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(adj.): Of prime or special importance CARDINAL
(n.): Invention of the mind; myth; something imagined FIGMENT
(v.): To consider thoughtfully MUSE
(adj.): so small or unimportant that one may disregard it NEGLIGIBLE
(v.): To blame for something wrong, expressed disapproval REPROACH
(adj.): Sudden but short lived, variable SPASMODIC
(v.) To reject with scorn, snob; decline SPURN
(v.): To perform as a duty; fulfill; execute DSICHARGE
(n.): One who differs on thought or opinion DISSIDENT
(n.): Anyone entrusted with a mission; an agent; a representative ENVOY
(n.): A narrow opening; a crack; a split FISSURE
(adj.): Suitable for service; degrading MENIAL
(n.): A prototype; a model; original example; a standard pattern ARCHETYPE
(v.): to come together into one; to unite; to blend COALESCE
(n.): a great flood DELUGE
(adj.): sincere; earnestly religious, heartfelt DEVOUT
(adj.): resembling a ridiculous action or situation FARCICAL
(v.): to initiate; to make a formal beginning; to begin; to institute INAUGURATE
(v.): sudden pitch or roll towards one side or direction LURCH
(adj.): gloomy or ill-humored MOROSE
(v.): to make embarrassed or ashamed ABASH
(adj.): original ABORIGINAL
(v.): to shorten something, especially a literary or artistic work ABRIDGE
(v.): to hold back from, refuse to participate in, refrain from ABSTAIN
(adj.): bitter, vengeful ACRIMONIOUS
(adj.): bitter, pungent ACRID
(adj.): sharp, perceptive ACUTE
(adj.): skillful ADEPT
(v.): to stick to ADHERE
(v.): to decorate ADORN
(adj.): skillful, adept ADROIT
(n.): praise, respect, admiration ADULATION
(adj.): pertaining to a sense of beauty AESTHETIC
(adj.): friendly, personable, easy to get along with AFFABLE
(adj.): having to do with agriculture AGRARIAN
(adj.): shy, reserved, removed, tending to remain apart ALOOF
(adj.): unselfish, generous, concerned about the wellbeing of others ALTRUISTIC
(v.): to change, revise, fix AMEND
(adj.): friendly, personable AMIABLE
(n.): pull, attraction ALLURE
(v.): to gather, accumulate AMASS
(adj.): able to use both hands equally well AMBIDEXTROUS
(adj.): sufficient, enough or more than enough AMPLE
(n.): breakdown or lack of rule or government, chaos ANARCHY
(n.): a curse, something hated ANATHEMA
(v.): to make null and void ANNUL
(v.): to officially approve, consecrate ANOINT
(n.): a person with determined opposition or hatred toward someone ANTAGONIST
(adj.): old-fashioned, antique-like ANTIQUATED
(v.): to soothe, calm, put at ease APPEASE
(v.): to notify, inform APPRISE
(adj.): hard, difficult, exhausting ARDUOUS
(v.): to uncover and verify, to make certain ASCERTAIN
(adj.): self-denying, devoted to simple and austere living ASCETIC
(adj.): offensive, rude BOORISH
(adj.): brash, extremely bold BRAZEN
(n.): shortness, the quality of being brief BREVITY
(adj.): of or pertaining to the countryside, pastoral BUCOLIC
(n.): a large institution with many complex regulations BUREAUCRACY
(n.): honesty, straight talk CANDOR
(adj.): main, most important CARDINAL
(adj.): remaining pure, refraining from sexual intercourse CELIBATE
(n.): shame, embarrassment CHAGRIN
(adj.): pure CHASTE
(adj.): secretive, hidden CLANDESTINE
(v.): to consist of, include COMPRISE
(v.): to lower oneself; to patronize CONDESCEND
(n.): person with whom one can share a secret CONFIDANT
(adj.): pleasant, friendly CONGENIAL
(v.): to make sacred CONSECRATE
(adj.): apologetic, begging forgiveness CONTRITE
(adj.): worldly, having wide interests COSMOPOLITAN
(n.): personal victory acquired in a single stroke, major accomplishment COUP
(adj.):guilty CULPABLE
(v.): to escape from a place where you are being kept ABSCOND
(adj.): not usual or normal ABERRANT
(n.): eager and enthusiastic willingness; eagerness; promptness ALACRITY
(n.): deviation from the normal order, form or rule; abnormality ANOMALY
(n.): an expression of approval or praise APPROBATION
(adj.): involving a lot of strength and effort ARDUOUS
(v.): to make an unpleasant feeling less painful or severe ASSUAGE
(adj.): showing great courage or confidence in a way that is impressive or slightly shocking AUDACIOUS
(adj.): an austere way or life is very simple and has few things to make it comfortable or enjoyable AUSTERE
(adj.): something that is axiomatic does not need to be proved because you can easily see that it's true AXIOMATIC
(adj.): according to canon law; following or in agreement with accepted, traditional standards CANONICAL
(adj.): likely to change your mind suddenly or behave in unexpected way CAPRICIOUS
(v): to officially criticize someone for something they have done wrong CENSURE
(n.): the use of clever plans or actions to deceive people CHICANERY
(n.): someone who know a lot about something such as art, food or music CONNOISSEUR
(adj.): complicated or difficult to understand CONVOLUTED
(v.): to persuade someone that what they believe is not true DISABUSE
(adj.): a strange, wrong, or unsuitable in relation to everything around DISCORDANT
(adj.): consisting of things or people that are very different and not related to each other DISPARATE
(n.): rude behavior that shocks you because it's so confident EFFRONTERY
(adj.): able to express your ideas and opinion well, especially in a way that influences people ELOQUENT
(v.): to make you feel tired or weak ENERVATE
(n.): a feeling of being tired, bored and unsatisfied with your life ENNUI
(v.): to avoid giving a clear or direct answer to a question EQUIVOCATE
(adj.): very learned; scholarly ERUDITE
(v.): to prove that someone is not guilty of something EXCULPATE
(adj.): an exigent situation is urgent, so that you must deal with it very quickly EXIGENT
(adj.): spoken without a preparation or practice EXTEMPORANEOUS
(n.): international obstruction especially using prolonged speech making to delay legislative action FILIBUSTER
(v.): to criticize someone or something angrily FULMINATE
(adj.): an … person is simple, trusting and honest, especially because they have not had much experience of life INGENUOUS
(v.): to make someone become used to something unpleasant that they are no longer upset by it INURE
(adj.): easily becoming angry IRASCIBLE
(adj.): to praise someone or something LAUD
(adj.): expressed in a way that is clear and easy to understand LUCID
(adj.): the quality of being generously noble in mind and heart, especially in forgiving MAGNANIMITY
(adj.): concerned with daily life rather than religious matters MUNDANE
(adj.): coming into existence or starting to develop NASCENT
(adj.): a shape that is nebulous is unclear and has no define edges NEBULOUS
(n.): a new word, expression, or usage; the creation or use of new words or senses NEOLOGISM
(adj.): harmful or poisonous NOXIOUS
(adj.): lacking sharpness or intellect; not clear or precise in thought or expression OBTUSE
(v.): to prevent or avoid a problem or the need to do something OBVIATE
(adj.): work or responsibility that is … is difficult and worrying or makes you tired ONEROUS
(n.): a happy song of praise, thanks or victory PAEAN
(n.): a humorous imitation intended for ridicule or comic effects; especially in literature and art PARODY
(adj.): continuing or existing for a long time or happening again and again PERENNIAL
(n.): when someone is not loyal to another person who trusts them PERFIDY
(adj.): a perfunctory action is done quickly and is only because people expect it PREFUNCTORY
(adj.): good at judging and understanding people or situations PERSPICACIOUS
(adj.): related to the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something COGNITIVE
(adj.) a job or activity that is … lets you earn a lot of money LUCRATIVE
(v.): to make or invent something in a skillful way, especially because you need it suddenly CONTRIVE
(n.): a method of performing using only actions not words, or a play performed using this method PANTOMIME
(v.): if two or more ideas or facts etc … or if you … them, they are closely connected to each other or one causes the other CORRELATE
(v.)[t]: to complain or say that you are disappointed about something BEMOAN
(adj.): … people or things have always been where they are, rather than being brought there from somewhere else INDIGENOUS
Created by: shidosan
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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