approach / move closer to
alejarse de to distance oneself / move away from
agradable nice / pleasant / agreeable
el dueño the owner
Nos vemos See you / We'll see each other
la pieza the piece
el pedazo the piece
el trozo the piece
esconder to hide
hay que... you have to... / one must...
asustado scared
el temor the fear
el miedo the fear
(que) da miedo scary
el odio the hatred
aun even / still
ni siquiera not even
sin embargo however
Claro que... Clearly...
No pasa nada. Don't worry about it.
arriba up
abajo down
acordarse de to remember
orgulloso proud
De hecho... In fact... / Actually...
agarrar to catch / grab / hold
un rato a while
por eso that's why
¿Me das...? Can I have...?
Permiso. Excuse me. (need to get by)
ciego blind
sordo deaf
Hola, ¿qué tal? Hi, how are you?
¿Qué tal el examen? How was the test?
¿Qué tal si...? How about...? / What if...?
soñar to dream
experimentar to experience
el esfuerzo the effort
los parientes the relatives
de todos modos anyway
de vez en cuando from time to time
perder to miss (not be ready for)
echar de menos to miss (not have with you)
extrañar to miss (not have with you)
Te ves... You look...
propio own
apenas barely
detenerse to stop
la fuerza the strength
por casualidad by chance / coincidentally
cualquier whichever / any
ambos both
el timbre the bell
sonar to sound / ring
¡Suena bien! Sounds good!
enseguida right away
el pensamiento the thought
regresar to return
¡Oye! / ¡Oiga! Hey!
Apuesto que... I bet...
golpear to hit
golpearse to get hurt
extraño strange
corregir to correct
¿Qué quiere decir...? What does...mean?
en camino a on the way to
de vuelta / de regreso back / on the way back
confuso confusing
confundido confused
Por cierto By the way
saludar a to greet / say hi
despedirse de to say goodbye to
sino but rather
actualmente currently
tardar to take (time)
Created by: PhilCavo
Popular Spanish sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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