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Weekly Vocab-ESP 201

Weekly Vocab - Spanish 201

pelear to fight
seguir haciendo to keep doing
estar de acuerdo to agree
tratar de to try
en vez de instead of
matar to kill
la culpa the blame / the fault
pedir perdón to apologize
perdonar to forgive
las vacaciones the vacation
querer (a una persona) to love
amar to love
parecer to seem
llorar to cry
el matrimonio the marriage
aunque even though
fuerte strong
débil weak
la esperanza the hope
Tengo ganas de... I feel like... (I want to...)
sentirse to feel
sentarse to sit
ya yet / already
ya no not anymore
todavía no not yet
durar to last
el alma the soul
llenar to fill
el hecho the fact
crecer to grow
acordarse de to remember
recordar to remember
el recuerdo the memory
bastante quite / pretty
la mitad half
guardar to save (keep/protect)
ahorrar to save (money/time)
salvar to save (rescue)
aparecer to appear
desaparecer to disappear
al principio at first
al final in the end
disponible available
funcionar to work (function)
bello beautiful
traer to bring (here)
llevar to bring (there)
gracioso funny
enamorado in love
el apellido the last name
discutir to discuss / argue
acercarse a to approach
alejarse de to move away from
oscuro dark
el...siguiente the following...
de pronto suddenly
de repente suddenly
dejar to leave (behind)
sencillo simple
confuso confusing
el enemigo the enemy
ya que since (because of)
la razón the reason
el barco the boat
profundo profound / deep
coger to catch/grab/hold
el ruido the noise
así like this / like that
Me di cuenta de que I realized that
No te preocupes Don't worry
despacio slow
la entrada the ticket (to an event)
adivinar to guess
el bolsillo the pocket
De hecho... In fact... / Actually...
la felicidad the happiness
la tristeza the sadness
la mente the mind
el cerebro the brain
No importa It doesn't matter
por accidente by accident
a propósito on purpose
seco dry
mojado wet
Acabo de... I just...(did something)
quitar to take off / take away
sacar to take out
el derecho the right (freedom to do something)
la meta the goal
Un montón de... A ton of...
la madera the wood
el vidrio the glass
la tela the cloth
vale la pena it's worth it
tiene que ver con it has to do with
el pedazo the piece
el resumen the summary
evitar to avoid
temprano early
Estoy de broma I'm just kidding
Created by: PhilCavo
Popular Spanish sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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