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Spanish 3 vocab 1
Term | Definition |
el alma gemela | soulmate |
la amistad | friendship |
el ánimo | spirit/mood |
el chisme | gossip/rumor |
la cita | date/appointment |
la cita a ciegas | blind date |
el compromiso | obligation |
el deseo | desire/wish |
la infidelidad | unfaithful |
la pareja | a couple (bf/gf) |
el riesgo | a risk |
compartir | to share |
confiar (en) | to rely on |
coquetear | to flirt |
dejar a alguien | to leave someone |
dejar plantado/a | to stand someone up |
discutir | argue |
engañar | to cheat on or deceive a person |
merecer | to deserve |
romper (con) | to break up with |
salir (con) | to go out with |
casarse (con) | to get married to |
casado/a | a married female or male |
divorciacdo/a | divorced adjective |
separado/a | separated |
soltero/a | single |
viudo/a | widow/widower |
cariñoso/a | affectionate/caring |
cuidadoso/a (prudente) | careful/cautious |
falso/a | insincere/dishonest |
genial | wonderful/genuine |
gracioso/a | funny |
inolvidable | unforgettable |
inseguro/a | insecure |
maduro/a | mature/grown up acting |
mentiroso/a | liar |
orgulloso/a | proud |
seguro/a | confident/secure |
sensible | sensitive |
tacaño/a | cheap/stingy |
tempestuoso/a | hot headed/stormy |
tímido/a | shy/timid |
tranquilo/a | calm/chill |
enamorarse (de) | to fall in love |
enojarse | to get angry |
estar harto/a | to be sick of/fed up with |
llevarse bien | to get along with |
llevarse mal | to not get along with |
llevarse fatal | to get along terribly or horribly |
odiar | true hate |
ponerse pesado/a | to become annoying |
querer(se) e:ie | to love (to want) |
sentir(se) e:ie | to feel |
soñar con o:ue | to dream about |
tener celos (de) | to be jealous of |
tener vergüenza (de) | to be ashamed of |
agobiado/a | overwhelmed |
ansioso/a | anxious |
celoso/a | jealous (adj) |
deprimido/a | depressed |
disgustado/a | upset/disgusted |
emocionado/a | excited |
enojado/a | angry/mad |
pasajero/a | fleeting (passenger) |
preocupado/a (por) | worried for |